Fields Summary |
private static final int | SCROLL_BAR_SIZEDefines the width of the horizontal scrollbar and the height of the vertical scrollbar in
dips |
private static final int | SCROLL_BAR_FADE_DURATIONDuration of the fade when scrollbars fade away in milliseconds |
private static final int | SCROLL_BAR_DEFAULT_DELAYDefault delay before the scrollbars fade in milliseconds |
private static final int | FADING_EDGE_LENGTHDefines the length of the fading edges in dips |
private static final int | PRESSED_STATE_DURATIONDefines the duration in milliseconds of the pressed state in child
components. |
private static final int | DEFAULT_LONG_PRESS_TIMEOUTDefines the default duration in milliseconds before a press turns into
a long press |
private static final int | KEY_REPEAT_DELAYDefines the time between successive key repeats in milliseconds. |
private static final int | GLOBAL_ACTIONS_KEY_TIMEOUTDefines the duration in milliseconds a user needs to hold down the
appropriate button to bring up the global actions dialog (power off,
lock screen, etc). |
private static final int | TAP_TIMEOUTDefines the duration in milliseconds we will wait to see if a touch event
is a tap or a scroll. If the user does not move within this interval, it is
considered to be a tap. |
private static final int | JUMP_TAP_TIMEOUTDefines the duration in milliseconds we will wait to see if a touch event
is a jump tap. If the user does not complete the jump tap within this interval, it is
considered to be a tap. |
private static final int | DOUBLE_TAP_TIMEOUTDefines the duration in milliseconds between the first tap's up event and
the second tap's down event for an interaction to be considered a
double-tap. |
private static final int | DOUBLE_TAP_MIN_TIMEDefines the minimum duration in milliseconds between the first tap's up event and
the second tap's down event for an interaction to be considered a
double-tap. |
private static final int | HOVER_TAP_TIMEOUTDefines the maximum duration in milliseconds between a touch pad
touch and release for a given touch to be considered a tap (click) as
opposed to a hover movement gesture. |
private static final int | HOVER_TAP_SLOPDefines the maximum distance in pixels that a touch pad touch can move
before being released for it to be considered a tap (click) as opposed
to a hover movement gesture. |
private static final int | ZOOM_CONTROLS_TIMEOUTDefines the duration in milliseconds we want to display zoom controls in response
to a user panning within an application. |
private static final int | EDGE_SLOPInset in dips to look for touchable content when the user touches the edge of the screen |
private static final int | TOUCH_SLOPDistance a touch can wander before we think the user is scrolling in dips.
Note that this value defined here is only used as a fallback by legacy/misbehaving
applications that do not provide a Context for determining density/configuration-dependent
To alter this value, see the configuration resource config_viewConfigurationTouchSlop
in frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml or the appropriate device resource overlay.
It may be appropriate to tweak this on a device-specific basis in an overlay based on
the characteristics of the touch panel and firmware. |
private static final int | DOUBLE_TAP_TOUCH_SLOPDistance the first touch can wander before we stop considering this event a double tap
(in dips) |
private static final int | PAGING_TOUCH_SLOPDistance a touch can wander before we think the user is attempting a paged scroll
(in dips)
Note that this value defined here is only used as a fallback by legacy/misbehaving
applications that do not provide a Context for determining density/configuration-dependent
See the note above on {@link #TOUCH_SLOP} regarding the dimen resource
config_viewConfigurationTouchSlop. ViewConfiguration will report a paging touch slop of
config_viewConfigurationTouchSlop * 2 when provided with a Context. |
private static final int | DOUBLE_TAP_SLOPDistance in dips between the first touch and second touch to still be considered a double tap |
private static final int | WINDOW_TOUCH_SLOPDistance in dips a touch needs to be outside of a window's bounds for it to
count as outside for purposes of dismissing the window. |
private static final int | MINIMUM_FLING_VELOCITYMinimum velocity to initiate a fling, as measured in dips per second |
private static final int | MAXIMUM_FLING_VELOCITYMaximum velocity to initiate a fling, as measured in dips per second |
private static final long | SEND_RECURRING_ACCESSIBILITY_EVENTS_INTERVAL_MILLISDelay before dispatching a recurring accessibility event in milliseconds.
This delay guarantees that a recurring event will be send at most once
frame. |
private static final int | MAXIMUM_DRAWING_CACHE_SIZEThe maximum size of View's drawing cache, expressed in bytes. This size
should be at least equal to the size of the screen in ARGB888 format. |
private static final float | SCROLL_FRICTIONThe coefficient of friction applied to flings/scrolls. |
private static final int | OVERSCROLL_DISTANCEMax distance in dips to overscroll for edge effects |
private static final int | OVERFLING_DISTANCEMax distance in dips to overfling for edge effects |
private static final int | HAS_PERMANENT_MENU_KEY_AUTODETECTConfiguration values for overriding {@link #hasPermanentMenuKey()} behavior.
