GsmAlphabet.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API25893Wed May 06 22:42:02 BST


public class GsmAlphabet extends Object
This class implements the character set mapping between the GSM SMS 7-bit alphabet specifed in TS 23.038 6.2.1 and UTF-16 {@hide}

Fields Summary
static final String
public static final byte
This escapes extended characters, and when present indicates that the following character should be looked up in the "extended" table gsmToChar(GSM_EXTENDED_ESCAPE) returns 0xffff
private static int
private static final android.util.SparseIntArray
private static final android.util.SparseIntArray
private static final android.util.SparseIntArray
private static final android.util.SparseIntArray
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public static intcharToGsm(char c)
char to GSM alphabet char Returns ' ' in GSM alphabet if there's no possible match Returns GSM_EXTENDED_ESCAPE if this character is in the extended table In this case, you must call charToGsmExtended() for the value that should follow GSM_EXTENDED_ESCAPE in the GSM alphabet string

        try {
            return charToGsm(c, false);
        } catch (EncodeException ex) {
            // this should never happen
            return sGsmSpaceChar;
public static intcharToGsm(char c, boolean throwException)
char to GSM alphabet char

throwException If true, throws EncodeException on invalid char. If false, returns GSM alphabet ' ' char. Returns GSM_EXTENDED_ESCAPE if this character is in the extended table In this case, you must call charToGsmExtended() for the value that should follow GSM_EXTENDED_ESCAPE in the GSM alphabet string

        int ret;
        ret = charToGsm.get(c, -1);

        if (ret == -1) {
            ret = charToGsmExtended.get(c, -1);

            if (ret == -1) {
                if (throwException) {
                    throw new EncodeException(c);
                } else {
                    return sGsmSpaceChar;
            } else {
                return GSM_EXTENDED_ESCAPE;

        return ret;

public static intcharToGsmExtended(char c)
char to extended GSM alphabet char Extended chars should be escaped with GSM_EXTENDED_ESCAPE Returns ' ' in GSM alphabet if there's no possible match

        int ret;
        ret = charToGsmExtended.get(c, -1);

        if (ret == -1) {
            return sGsmSpaceChar;

        return ret;
public static intcountGsmSeptets(char c)
Returns the count of 7-bit GSM alphabet characters needed to represent this character. Counts unencodable char as 1 septet.

        try {
            return countGsmSeptets(c, false);
        } catch (EncodeException ex) {
            // This should never happen.
            return 0;
public static intcountGsmSeptets(char c, boolean throwsException)
Returns the count of 7-bit GSM alphabet characters needed to represent this character

throwsException If true, throws EncodeException if unencodable char. Otherwise, counts invalid char as 1 septet

    	if (charToGsm.get(c, -1) != -1) {
    		return 1;
    	if (charToGsmExtended.get(c, -1) != -1) {
    		return 2;

        if (throwsException) {
            throw new EncodeException(c);
        } else {    
        	// count as a space char
        	return 1;
public static intcountGsmSeptets(java.lang.CharSequence s)
Returns the count of 7-bit GSM alphabet characters needed to represent this string. Counts unencodable char as 1 septet.

        try {
            return countGsmSeptets(s, false);
        } catch (EncodeException ex) {
            // this should never happen
            return 0;
public static intcountGsmSeptets(java.lang.CharSequence s, boolean throwsException)
Returns the count of 7-bit GSM alphabet characters needed to represent this string.

throwsException If true, throws EncodeException if unencodable char. Otherwise, counts invalid char as 1 septet

        int charIndex = 0;
        int sz = s.length();
        int count = 0;

        while (charIndex < sz) {
            count += countGsmSeptets(s.charAt(charIndex), throwsException);
        return count;
public static intfindGsmSeptetLimitIndex(java.lang.String s, int start, int limit)
Returns the index into s of the first character after limit septets have been reached, starting at index start. This is used when dividing messages into units within the SMS message size limit.

s source string
start index of where to start counting septets
limit maximum septets to include, e.g. MAX_USER_DATA_SEPTETS
index of first character that won't fit, or the length of the entire string if everything fits

        int accumulator = 0;
        int size = s.length();

        for (int i = start; i < size; i++) {
            accumulator += countGsmSeptets(s.charAt(i));
            if (accumulator > limit) {
                return i;
        return size;
public static intfindLimitIndex(java.lang.String s, int start, int limit, int encodingType)
Returns the index into s of the first character after limit septets/octets have been reached according to the encodingType, starting at index start. This is used when dividing messages units within the SMS message size limit.

s source string
start index of where to start counting septets
limit maximum septets to include, e.g. MAX_USER_DATA_BYTES
index of first character that won't fit, or the length of the entire string if everything fits

        if (encodingType == SmsMessage.ENCODING_7BIT) {
            return findGsmSeptetLimitIndex(s, start, limit);
        else if (encodingType == SmsMessage.ENCODING_16BIT) {
            return findUCS2LimitIndex(s, start, limit);
        else {
            throw new EncodeException("Unsupported encoding type: " + encodingType);
public static intfindUCS2LimitIndex(java.lang.String s, int start, int limit)
Returns the index into s of the first character after limit octets have been reached, starting at index start. This is used when dividing messages in UCS2 encoding into units within the SMS message size limit.

