Methods Summary |
private static int | appendQuotedText(android.text.SpannableStringBuilder s, int i, int len)
if (i + 1 < len && s.charAt(i + 1) == QUOTE) {
s.delete(i, i + 1);
return 1;
int count = 0;
// delete leading quote
s.delete(i, i + 1);
while (i < len) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
if (c == QUOTE) {
if (i + 1 < len && s.charAt(i + 1) == QUOTE) {
s.delete(i, i + 1);
} else {
// Closing QUOTE ends quoted text copying
s.delete(i, i + 1);
} else {
return count;
public static java.lang.CharSequence | format(java.lang.CharSequence inFormat, long inTimeInMillis)Given a format string and a time in milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 GMT, returns a
CharSequence containing the requested date.
return format(inFormat, new Date(inTimeInMillis));
public static java.lang.CharSequence | format(java.lang.CharSequence inFormat, java.util.Date inDate)Given a format string and a {@link java.util.Date} object, returns a CharSequence containing
the requested date.
Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar();
return format(inFormat, c);
public static java.lang.CharSequence | format(java.lang.CharSequence inFormat, java.util.Calendar inDate)Given a format string and a {@link java.util.Calendar} object, returns a CharSequence
containing the requested date.
SpannableStringBuilder s = new SpannableStringBuilder(inFormat);
int count;
LocaleData localeData = LocaleData.get(Locale.getDefault());
int len = inFormat.length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i += count) {
count = 1;
int c = s.charAt(i);
if (c == QUOTE) {
count = appendQuotedText(s, i, len);
len = s.length();
while ((i + count < len) && (s.charAt(i + count) == c)) {
String replacement;
switch (c) {
case 'A":
case 'a":
replacement = localeData.amPm[inDate.get(Calendar.AM_PM) - Calendar.AM];
case 'd":
replacement = zeroPad(inDate.get(Calendar.DATE), count);
case 'c":
case 'E":
replacement = getDayOfWeekString(localeData,
inDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK), count, c);
case 'K": // hour in am/pm (0-11)
case 'h": // hour in am/pm (1-12)
int hour = inDate.get(Calendar.HOUR);
if (c == 'h" && hour == 0) {
hour = 12;
replacement = zeroPad(hour, count);
case 'H": // hour in day (0-23)
case 'k": // hour in day (1-24) [but see note below]
int hour = inDate.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
// Historically on Android 'k' was interpreted as 'H', which wasn't
// implemented, so pretty much all callers that want to format 24-hour
// times are abusing 'k'. http://b/8359981.
if (false && c == 'k" && hour == 0) {
hour = 24;
replacement = zeroPad(hour, count);
case 'L":
case 'M":
replacement = getMonthString(localeData,
inDate.get(Calendar.MONTH), count, c);
case 'm":
replacement = zeroPad(inDate.get(Calendar.MINUTE), count);
case 's":
replacement = zeroPad(inDate.get(Calendar.SECOND), count);
case 'y":
replacement = getYearString(inDate.get(Calendar.YEAR), count);
case 'z":
replacement = getTimeZoneString(inDate, count);
replacement = null;
if (replacement != null) {
s.replace(i, i + count, replacement);
count = replacement.length(); // CARE: count is used in the for loop above
len = s.length();
if (inFormat instanceof Spanned) {
return new SpannedString(s);
} else {
return s.toString();
private static java.lang.String | formatZoneOffset(int offset, int count)
offset /= 1000; // milliseconds to seconds
StringBuilder tb = new StringBuilder();
if (offset < 0) {
tb.insert(0, "-");
offset = -offset;
} else {
tb.insert(0, "+");
int hours = offset / 3600;
int minutes = (offset % 3600) / 60;
tb.append(zeroPad(hours, 2));
tb.append(zeroPad(minutes, 2));
return tb.toString();
public static java.lang.String | getBestDateTimePattern(java.util.Locale locale, java.lang.String skeleton)Returns the best possible localized form of the given skeleton for the given
locale. A skeleton is similar to, and uses the same format characters as, a Unicode
UTS #35
One difference is that order is irrelevant. For example, "MMMMd" will return
"MMMM d" in the {@code en_US} locale, but "d. MMMM" in the {@code de_CH} locale.
