SimpleGraphBuilder.javaAPI DocJMF 2.1.1e25364Mon May 12 12:20:50 BST

 * @(#)	1.6 02/08/23
 * Copyright (c) 1996-2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.


import java.util.*;

 * This is the Graph builder to generate the data flow graph for
 * rendering an input format.
 * It contains 3 parts:
 * 1) Routines to search for all the supported output formats;
 * 2) Routines to build a default flow graph -- buildGraph;
 * A default graph is such that no customised option is specified on
 * the TrackControl.  
 * It operates on a breath-first search algorithm until the final
 * target is reached as defined by the findTarget() method.  
 * Intermediate search paths are stored as GraphNode's in the 
 * "candidates" vector.

public class SimpleGraphBuilder {

    // # of codec/converters allowed to use to complete a track.
    protected int STAGES = 4;
    protected Hashtable plugIns = new Hashtable(40);
    protected GraphNode targetPlugins[] = null;
    protected Vector targetPluginNames = null;
    protected int targetType = -1;
    int indent = 0;

    // A non-published interface to trace the graph building process.
    static protected GraphInspector inspector;

    static public void setGraphInspector(GraphInspector insp) {
	inspector = insp;

     * Reset local cache and reuse the same instance for graph building.
    public void reset() {
	Enumeration enum = plugIns.elements();
	GraphNode n;
	while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
	    n = (GraphNode)enum.nextElement();

     * Take a TrackControl and build the graph for it.
    boolean buildGraph(BasicTrackControl tc) {

	    Log.comment("Input: " + tc.getOriginalFormat());

	    Vector candidates = new Vector();
	    GraphNode node = new GraphNode(null, (PlugIn)null, 
					tc.getOriginalFormat(), null, 0);
	    indent = 1;

	    // Define the final targets.
	    if (!setDefaultTargets(tc.getOriginalFormat()))
		return false;


	    GraphNode failed;

	    while ((node = buildGraph(candidates)) != null) {

		// Found a potential graph.  Check if we can build a
		// track from it. 
		if ((failed = buildTrackFromGraph(tc, node)) == null) {
		    // we are done.
		    indent = 0;
		    return true;

		// If we can't build a track from it, it's because there's
		// a node in the graph that cannot be opened.  We'll have
		// to reap it from the candidates and the registry. 
		removeFailure(candidates, failed, tc.getOriginalFormat() );

	    indent = 0;
	    return false;

     * When the graph build finds a viable graph to build, this callback
     * will be invoked to see if the graph can actually be built.
     * Subclass should implement this.
    protected GraphNode buildTrackFromGraph(BasicTrackControl tc, GraphNode node) {
	return null;

     * Build a flow graph based on the given input format.
    GraphNode buildGraph(Format input) {

	    Log.comment("Input: " + input);

	    Vector candidates = new Vector();
	    GraphNode node = new GraphNode(null, (PlugIn)null, 
					input, null, 0);
	    indent = 1;

	    // Define the final targets.
	    if (!setDefaultTargets(input))
		return null;


	    GraphNode failed;

	    while ((node = buildGraph(candidates)) != null) {

		// Found a potential graph.  Verify it if all the
		// nodes can be used.
		if ((failed = verifyGraph(node)) == null) {
		    // we are done.
		    indent = 0;
		    return node;

		// If we can't build a track from it, it's because there's
		// a node in the graph that cannot be opened.  We'll have
		// to reap it from the candidates and the registry. 
		removeFailure(candidates, failed, input);

	    indent = 0;

	    return node;

     * Given the intermediate search candidates, build a graph until
     * it reaches a target.
    GraphNode buildGraph(Vector candidates) {
	    GraphNode node;
	    while ((node = doBuildGraph(candidates)) == null) {
		if (candidates.isEmpty())
	    return node;

      * This is the "worker" method that does all the dirty work.
    GraphNode doBuildGraph(Vector candidates) {
	    if (candidates.isEmpty())
		return null;

	    GraphNode node = (GraphNode)candidates.firstElement();

	    if (node.input == null && 
		(node.plugin == null || !(node.plugin instanceof Codec))) {
		// shouldn't happen!
		Log.error("Internal error: doBuildGraph");
		return null;

	    int oldIndent = indent;

	    Log.setIndent(node.level + 1);

	    //Log.write("level: " + node.level);
	    if (node.plugin != null) {

		// It may not seem necessary to do this since the
		// previous round has already verified the input.
		// But since the same plugin could have a different
		// input called on it on previous rounds, it needs to
		// be resetted to the designated input.  This has
		// caused a bug in failing setOutputFormat for some
		// codecs. 
		if (verifyInput(node.plugin, node.input) == null)
		    return null;

