Fields Summary |
private static final String | TAG |
public static final int | TYPE_RINGTONEType that refers to sounds that are used for the phone ringer. |
public static final int | TYPE_NOTIFICATIONType that refers to sounds that are used for notifications. |
public static final int | TYPE_ALARMType that refers to sounds that are used for the alarm. |
public static final int | TYPE_ALLAll types of sounds. |
public static final String | ACTION_RINGTONE_PICKERActivity Action: Shows a ringtone picker.
public static final String | EXTRA_RINGTONE_SHOW_DEFAULTGiven to the ringtone picker as a boolean. Whether to show an item for
"Default". |
public static final String | EXTRA_RINGTONE_SHOW_SILENTGiven to the ringtone picker as a boolean. Whether to show an item for
"Silent". If the "Silent" item is picked,
{@link #EXTRA_RINGTONE_PICKED_URI} will be null. |
public static final String | EXTRA_RINGTONE_INCLUDE_DRMGiven to the ringtone picker as a boolean. Whether to include DRM ringtones. |
public static final String | EXTRA_RINGTONE_EXISTING_URIGiven to the ringtone picker as a {@link Uri}. The {@link Uri} of the
current ringtone, which will be used to show a checkmark next to the item
for this {@link Uri}. If showing an item for "Default" (@see
{@link #EXTRA_RINGTONE_SHOW_DEFAULT}), this can also be one of
{@link System#DEFAULT_ALARM_ALERT_URI} to have the "Default" item
checked. |
public static final String | EXTRA_RINGTONE_DEFAULT_URIGiven to the ringtone picker as a {@link Uri}. The {@link Uri} of the
ringtone to play when the user attempts to preview the "Default"
ringtone. This can be one of {@link System#DEFAULT_RINGTONE_URI},
{@link System#DEFAULT_ALARM_ALERT_URI} to have the "Default" point to
the current sound for the given default sound type. If you are showing a
ringtone picker for some other type of sound, you are free to provide any
{@link Uri} here. |
public static final String | EXTRA_RINGTONE_TYPEGiven to the ringtone picker as an int. Specifies which ringtone type(s) should be
shown in the picker. One or more of {@link #TYPE_RINGTONE},
{@link #TYPE_NOTIFICATION}, {@link #TYPE_ALARM}, or {@link #TYPE_ALL}
(bitwise-ored together). |
public static final String | EXTRA_RINGTONE_TITLEGiven to the ringtone picker as a {@link CharSequence}. The title to
show for the ringtone picker. This has a default value that is suitable
in most cases. |
public static final String | EXTRA_RINGTONE_PICKED_URIReturned from the ringtone picker as a {@link Uri}.
It will be one of:
the picked ringtone,
a {@link Uri} that equals {@link System#DEFAULT_RINGTONE_URI},
{@link System#DEFAULT_ALARM_ALERT_URI} if the default was chosen,
null if the "Silent" item was picked. |
private static final String[] | INTERNAL_COLUMNS |
private static final String[] | MEDIA_COLUMNS |
public static final int | ID_COLUMN_INDEXThe column index (in the cursor returned by {@link #getCursor()} for the
row ID. |
public static final int | TITLE_COLUMN_INDEXThe column index (in the cursor returned by {@link #getCursor()} for the
title. |
public static final int | URI_COLUMN_INDEXThe column index (in the cursor returned by {@link #getCursor()} for the
media provider's URI. |
private | mActivity |
private android.content.Context | mContext |
private android.database.Cursor | mCursor |
private int | mType |
private final List | mFilterColumnsIf a column (item from this list) exists in the Cursor, its value must
be true (value of 1) for the row to be returned. |
private boolean | mStopPreviousRingtone |
private Ringtone | mPreviousRingtone |
Methods Summary |
private static java.lang.String | constructBooleanTrueWhereClause(java.util.List columns)Constructs a where clause that consists of at least one column being 1
(true). This is used to find all matching sounds for the given sound
types (ringtone, notifications, etc.)
if (columns == null) return null;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = columns.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
sb.append(columns.get(i)).append("=1 or ");
if (columns.size() > 0) {
// Remove last ' or '
sb.setLength(sb.length() - 4);
return sb.toString();
public static | getActualDefaultRingtoneUri(android.content.Context context, int type)Gets the current default sound's {@link Uri}. This will give the actual
sound {@link Uri}, instead of using this, most clients can use
String setting = getSettingForType(type);
if (setting == null) return null;
final String uriString = Settings.System.getString(context.getContentResolver(), setting);
return uriString != null ? Uri.parse(uriString) : null;
public android.database.Cursor | getCursor()Returns a {@link Cursor} of all the ringtones available. The returned
cursor will be the same cursor returned each time this method is called,
so do not {@link Cursor#close()} the cursor. The cursor can be
{@link Cursor#deactivate()} safely.