s source string
start index of where to start counting septets
limit maximum septets to include, e.g. MAX_USER_DATA_BYTES
index of first character that won't fit, or the length of the entire string if everything fits

        int numCharToBeEncoded = s.length() - start;
        return ((numCharToBeEncoded*2 > limit)? limit/2: numCharToBeEncoded) + start;
public static java.lang.Stringgsm7BitPackedToString(byte[] pdu, int offset, int lengthSeptets)
Convert a GSM alphabet 7 bit packed string (SMS string) into a {@link java.lang.String}. See TS 23.038 for SMS Character Packing

pdu the raw data from the pdu
offset the byte offset of
lengthSeptets string length in septets, not bytes
String representation or null on decoding exception

        return gsm7BitPackedToString(pdu, offset, lengthSeptets, 0);
public static java.lang.Stringgsm7BitPackedToString(byte[] pdu, int offset, int lengthSeptets, int numPaddingBits)
Convert a GSM alphabet 7 bit packed string (SMS string) into a {@link java.lang.String}. See TS 23.038 for SMS Character Packing

pdu the raw data from the pdu
offset the byte offset of
lengthSeptets string length in septets, not bytes
numPaddingBits the number of padding bits before the start of the string in the first byte
String representation or null on decoding exception

        StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(lengthSeptets);
        boolean prevCharWasEscape;
        try {
            prevCharWasEscape = false;
            for (int i = 0 ; i < lengthSeptets ; i++) {
                int bitOffset = (7 * i) + numPaddingBits;

                int byteOffset = bitOffset / 8;
                int shift = bitOffset % 8;
                int gsmVal;

                gsmVal = (0x7f & (pdu[offset + byteOffset] >> shift));

                // if it crosses a byte boundry
                if (shift > 1) {
                    // set msb bits to 0
                    gsmVal &= 0x7f >> (shift - 1);

                    gsmVal |= 0x7f & (pdu[offset + byteOffset + 1] << (8 - shift));

                if (prevCharWasEscape) {
                    prevCharWasEscape = false;
                } else if (gsmVal == GSM_EXTENDED_ESCAPE) {
                    prevCharWasEscape = true;
                } else {
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Error GSM 7 bit packed: ", ex);
            return null;

        return ret.toString();
public static java.lang.Stringgsm8BitUnpackedToString(byte[] data, int offset, int length)
Convert a GSM alphabet string that's stored in 8-bit unpacked format (as it often appears in SIM records) into a String Field may be padded with trailing 0xff's. The decode stops at the first 0xff encountered.

        boolean prevWasEscape;
        StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(length);

        prevWasEscape = false;
        for (int i = offset ; i < offset + length ; i++) {
            // Never underestimate the pain that can be caused
            // by signed bytes
            int c = data[i] & 0xff;

            if (c == 0xff) {
            } else if (c == GSM_EXTENDED_ESCAPE) {
                if (prevWasEscape) {
                    // Two escape chars in a row
                    // We treat this as a space
                    // See Note 1 in table of TS 23.038 v7.00
                    ret.append(' ");
                    prevWasEscape = false;
                } else {
                    prevWasEscape = true;
            } else {
                if (prevWasEscape) {
                    ret.append((char)gsmExtendedToChar.get(c, ' "));
                } else {
                    ret.append((char)gsmToChar.get(c, ' "));
                prevWasEscape = false;
        return ret.toString();    
public static chargsmExtendedToChar(int gsmChar)
Converts a character in the extended GSM alphabet into a char if GSM_EXTENDED_ESCAPE is passed, ' ' is returned since no second extension page has yet been defined (see Note 1 in table of TS 23.038 v7.00) If an unmappable value is passed , ' ' is returned

        int ret;

        ret = gsmExtendedToChar.get(gsmChar, -1);

        if (ret == -1) {
            return ' ";

        return (char)ret;
public static chargsmToChar(int gsmChar)
Converts a character in the GSM alphabet into a char if GSM_EXTENDED_ESCAPE is passed, 0xffff is returned. In this case, the following character in the stream should be decoded with gsmExtendedToChar() If an unmappable value is passed (one greater than 127), ' ' is returned

        return (char)gsmToChar.get(gsmChar, ' ");
private static voidpackSmsChar(byte[] packedChars, int bitOffset, int value)
Pack a 7-bit char into its appropirate place in a byte array

bitOffset the bit offset that the septet should be packed at (septet index * 7)

        int byteOffset = bitOffset / 8;
        int shift = bitOffset % 8;

        packedChars[++byteOffset] |= value << shift;

        if (shift > 1) {
        	packedChars[++byteOffset] = (byte)(value >> (8 - shift));
public static byte[]stringToGsm7BitPacked(java.lang.String data)
Converts a String into a byte array containing the 7-bit packed GSM Alphabet representation of the string. Unencodable chars are encoded as spaces Byte 0 in the returned byte array is the count of septets used The returned byte array is the minimum size required to store the packed septets. The returned array cannot contain more than 255 septets.