		Log.write("Try plugin: " + node.plugin.getClass());
	        Log.write("Given input: " + node.input);

	    // Stop when the target is reached as defined by the findTarget
	    // method.
	    GraphNode n;
	    if ((n = findTarget(node)) != null) {
		// We are done!
		if (n.plugin != null)
		   Log.write("Found target: " + n.plugin);
		   Log.write("Found target: " + n.cname);
		indent = oldIndent;
		return n;

	    // Don't go deeper than allowed.
	    if (node.level >= STAGES) {
		indent = oldIndent;
		return null;

	    Format input, outs[];
	    boolean mp3Pkt = false;	// 2.1.1b hack	-ivg

	    if (node.plugin != null) {
		if (node.output != null) {
		    outs = new Format[1];
		    outs[0] = node.output;
		} else {
		    outs = node.getSupportedOutputs(node.input);
		    if (outs == null || outs.length == 0) {
			//Log.write("Weird!  The given plugin does not support any output.");
			indent = oldIndent;
			return null;
		input = node.input;

		// 2.1.1b hack	-ivg
		if (node.plugin instanceof
		    mp3Pkt = true;

	    } else {
		outs = new Format[1];
		outs[0] = node.input;
		input = null;

	    GraphNode gn;
	    Format fmt, ins[];
	    boolean foundSomething = false;
	    for (int i = 0; i < outs.length; i++) {

		// Ignore outputs that are the same as the input.
		if (!node.custom && input != null && input.equals(outs[i]))

		// Verify the output format.
		if (node.plugin != null) {

		    if (verifyOutput(node.plugin, outs[i]) == null) {
			//Log.write("Verify output failed: " + node.plugin);
			//Log.write("  with: " + outs[i]); 
			if (inspector != null && inspector.detailMode())
			    inspector.verifyOutputFailed(node.plugin, outs[i]);

		    if (inspector != null &&
			!inspector.verify((Codec)node.plugin, node.input, outs[i]))

		//Log.write("find codec for input: " + outs[i]);

		Vector cnames = PlugInManager.getPlugInList(outs[i], 
					null, PlugInManager.CODEC);
		if (cnames == null || cnames.size() == 0)

		for (int j = 0; j < cnames.size(); j++) {

		    // Instantiate and verify the codec.
		    if ((gn = getPlugInNode((String)cnames.elementAt(j), 
					PlugInManager.CODEC, plugIns)) == null)

		    // 2.1.1b hack	-ivg
		    if (mp3Pkt && gn.plugin instanceof

		    // Check to see if the particular input/plugin combination
		    // has already been attempted.  If so, we don't need to
		    // do it again.
		    if (gn.checkAttempted(outs[i]))

	            //Log.write("Try codec: " + cnames.elementAt(j));

		    ins = gn.getSupportedInputs();
		    if ((fmt = matches(outs[i], ins, null, gn.plugin)) == null) {
			//Log.write("Verify input failed: " + outs[i]);
			//Log.write("    : " + gn.plugin);
			if (inspector != null && inspector.detailMode())
			    inspector.verifyInputFailed(gn.plugin, outs[i]);

		    if (inspector != null && inspector.detailMode()) {
			if (!inspector.verify((Codec)gn.plugin, fmt, null))

		    n = new GraphNode(gn, fmt, node, node.level+1);
		    foundSomething = true;

	    if (!foundSomething) {
		if (node.plugin == null)
		    Log.write("  no codec supports the given input.");
		    Log.write("  no codec supports the outputs from this plugin.");

	    indent = oldIndent;
	    return null;

     * This defines when the search ends.  The "targets" array defines
     * the nodes that are to be the "end points" (leaf nodes) of the
     * graph.
     * With the default graph builder, the targets array contains the
     * list of sinks that can potentially support the input format.
    GraphNode findTarget(GraphNode node) {

	    Format outs[];

	    // Expand the outputs of the next node.
	    if (node.plugin == null) {
		outs = new Format[1];
		outs[0] = node.input;
	    } else {
		if (node.output != null) {
		    outs = new Format[1];
		    outs[0] = node.output;
		} else {
		    outs = node.getSupportedOutputs(node.input);
		    if (outs == null || outs.length == 0) {
			//Log.write("Weird!  The given plugin does not support any output."); 
			return null;

	    GraphNode n;
	    // Check for the list of predefined targets.
	    if (targetPlugins != null && (n = verifyTargetPlugins(node, outs)) != null)
		return n;

	    return null;

