Handler.javaAPI DocJava SE 6 API2582Tue Jun 10 00:27:16 BST

 * Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.



/** The <code>Handler</code> interface
 *  is the base interface for JAX-WS handlers.
 *  @since JAX-WS 2.0
public interface Handler<C extends MessageContext> {

  /** The <code>handleMessage</code> method is invoked for normal processing
   *  of inbound and outbound messages. Refer to the description of the handler
   *  framework in the JAX-WS specification for full details.
   *  @param context the message context.
   *  @return An indication of whether handler processing should continue for
   *  the current message
   *                 <ul>
   *                 <li>Return <code>true</code> to continue 
   *                     processing.</li>
   *                 <li>Return <code>false</code> to block 
   *                     processing.</li>
   *                  </ul>
   *  @throws RuntimeException Causes the JAX-WS runtime to cease
   *    handler processing and generate a fault.
   *  @throws ProtocolException Causes the JAX-WS runtime to switch to
   *    fault message processing.
  public boolean handleMessage(C context);

  /** The <code>handleFault</code> method is invoked for fault message 
   *  processing.  Refer to the description of the handler
   *  framework in the JAX-WS specification for full details.
   *  @param context the message context
   *  @return An indication of whether handler fault processing should continue 
   *  for the current message
   *                 <ul>
   *                 <li>Return <code>true</code> to continue 
   *                     processing.</li>
   *                 <li>Return <code>false</code> to block 
   *                     processing.</li>
   *                  </ul>
   *  @throws RuntimeException Causes the JAX-WS runtime to cease
   *    handler fault processing and dispatch the fault.
   *  @throws ProtocolException Causes the JAX-WS runtime to cease
   *    handler fault processing and dispatch the fault.
  public boolean handleFault(C context);

   * Called at the conclusion of a message exchange pattern just prior to
   * the JAX-WS runtime disptaching a message, fault or exception.  Refer to
   * the description of the handler
   * framework in the JAX-WS specification for full details.
   * @param context the message context
  public void close(MessageContext context);