Execute the function. The function must return
a valid object.
String prefix;
String namespace;
String methName;
String fullName = m_arg0.execute(xctxt).str();
int indexOfNSSep = fullName.indexOf(':");
if (indexOfNSSep < 0)
prefix = "";
namespace = Constants.S_XSLNAMESPACEURL;
methName = fullName;
prefix = fullName.substring(0, indexOfNSSep);
namespace = xctxt.getNamespaceContext().getNamespaceForPrefix(prefix);
if (null == namespace)
return XBoolean.S_FALSE;
methName = fullName.substring(indexOfNSSep + 1);
if (namespace.equals(Constants.S_XSLNAMESPACEURL))
return Keywords.functionAvailable(methName) ? XBoolean.S_TRUE : XBoolean.S_FALSE;
catch (Exception e)
return XBoolean.S_FALSE;
ExtensionsProvider extProvider = (ExtensionsProvider)xctxt.getOwnerObject();
return extProvider.functionAvailable(namespace, methName)
? XBoolean.S_TRUE : XBoolean.S_FALSE;