     * Check for a match in the list of predefined targets.
    GraphNode verifyTargetPlugins(GraphNode node, Format outs[]) {

	    GraphNode gn;
	    Format fmt;

	    for (int i = 0; i < targetPlugins.length; i++) {
		if ((gn = targetPlugins[i]) == null) {
		    String name = (String)targetPluginNames.elementAt(i);
		    if (name == null)

		    // Initial screening before instantiating the objects.
		    Format base[] = PlugInManager.getSupportedInputFormats(
							name, targetType);
		    if (matches(outs, base, null, null) == null)

		    // Passing initial test, we'll want to instantiate it
		    // to get more info from it.
		    if ((gn = getPlugInNode(name, targetType, 
				plugIns)) == null) {
			targetPluginNames.setElementAt(null, i);

		    targetPlugins[i] = gn;

		if ((fmt = matches(outs, gn.getSupportedInputs(),
					node.plugin, gn.plugin)) != null) {
		    // found the target.

		    if (inspector != null) {

			if (node.plugin != null &&
			    !inspector.verify((Codec)node.plugin, node.input, fmt))
			if ((gn.type == -1 || 
			     gn.type == PlugInManager.CODEC) &&
			    gn.plugin instanceof Codec) {
			    if (!inspector.verify((Codec)gn.plugin, fmt, null))
			} else if ((gn.type == -1 || 
			            gn.type == PlugInManager.RENDERER) &&
				    gn.plugin instanceof Renderer) {
			    if (!inspector.verify((Renderer)gn.plugin, fmt))

		    return new GraphNode(gn, fmt, node, node.level+1);

	    return null;

     * Set the default targets, which are the renderers.
    boolean setDefaultTargets(Format in) {
	    return setDefaultTargetRenderer(in);

    boolean setDefaultTargetRenderer(Format in) {
	    // Define the final targets which uses renderers.
	    if (in instanceof AudioFormat) {
		targetPluginNames = PlugInManager.getPlugInList(
					new AudioFormat(null,
					null, PlugInManager.RENDERER);
	    } else if (in instanceof VideoFormat) {
		targetPluginNames = PlugInManager.getPlugInList(
					new VideoFormat(null, 
						VideoFormat.NOT_SPECIFIED // frameRate ???
					null, PlugInManager.RENDERER);
	    } else {
		targetPluginNames = PlugInManager.getPlugInList(null, 
					null, PlugInManager.RENDERER);

	    // No target available.
	    if (targetPluginNames == null || targetPluginNames.size() == 0) {
		//Log.write("The graph builder does not recognize the input format at all:");
		return false;

	    targetPlugins = new GraphNode[targetPluginNames.size()];
	    targetType = PlugInManager.RENDERER;

	    return true;

     * Given a protential graph, verify it.
    protected GraphNode verifyGraph(GraphNode node) {

	    Format prevFormat = null;
	    Vector used = new Vector(5);

	    if (node.plugin == null) {
		// There's nothing to build.
		// i.e. the output from the source (demux) works just fine.
		// Probably just need to be multiplexed.
		return null;


	    // Build the graph from the last node.
	    while (node != null && node.plugin != null) {

		if (used.contains(node.plugin)) {
		    // That plugin has already been used in the same path,
		    // we'll need to instantiate another one of its kind.
		    PlugIn p;
		    if (node.cname == null || 
			(p = createPlugIn(node.cname, -1)) == null) {
			Log.write("Failed to instantiate " + node.cname);
			return node;
		    node.plugin = p;
		} else {

		if ((node.type == -1 || node.type == PlugInManager.RENDERER) &&
		     node.plugin instanceof Renderer) {
		} else if ((node.type == -1 || node.type == PlugInManager.CODEC) &&
		     node.plugin instanceof Codec) {
		    if (prevFormat != null)
		    else if (node.output != null)

		// For renderers, we wait till prefetching to
		// open the device.

		if (!((node.type == -1 || node.type == PlugInManager.RENDERER) &&
		      node.plugin instanceof Renderer)) {
		    try {;
		    } catch (Exception e) {
			Log.warning("Failed to open: " + node.plugin);
			node.failed = true;
			return node;

		prevFormat = node.input;
		node = node.prev;


	    return null;

