public static org.apache.lucene.document.Document | Document( f)Makes a document for a File.
The document has three fields:
path --containing the pathname of the file, as a stored,
tokenized field;
modified --containing the last modified date of the file as
a keyword field as encoded by DateField; and
contents --containing the full contents of the file, as a
Reader field;
// make a new, empty document
Document doc = new Document();
// Add the path of the file as a field named "path". Use a Text field, so
// that the index stores the path, and so that the path is searchable
doc.add(Field.Text("path", f.getPath()));
// Add the last modified date of the file a field named "modified". Use a
// Keyword field, so that it's searchable, but so that no attempt is made
// to tokenize the field into words.
// Add the contents of the file a field named "contents". Use a Text
// field, specifying a Reader, so that the text of the file is tokenized.
// ?? why doesn't FileReader work here ??
FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(f);
Reader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
doc.add(Field.Text("contents", reader));
// return the document
return doc;