Methods Summary |
public javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationValue | getDefaultValue()Returns the default value if this executable is an annotation
type element. Returns {@code null} if this method is not an
annotation type element, or if it is an annotation type element
with no default value.
public java.util.List | getParameters()Returns the formal parameters of this executable.
They are returned in declaration order.
public javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror | getReturnType()Returns the return type of this executable.
Returns a {@link NoType} with kind {@link TypeKind#VOID VOID}
if this executable is not a method, or is a method that does not
return a value.
public java.util.List | getThrownTypes()Returns the exceptions and other throwables listed in this
method or constructor's {@code throws} clause in declaration
public java.util.List | getTypeParameters()Returns the formal type parameters of this executable
in declaration order.
public boolean | isVarArgs()Returns {@code true} if this method or constructor accepts a variable
number of arguments and returns {@code false} otherwise.