     * Given a node that has failed, this function will eliminate
     * it from the candiates list and mark it in the registry as
     * as failed node so it won't be attempted again.
     * This method is upated by hsy on 10/10/2000. If we just
     * remove the failed node from candidates and mark it in the 
     * registy, we can't guarantee we could roll back to the exact/desired
     * node/state to re-start searching, since this node might have already
     * been removed from candidates. The simple/straightforward fix is
     * to clear up candidates and plugIns and start allover again.
    void removeFailure(Vector candidates, GraphNode failed, Format input) {

	if (failed.plugin == null)
	// This is the new implementation updated by hsy on 10/10/2000
	// Here we re-start building the graph allover again. Clear
	// candidates and put the initial node into it.
	Log.comment("Failed to open plugin " + failed.plugin + ". Will re-build the graph allover again");
	GraphNode hsyn =  new GraphNode(null, (PlugIn)null, 
					input, null, 0);
	indent = 1;
	// clear up the hashtable plugIns too, only let it keep
	// all the failed nodes, so that we are not going to
	// attemp these nodes again.
	failed.failed = true;
	plugIns.put(failed.plugin.getClass().getName(), failed);
	Enumeration e = plugIns.keys();
	while(e.hasMoreElements()) {
	    String ss = (String)e.nextElement();
	    GraphNode nn = (GraphNode)plugIns.get(ss);
	    if ( !nn.failed)
	/**** This is the old implementation.
	     GraphNode n;
	     Enumeration enum = candidates.elements();
	     while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
	     n = (GraphNode)enum.nextElement();
	     if (n.plugin == failed.plugin)
	     if ((n = (GraphNode)plugIns.get(failed.plugin.getClass().getName())) != null)
	     n.failed = true;

     * Given a codec class name, instantiate the codec and query it
     * dynamically to see if it supports the given input and output formats.
    static public GraphNode getPlugInNode(String name, int type, Hashtable plugIns) {
	GraphNode gn = null;
	Object obj = null;
	boolean add = false;

	// Check the hash registry to see if we've already instantiated that
	// object.  If not, we'll instantiate it.
	if (plugIns == null || (gn = (GraphNode)plugIns.get(name)) == null) {

	    PlugIn p = createPlugIn(name, type);

	    gn = new GraphNode(name, p, null, null, 0);
	    if (plugIns != null)
		plugIns.put(name, gn);

	    if (p == null) {
		// If we failed to create it this time, we won't try it again.
		// We'll mark it as failed.
		gn.failed = true;
		return null;
	    } else
		return gn;

	// If it has been marked as failed before, we won't attempt 
	// to use it again.
	if (gn.failed)
	    return null;

	if (verifyClass(gn.plugin, type))
	    return gn;

	return null;

     * Find a codec that can handle the given input and output.
     * The output argument can be null if no specific output format
     * is required.
    static public Codec findCodec(Format in, Format out, 
			Format selectedIn[], Format selectedOut[]) {
	Vector cnames = PlugInManager.getPlugInList(in, out, 
	if (cnames == null) {
	    // Well no codec supports that input. :(
	    return null;

	Codec c = null;
	Format fmts[], matched;
	for (int i = 0; i < cnames.size(); i++) {
	    if ((c = (Codec)createPlugIn((String)cnames.elementAt(i),
					PlugInManager.CODEC)) == null)
	    fmts = c.getSupportedInputFormats();
	    if ((matched = matches(in, fmts, null, c)) == null)
	    if (selectedIn != null && selectedIn.length > 0)
		selectedIn[0] = matched;
	    fmts = c.getSupportedOutputFormats(matched);
	    if (fmts == null || fmts.length == 0) {
		// Weird!
	    boolean success = false;
	    for (int j = 0; j < fmts.length; j++) {
		// Try out the supported output formats in turn.
		if (out != null) {
		    if (!out.matches(fmts[j]) ||
			(matched = out.intersects(fmts[j])) == null)
		} else
		    matched = fmts[j];
		if (c.setOutputFormat(matched) != null) {
		    success = true;
	    if (success) {
		try {;
		} catch (ResourceUnavailableException e) {
		if (selectedOut != null && selectedOut.length > 0)
		    selectedOut[0] = matched;
		// Alright, we are done!
		return c;

	return null;

     * Find a renderer that can handle the given input and output.
     * The output argument can be null if no specific output format
     * is required.
    static public Renderer findRenderer(Format in) {
	Vector names = PlugInManager.getPlugInList(in, null, 
	if (names == null) {
	    // Well no renderer supports that input. :(
	    return null;

	Renderer r = null;
	Format fmts[], matched;
	for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) {
	    if ((r = (Renderer)createPlugIn((String)names.elementAt(i),
					PlugInManager.RENDERER)) == null)
	    fmts = r.getSupportedInputFormats();
	    if ((matched = matches(in, fmts, null, r)) == null)

	    try {;
	    } catch (ResourceUnavailableException e) {

	    // Alright, we are done!
	    return r;

	return null;