Note also in that second example that the necessary punctuation for German was
added. For the same input in {@code es_ES}, we'd have even more extra text:
"d 'de' MMMM".
This method will automatically correct for grammatical necessity. Given the
same "MMMMd" input, this method will return "d LLLL" in the {@code fa_IR} locale,
where stand-alone months are necessary. Lengths are preserved where meaningful,
so "Md" would give a different result to "MMMd", say, except in a locale such as
{@code ja_JP} where there is only one length of month.
This method will only return patterns that are in CLDR, and is useful whenever
you know what elements you want in your format string but don't want to make your
code specific to any one locale.
return ICU.getBestDateTimePattern(skeleton, locale);
public static java.text.DateFormat | getDateFormat(android.content.Context context)Returns a {@link java.text.DateFormat} object that can format the date
in short form (such as 12/31/1999) according
to the current locale and the user's date-order preference.
String value = Settings.System.getString(context.getContentResolver(),
return getDateFormatForSetting(context, value);
public static java.text.DateFormat | getDateFormatForSetting(android.content.Context context, java.lang.String value)Returns a {@link java.text.DateFormat} object to format the date
as if the date format setting were set to value ,
including null to use the locale's default format.
String format = getDateFormatStringForSetting(context, value);
return new java.text.SimpleDateFormat(format);
public static char[] | getDateFormatOrder(android.content.Context context)Gets the current date format stored as a char array. Returns a 3 element
array containing the day ({@code 'd'}), month ({@code 'M'}), and year ({@code 'y'}))
in the order specified by the user's format preference. Note that this order is
only appropriate for all-numeric dates; spelled-out (MEDIUM and LONG)
dates will generally contain other punctuation, spaces, or words,
not just the day, month, and year, and not necessarily in the same
order returned here.
return ICU.getDateFormatOrder(getDateFormatString(context));
private static java.lang.String | getDateFormatString(android.content.Context context)
String value = Settings.System.getString(context.getContentResolver(),
return getDateFormatStringForSetting(context, value);
private static java.lang.String | getDateFormatStringForSetting(android.content.Context context, java.lang.String value)
if (value != null) {
int month = value.indexOf('M");
int day = value.indexOf('d");
int year = value.indexOf('y");
if (month >= 0 && day >= 0 && year >= 0) {
String template = context.getString(R.string.numeric_date_template);
if (year < month && year < day) {
if (month < day) {
value = String.format(template, "yyyy", "MM", "dd");
} else {
value = String.format(template, "yyyy", "dd", "MM");
} else if (month < day) {
if (day < year) {
value = String.format(template, "MM", "dd", "yyyy");
} else { // unlikely
value = String.format(template, "MM", "yyyy", "dd");
} else { // day < month
if (month < year) {
value = String.format(template, "dd", "MM", "yyyy");
} else { // unlikely
value = String.format(template, "dd", "yyyy", "MM");
return value;
// The setting is not set; use the locale's default.
LocaleData d = LocaleData.get(context.getResources().getConfiguration().locale);
return d.shortDateFormat4;
private static java.lang.String | getDayOfWeekString( ld, int day, int count, int kind)
boolean standalone = (kind == 'c");
if (count == 5) {
return standalone ? ld.tinyStandAloneWeekdayNames[day] : ld.tinyWeekdayNames[day];
} else if (count == 4) {
return standalone ? ld.longStandAloneWeekdayNames[day] : ld.longWeekdayNames[day];
} else {
return standalone ? ld.shortStandAloneWeekdayNames[day] : ld.shortWeekdayNames[day];
public static java.text.DateFormat | getLongDateFormat(android.content.Context context)Returns a {@link java.text.DateFormat} object that can format the date
in long form (such as {@code Monday, January 3, 2000}) for the current locale.
return java.text.DateFormat.getDateInstance(java.text.DateFormat.LONG);
public static java.text.DateFormat | getMediumDateFormat(android.content.Context context)Returns a {@link java.text.DateFormat} object that can format the date
in medium form (such as {@code Jan 3, 2000}) for the current locale.
