destroy.javaAPI DocExample2528Thu Dec 15 21:14:48 GMT 2005com.oreilly.jent.jndi


public class destroy extends Object implements Command
destroy: Command to destroy a given context in the JNDI namespace.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public voidexecute(javax.naming.Context c, java.util.Vector v)

    // Check to see if we have the name we need
    if (v.isEmpty())
      throw new CommandException(new Exception(), "No name specified");
    String name = (String)v.firstElement();
    try {
      System.out.println("Destroyed " + name);
    catch (NameNotFoundException nnfe) {
      throw new CommandException(nnfe, "Couldn't find " + name);
    catch (NotContextException nce) {
      throw new CommandException(nce, 
        name + " is not a Context and couldn't be destroyed");
    catch (ContextNotEmptyException cnee) {
      throw new CommandException(cnee, 
        name + " is not empty and couldn't be destroyed");
    catch (NamingException ne) {
      throw new CommandException(ne, name + " couldn't be destroyed");
public voidhelp()

 System.out.println("Usage: destroy [name]");