     * Return a chain of codecs and renderer to render to input format.
     * Unlike findCodec and findRenderer, it uses the same graph building
     * algorithm that the media engine uses to determine the best rendering
     * path for a particular input format.
     * The return value is a vector of plugins of all the codecs and
     * the renderer.
     * The plugin list is in reverse order starting from the renderer.
     * The list of the corresponding input formats for each codec is
     * also returned as an argument to the function.
    static public Vector findRenderingChain(Format in, Vector formats) {
	SimpleGraphBuilder gb = new SimpleGraphBuilder();
	GraphNode n;

	if ((n = gb.buildGraph(in)) == null)
	    return null;

	Vector list = new Vector(10);

	while (n != null && n.plugin != null) {
	    if (formats != null)
	    n = n.prev;

	return list;

    static public PlugIn createPlugIn(String name, int type) {
	Class cls;
	Object obj;

	try {
	    // cls = Class.forName(name);
	    cls = BasicPlugIn.getClassForName(name);
	    obj = cls.newInstance();
	} catch (Exception e) {
	    //Log.write("Cannot instantiate: " + name);
	    return null;
	} catch (Error e) {
	    return null;

	if (verifyClass(obj, type))
	    return (PlugIn)obj;
	//Log.write(name + " is not of type " + cls);
	return null;

    static public boolean verifyClass(Object obj, int type) {
	Class cls;

	switch (type) {
	case PlugInManager.CODEC:
	    cls = Codec.class; break;
	case PlugInManager.RENDERER:
	    cls = Renderer.class; break;
	case PlugInManager.MULTIPLEXER:
	    cls = Multiplexer.class; break;
	    cls = PlugIn.class;
	if (cls.isInstance(obj))
	    return true;
	    return false;

     * Choose a format among the two input arrays that matches and verify
     * that if the given upstream and downstream plugins accept the matched
     * format as output (for the upstream) or as input (for the downstream).
     * Either of the plugin arguments can be null.  In which case the
     * verification step will be skipped accordingly. 
     * @param outs the supported output formats from the upstream node.
     * @param ints the supported input formats from the downstream node.
     * @param up the upstream node.
     * @param down the downstream node.
     * @return a matching format.
    static public Format matches(Format outs[], Format ins[], PlugIn up, PlugIn down) {
	Format fmt;
	if (outs == null) return null;
	for (int i = 0; i < outs.length; i++) {
	    if ((fmt = matches(outs[i], ins, up, down)) != null)
		return fmt;
	return null;

     * Choose a format among the two input arrays that matches and verify
     * that if the given upstream and downstream plugins accept the matched
     * format as output (for the upstream) or as input (for the downstream).
     * Either of the plugin arguments can be null.  In which case the
     * verification step will be skipped accordingly. 
     * @return a matching format.
    static public Format matches(Format out, Format ins[], PlugIn up, PlugIn down) {
	if (out == null || ins == null) return null;
	for (int i = 0; i < ins.length; i++) {
	    if (ins[i] != null &&
		ins[i].getClass().isAssignableFrom(out.getClass()) &&
	        out.matches(ins[i]) ) {
		Format fmt = out.intersects(ins[i]);

		if (fmt == null)
		    // weird!

		// Check if the downstream accepts the given input.
		if (down != null && (fmt = verifyInput(down, fmt)) == null)

		// Check if the upstream accepts the given as output.
		Format refined = fmt;
		if (up != null && (refined = verifyOutput(up, fmt)) == null)

		// If the returned output format from the upstream is
		// different from the original input to the upstream,
		// we'll have to check that new format on the downstream
		// to make sure.
		if (down != null && refined != fmt &&
		    verifyInput(down, refined) == null)

		return refined;
	return null;

    static public Format matches(Format outs[], Format in, PlugIn up, PlugIn down) {
	Format ins[] = new Format[1];
	ins[0] = in;
	return matches(outs, ins, up, down);

     * Check if the given plugin supports the given input.
    static public Format verifyInput(PlugIn p, Format in) {
	if (p instanceof Codec)
	    return ((Codec)p).setInputFormat(in);
	if (p instanceof Renderer)
	    return ((Renderer)p).setInputFormat(in);
	return null;

     * Check if the given plugin supports the given output.
    static public Format verifyOutput(PlugIn p, Format out) {
	if (p instanceof Codec)
	    return ((Codec)p).setOutputFormat(out);
	return null;