return java.text.DateFormat.getDateInstance(java.text.DateFormat.MEDIUM);
private static java.lang.String | getMonthString( ld, int month, int count, int kind)
boolean standalone = (kind == 'L");
if (count == 5) {
return standalone ? ld.tinyStandAloneMonthNames[month] : ld.tinyMonthNames[month];
} else if (count == 4) {
return standalone ? ld.longStandAloneMonthNames[month] : ld.longMonthNames[month];
} else if (count == 3) {
return standalone ? ld.shortStandAloneMonthNames[month] : ld.shortMonthNames[month];
} else {
// Calendar.JANUARY == 0, so add 1 to month.
return zeroPad(month+1, count);
public static java.text.DateFormat | getTimeFormat(android.content.Context context)Returns a {@link java.text.DateFormat} object that can format the time according
to the current locale and the user's 12-/24-hour clock preference.
return new java.text.SimpleDateFormat(getTimeFormatString(context));
public static java.lang.String | getTimeFormatString(android.content.Context context)Returns a String pattern that can be used to format the time according
to the current locale and the user's 12-/24-hour clock preference.
return getTimeFormatString(context, UserHandle.myUserId());
public static java.lang.String | getTimeFormatString(android.content.Context context, int userHandle)Returns a String pattern that can be used to format the time according
to the current locale and the user's 12-/24-hour clock preference.
LocaleData d = LocaleData.get(context.getResources().getConfiguration().locale);
return is24HourFormat(context, userHandle) ? d.timeFormat24 : d.timeFormat12;
private static java.lang.String | getTimeZoneString(java.util.Calendar inDate, int count)
TimeZone tz = inDate.getTimeZone();
if (count < 2) { // FIXME: shouldn't this be <= 2 ?
return formatZoneOffset(inDate.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET) +
} else {
boolean dst = inDate.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET) != 0;
return tz.getDisplayName(dst, TimeZone.SHORT);
private static java.lang.String | getYearString(int year, int count)
return (count <= 2) ? zeroPad(year % 100, 2)
: String.format(Locale.getDefault(), "%d", year);
public static boolean | hasDesignator(java.lang.CharSequence inFormat, char designator)Test if a format string contains the given designator. Always returns
{@code false} if the input format is {@code null}.
if (inFormat == null) return false;
final int length = inFormat.length();
int c;
int count;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i += count) {
count = 1;
c = inFormat.charAt(i);
if (c == QUOTE) {
count = skipQuotedText(inFormat, i, length);
} else if (c == designator) {
return true;
return false;
public static boolean | hasSeconds(java.lang.CharSequence inFormat)Indicates whether the specified format string contains seconds.
Always returns false if the input format is null.
return hasDesignator(inFormat, SECONDS);
public static boolean | is24HourFormat(android.content.Context context)Returns true if user preference is set to 24-hour format.
return is24HourFormat(context, UserHandle.myUserId());
public static boolean | is24HourFormat(android.content.Context context, int userHandle)Returns true if user preference with the given user handle is set to 24-hour format.
String value = Settings.System.getStringForUser(context.getContentResolver(),
Settings.System.TIME_12_24, userHandle);
if (value == null) {
Locale locale = context.getResources().getConfiguration().locale;
synchronized (sLocaleLock) {
if (sIs24HourLocale != null && sIs24HourLocale.equals(locale)) {
return sIs24Hour;
java.text.DateFormat natural =
java.text.DateFormat.getTimeInstance(java.text.DateFormat.LONG, locale);
if (natural instanceof SimpleDateFormat) {
SimpleDateFormat sdf = (SimpleDateFormat) natural;
String pattern = sdf.toPattern();
if (pattern.indexOf('H") >= 0) {
value = "24";
} else {
value = "12";
} else {
value = "12";
synchronized (sLocaleLock) {
sIs24HourLocale = locale;
sIs24Hour = value.equals("24");
return sIs24Hour;
return value.equals("24");
private static int | skipQuotedText(java.lang.CharSequence s, int i, int len)
if (i + 1 < len && s.charAt(i + 1) == QUOTE) {
return 2;
int count = 1;
// skip leading quote
while (i < len) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
if (c == QUOTE) {
if (i + 1 < len && s.charAt(i + 1) == QUOTE) {
} else {
} else {
return count;
private static java.lang.String | zeroPad(int inValue, int inMinDigits)
return String.format(Locale.getDefault(), "%0" + inMinDigits + "d", inValue);