PeerEvent.javaAPI DocAzureus Feb 02 01:13:50 GMT 2006org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.peers


public interface PeerEvent

Fields Summary
public static final int
peer state has changed data - Integer holding one of the state values defined in Peer
public static final int
The peer has sent us a bad piece data chunk. data - Integer[2] piece_num piece that failed hash check total_bad_chunks total number of bad chunks sent by this peer so far
public static final int
The peer asserts that their availability should be added to the torrent-global availability pool. The peer must send this when, and only when, their availability is known (such as after receiving a bitfield message) but not after going to CLOSING state. After having sent this message, the peer must remember they've done so and later send a corresponding removeAvailability message at an appropriate time. data - peerHavePieces boolean[] of pieces availabile
public static final int
The peer asserts that their availability must now be taken from the torrent-global availability pool The peer must send this only after having sent a corresponding addAvailability message, and must not send it in a state prior to CLOSING state. The BitFlags must be complete, with all pieces from any Bitfield message as well as those from any Have messages. data - peerHavePieces boolean[] of pieces no longer available
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public java.lang.ObjectgetData()

public intgetType()