ProxyAttrAdapter.javaAPI DocExample2511Mon Jul 23 13:26:44 BST 2007org.apache.struts2.views.xslt


public class ProxyAttrAdapter extends ProxyNodeAdapter implements Attr
ProxyAttrAdapter is a pass-through adapter for objects which already implement the Attr interface. All methods are proxied to the underlying Node except node traversal (e.g. getParent()) related methods which are implemented by the abstract adapter node to work with the parent adapter.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
public ProxyAttrAdapter(AdapterFactory factory, AdapterNode parent, Attr value)

        super(factory, parent, value);
Methods Summary
protected org.w3c.dom.Attrattr()

        return (Attr) getPropertyValue();
public java.lang.StringgetName()

        return attr().getName();
public org.w3c.dom.ElementgetOwnerElement()

        return (Element) getParent();
public org.w3c.dom.TypeInfogetSchemaTypeInfo()

        throw operationNotSupported();
public booleangetSpecified()

        return attr().getSpecified();
public java.lang.StringgetValue()

        return attr().getValue();
public booleanisId()

        throw operationNotSupported();
public voidsetValue(java.lang.String string)

        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public java.lang.StringtoString()

        return "ProxyAttribute for: " + attr();