These constants must match the definition in res/values/config.xml. |
private static final int | HAS_PERMANENT_MENU_KEY_TRUE |
private static final int | HAS_PERMANENT_MENU_KEY_FALSE |
private final int | mEdgeSlop |
private final int | mFadingEdgeLength |
private final int | mMinimumFlingVelocity |
private final int | mMaximumFlingVelocity |
private final int | mScrollbarSize |
private final int | mTouchSlop |
private final int | mDoubleTapTouchSlop |
private final int | mPagingTouchSlop |
private final int | mDoubleTapSlop |
private final int | mWindowTouchSlop |
private final int | mMaximumDrawingCacheSize |
private final int | mOverscrollDistance |
private final int | mOverflingDistance |
private final boolean | mFadingMarqueeEnabled |
private final long | mGlobalActionsKeyTimeout |
private boolean | sHasPermanentMenuKey |
private boolean | sHasPermanentMenuKeySet |
static final android.util.SparseArray | sConfigurations |
Methods Summary |
public static android.view.ViewConfiguration | get(android.content.Context context)Returns a configuration for the specified context. The configuration depends on
various parameters of the context, like the dimension of the display or the
density of the display.
final DisplayMetrics metrics = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
final int density = (int) (100.0f * metrics.density);
ViewConfiguration configuration = sConfigurations.get(density);
if (configuration == null) {
configuration = new ViewConfiguration(context);
sConfigurations.put(density, configuration);
return configuration;
public long | getDeviceGlobalActionKeyTimeout()The amount of time a user needs to press the relevant key to bring up
the global actions dialog.
return mGlobalActionsKeyTimeout;
public static int | getDoubleTapMinTime()
public static int | getDoubleTapSlop()
public static int | getDoubleTapTimeout()
public static int | getEdgeSlop()
return EDGE_SLOP;
public static int | getFadingEdgeLength()
public static long | getGlobalActionKeyTimeout()The amount of time a user needs to press the relevant key to bring up
the global actions dialog.
public static int | getHoverTapSlop()
public static int | getHoverTapTimeout()
public static int | getJumpTapTimeout()
public static int | getKeyRepeatDelay()
public static int | getKeyRepeatTimeout()
return getLongPressTimeout();
public static int | getLongPressTimeout()
return AppGlobals.getIntCoreSetting(Settings.Secure.LONG_PRESS_TIMEOUT,
public static int | getMaximumDrawingCacheSize()The maximum drawing cache size expressed in bytes.
//noinspection deprecation
public static int | getMaximumFlingVelocity()
public static int | getMinimumFlingVelocity()
public static int | getPressedStateDuration()
public int | getScaledDoubleTapSlop()
return mDoubleTapSlop;
public int | getScaledDoubleTapTouchSlop()
return mDoubleTapTouchSlop;
public int | getScaledEdgeSlop()
return mEdgeSlop;
public int | getScaledFadingEdgeLength()
return mFadingEdgeLength;
public int | getScaledMaximumDrawingCacheSize()The maximum drawing cache size expressed in bytes.
return mMaximumDrawingCacheSize;
public int | getScaledMaximumFlingVelocity()
return mMaximumFlingVelocity;
public int | getScaledMinimumFlingVelocity()
return mMinimumFlingVelocity;
public int | getScaledOverflingDistance()
return mOverflingDistance;
public int | getScaledOverscrollDistance()
return mOverscrollDistance;
public int | getScaledPagingTouchSlop()
return mPagingTouchSlop;
public int | getScaledScrollBarSize()
return mScrollbarSize;
public int | getScaledTouchSlop()
return mTouchSlop;
public int | getScaledWindowTouchSlop()
return mWindowTouchSlop;
public static int | getScrollBarFadeDuration()
public static int | getScrollBarSize()
public static int | getScrollDefaultDelay()
public static float | getScrollFriction()The amount of friction applied to scrolls and flings.
public static long | getSendRecurringAccessibilityEventsInterval()Interval for dispatching a recurring accessibility event in milliseconds.
This interval guarantees that a recurring event will be send at most once
during the {@link #getSendRecurringAccessibilityEventsInterval()} time frame.
public static int | getTapTimeout()
public static int | getTouchSlop()
return TOUCH_SLOP;
public static int | getWindowTouchSlop()
public static long | getZoomControlsTimeout()The amount of time that the zoom controls should be
displayed on the screen expressed in milliseconds.
public boolean | hasPermanentMenuKey()Report if the device has a permanent menu key available to the user.
As of Android 3.0, devices may not have a permanent menu key available.
Apps should use the action bar to present menu options to users.
However, there are some apps where the action bar is inappropriate
or undesirable. This method may be used to detect if a menu key is present.
If not, applications should provide another on-screen affordance to access
return sHasPermanentMenuKey;
public boolean | isFadingMarqueeEnabled()
return mFadingMarqueeEnabled;