data the data string to endcode
EncodeException if String is too large to encode

        return stringToGsm7BitPacked(data, 0, -1, 0, true);
public static byte[]stringToGsm7BitPacked(java.lang.String data, int dataOffset, int maxSeptets, int startingBitOffset, boolean throwException)
Converts a String into a byte array containing the 7-bit packed GSM Alphabet representation of the string. Byte 0 in the returned byte array is the count of septets used The returned byte array is the minimum size required to store the packed septets. The returned array cannot contain more than 255 septets.

data the text to convert to septets
dataOffset the character offset in data to start the encoding from
maxSeptets the maximum number of septets to convert, or -1 for no enforced maximum.
startingBitOffset the number of padding bits to put before the start of the first septet at the begining of the array
throwException If true, throws EncodeException on invalid char. If false, replaces unencodable char with GSM alphabet space char.
EncodeException if String is too large to encode

        int sz = data.length();
        int septetCount;
        if (maxSeptets == -1) {
            septetCount = countGsmSeptets(data, true);
        } else {
            septetCount = maxSeptets;

        if(septetCount > 0xff) {
            throw new EncodeException("Payload cannot exceed " + Short.MAX_VALUE
                    + " septets");

        // Enough for all the septets and the length 2 byte prefix
        byte[] ret = new byte[1 + (((septetCount * 7) + 7) / 8)];

        int bitOffset = startingBitOffset;
        int septets = startingBitOffset/7;
        for (int i = dataOffset; i < sz && septets < septetCount; i++, bitOffset += 7) {
            char c = data.charAt(i);

            int v = GsmAlphabet.charToGsm(c, throwException);
            if (v == GSM_EXTENDED_ESCAPE) {
                // Lookup the extended char
                v = GsmAlphabet.charToGsmExtended(c);

                packSmsChar(ret, bitOffset, GSM_EXTENDED_ESCAPE);
                bitOffset += 7;

            packSmsChar(ret, bitOffset, v);

        // See check for > 0xff above
        ret[0] = (byte)septets;

        return ret;
public static byte[]stringToGsm7BitPackedWithHeader(java.lang.String data, byte[] header)
Converts a String into a byte array containing the 7-bit packed GSM Alphabet representation of the string. If a header is provided, this is included in the returned byte array and padded to a septet boundary. Unencodable chars are encoded as spaces Byte 0 in the returned byte array is the count of septets used, including the header and header padding. The returned byte array is the minimum size required to store the packed septets. The returned array cannot contain more than 255 septets.

data The text string to encode.
header Optional header (includeing length byte) that precedes the encoded data, padded to septet boundary.
Byte array containing header and encoded data.

        if (header == null || header.length == 0) {
            return stringToGsm7BitPacked(data);

        int headerBits = header.length * 8;
        int headerSeptets = headerBits / 7;
        headerSeptets += (headerBits % 7) > 0 ? 1 : 0;

        int sz = data.length();
        int septetCount;
        septetCount = countGsmSeptets(data, true) + headerSeptets;

        byte[] ret = stringToGsm7BitPacked(data, 0, septetCount,
                (headerSeptets*7), true);

        // Paste in the header
        System.arraycopy(header, 0, ret, 1, header.length);
        return ret;
public static byte[]stringToGsm8BitPacked(java.lang.String s)
Convert a string into an 8-bit unpacked GSM alphabet byte array

        byte[] ret;

        int septets = 0;

        septets = countGsmSeptets(s);

        // Enough for all the septets and the length byte prefix
        ret = new byte[septets];

        stringToGsm8BitUnpackedField(s, ret, 0, ret.length);

        return ret;
public static voidstringToGsm8BitUnpackedField(java.lang.String s, byte[] dest, int offset, int length)
Write a String into a GSM 8-bit unpacked field of

length size at @param offset in @param dest Field is padded with 0xff's, string is truncated if necessary

        int outByteIndex = offset;

        // Septets are stored in byte-aligned octets
        for (int i = 0, sz = s.length()
                ; i < sz && (outByteIndex - offset) < length 
                ; i++
        ) {
            char c = s.charAt(i);

            int v = GsmAlphabet.charToGsm(c);

            if (v == GSM_EXTENDED_ESCAPE) {
                // make sure we can fit an escaped char
                if (! (outByteIndex + 1 - offset < length)) {

                dest[outByteIndex++] = GSM_EXTENDED_ESCAPE;

        		v = GsmAlphabet.charToGsmExtended(c);

            dest[outByteIndex++] = (byte)v;

        // pad with 0xff's
        while((outByteIndex - offset) < length) {
            dest[outByteIndex++] = (byte)0xff;