If {@link RingtoneManager#RingtoneManager(Activity)} was not used, the
caller should manage the returned cursor through its activity's life
cycle to prevent leaking the cursor.
if (mCursor != null && mCursor.requery()) {
return mCursor;
final Cursor internalCursor = getInternalRingtones();
final Cursor mediaCursor = getMediaRingtones();
return mCursor = new SortCursor(new Cursor[] { internalCursor, mediaCursor },
public static int | getDefaultType( defaultRingtoneUri)Returns the type of a default {@link Uri}.
if (defaultRingtoneUri == null) {
return -1;
} else if (defaultRingtoneUri.equals(Settings.System.DEFAULT_RINGTONE_URI)) {
} else if (defaultRingtoneUri.equals(Settings.System.DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_URI)) {
} else if (defaultRingtoneUri.equals(Settings.System.DEFAULT_ALARM_ALERT_URI)) {
return TYPE_ALARM;
} else {
return -1;
public static | getDefaultUri(int type)Returns the {@link Uri} for the default ringtone of a particular type.
Rather than returning the actual ringtone's sound {@link Uri}, this will
return the symbolic {@link Uri} which will resolved to the actual sound
when played.
if ((type & TYPE_RINGTONE) != 0) {
return Settings.System.DEFAULT_RINGTONE_URI;
} else if ((type & TYPE_NOTIFICATION) != 0) {
return Settings.System.DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_URI;
} else if ((type & TYPE_ALARM) != 0) {
return Settings.System.DEFAULT_ALARM_ALERT_URI;
} else {
return null;
public boolean | getIncludeDrm()Returns whether DRM ringtones will be included.
return false;
private android.database.Cursor | getInternalRingtones()
return query(
null, MediaStore.Audio.Media.DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER);
private android.database.Cursor | getMediaRingtones()
// Get the external media cursor. First check to see if it is mounted.
final String status = Environment.getExternalStorageState();
return (status.equals(Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED) ||
? query(
constructBooleanTrueWhereClause(mFilterColumns), null,
: null;
public Ringtone | getRingtone(int position)Gets a {@link Ringtone} for the ringtone at the given position in the
{@link Cursor}.
if (mStopPreviousRingtone && mPreviousRingtone != null) {
mPreviousRingtone = getRingtone(mContext, getRingtoneUri(position), inferStreamType());
return mPreviousRingtone;
public static Ringtone | getRingtone(android.content.Context context, ringtoneUri)Returns a {@link Ringtone} for a given sound URI.
If the given URI cannot be opened for any reason, this method will
attempt to fallback on another sound. If it cannot find any, it will
return null.
// Don't set the stream type
return getRingtone(context, ringtoneUri, -1);
private static Ringtone | getRingtone(android.content.Context context, ringtoneUri, int streamType)Returns a {@link Ringtone} for a given sound URI on the given stream
type. Normally, if you change the stream type on the returned
{@link Ringtone}, it will re-create the {@link MediaPlayer}. This is just
an optimized route to avoid that.
try {
final Ringtone r = new Ringtone(context, true);
if (streamType >= 0) {
return r;
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to open ringtone " + ringtoneUri + ": " + ex);
return null;
public int | getRingtonePosition( ringtoneUri)Gets the position of a {@link Uri} within this {@link RingtoneManager}.
if (ringtoneUri == null) return -1;
final Cursor cursor = getCursor();
final int cursorCount = cursor.getCount();
if (!cursor.moveToFirst()) {
return -1;
// Only create Uri objects when the actual URI changes
Uri currentUri = null;
String previousUriString = null;
for (int i = 0; i < cursorCount; i++) {
String uriString = cursor.getString(URI_COLUMN_INDEX);
if (currentUri == null || !uriString.equals(previousUriString)) {
currentUri = Uri.parse(uriString);
if (ringtoneUri.equals(ContentUris.withAppendedId(currentUri, cursor
.getLong(ID_COLUMN_INDEX)))) {
return i;
previousUriString = uriString;
return -1;
public | getRingtoneUri(int position)Gets a {@link Uri} for the ringtone at the given position in the {@link Cursor}.
// use cursor directly instead of requerying it, which could easily
// cause position to shuffle.
if (mCursor == null || !mCursor.moveToPosition(position)) {
return null;
return getUriFromCursor(mCursor);
private static java.lang.String | getSettingForType(int type)
if ((type & TYPE_RINGTONE) != 0) {
return Settings.System.RINGTONE;
} else if ((type & TYPE_NOTIFICATION) != 0) {
return Settings.System.NOTIFICATION_SOUND;
} else if ((type & TYPE_ALARM) != 0) {
return Settings.System.ALARM_ALERT;
} else {
return null;
public boolean | getStopPreviousRingtone()
return mStopPreviousRingtone;
private static | getUriFromCursor(android.database.Cursor cursor)
return ContentUris.withAppendedId(Uri.parse(cursor.getString(URI_COLUMN_INDEX)), cursor
public static | getValidRingtoneUri(android.content.Context context)Returns a valid ringtone URI. No guarantees on which it returns. If it
cannot find one, returns null.
final RingtoneManager rm = new RingtoneManager(context);
Uri uri = getValidRingtoneUriFromCursorAndClose(context, rm.getInternalRingtones());
if (uri == null) {
uri = getValidRingtoneUriFromCursorAndClose(context, rm.getMediaRingtones());
return uri;
private static | getValidRingtoneUriFromCursorAndClose(android.content.Context context, android.database.Cursor cursor)
if (cursor != null) {
Uri uri = null;
if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
uri = getUriFromCursor(cursor);
return uri;
} else {
return null;
public int | inferStreamType()Infers the playback stream type based on what type of ringtones this
manager is returning.
switch (mType) {
return AudioManager.STREAM_ALARM;
return AudioManager.STREAM_NOTIFICATION;
return AudioManager.STREAM_RING;
public static boolean | isDefault( ringtoneUri)Returns whether the given {@link Uri} is one of the default ringtones.
return getDefaultType(ringtoneUri) != -1;
private android.database.Cursor | query( uri, java.lang.String[] projection, java.lang.String selection, java.lang.String[] selectionArgs, java.lang.String sortOrder)
if (mActivity != null) {
return mActivity.managedQuery(uri, projection, selection, selectionArgs, sortOrder);
} else {
return mContext.getContentResolver().query(uri, projection, selection, selectionArgs,
public static void | setActualDefaultRingtoneUri(android.content.Context context, int type, ringtoneUri)Sets the {@link Uri} of the default sound for a given sound type.
String setting = getSettingForType(type);
if (setting == null) return;
Settings.System.putString(context.getContentResolver(), setting,
ringtoneUri != null ? ringtoneUri.toString() : null);
private void | setFilterColumnsList(int type)
List<String> columns = mFilterColumns;
if ((type & TYPE_RINGTONE) != 0) {
if ((type & TYPE_NOTIFICATION) != 0) {
if ((type & TYPE_ALARM) != 0) {
public void | setIncludeDrm(boolean includeDrm)Sets whether to include DRM ringtones.
if (includeDrm) {
Log.w(TAG, "setIncludeDrm no longer supported");
public void | setStopPreviousRingtone(boolean stopPreviousRingtone)Whether retrieving another {@link Ringtone} will stop playing the
previously retrieved {@link Ringtone}.
If this is false, make sure to {@link Ringtone#stop()} any previous
ringtones to free resources.
mStopPreviousRingtone = stopPreviousRingtone;
public void | setType(int type)Sets which type(s) of ringtones will be listed by this.
if (mCursor != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Setting filter columns should be done before querying for ringtones.");
mType = type;
public void | stopPreviousRingtone()Stops playing the last {@link Ringtone} retrieved from this.
if (mPreviousRingtone != null) {