CMSSignedDataGeneratorpublic class CMSSignedDataGenerator extends CMSSignedGenerator general class for generating a pkcs7-signature message.
A simple example of usage.
CertStore certs...
CMSSignedDataGenerator gen = new CMSSignedDataGenerator();
gen.addSigner(privKey, cert, CMSSignedGenerator.DIGEST_SHA1);
CMSSignedData data = gen.generate(content, "BC");
Fields Summary |
List | signerInfs |
Constructors Summary |
public CMSSignedDataGenerator()base constructor
| public CMSSignedDataGenerator(SecureRandom rand)constructor allowing specific source of randomness
Methods Summary |
public void | addSigner( key, cert, java.lang.String digestOID)add a signer - no attributes other than the default ones will be
provided here.
String encOID = getEncOID(key, digestOID);
signerInfs.add(new SignerInf(key, cert, digestOID, encOID, new DefaultSignedAttributeTableGenerator(), null, null));
| public void | addSigner( key, byte[] subjectKeyID, java.lang.String digestOID)add a signer - no attributes other than the default ones will be
provided here.
String encOID = getEncOID(key, digestOID);
signerInfs.add(new SignerInf(key, subjectKeyID, digestOID, encOID, new DefaultSignedAttributeTableGenerator(), null, null));
| public void | addSigner( key, cert, java.lang.String digestOID, org.bouncycastle.asn1.cms.AttributeTable signedAttr, org.bouncycastle.asn1.cms.AttributeTable unsignedAttr)add a signer with extra signed/unsigned attributes.
String encOID = getEncOID(key, digestOID);
signerInfs.add(new SignerInf(key, cert, digestOID, encOID, new DefaultSignedAttributeTableGenerator(signedAttr), new SimpleAttributeTableGenerator(unsignedAttr), signedAttr));
| public void | addSigner( key, byte[] subjectKeyID, java.lang.String digestOID, org.bouncycastle.asn1.cms.AttributeTable signedAttr, org.bouncycastle.asn1.cms.AttributeTable unsignedAttr)add a signer with extra signed/unsigned attributes.
String encOID = getEncOID(key, digestOID);
signerInfs.add(new SignerInf(key, subjectKeyID, digestOID, encOID, new DefaultSignedAttributeTableGenerator(signedAttr), new SimpleAttributeTableGenerator(unsignedAttr), signedAttr));
| public void | addSigner( key, cert, java.lang.String digestOID, CMSAttributeTableGenerator signedAttrGen, CMSAttributeTableGenerator unsignedAttrGen)add a signer with extra signed/unsigned attributes based on generators.
String encOID = getEncOID(key, digestOID);
signerInfs.add(new SignerInf(key, cert, digestOID, encOID, signedAttrGen, unsignedAttrGen, null));
| public void | addSigner( key, byte[] subjectKeyID, java.lang.String digestOID, CMSAttributeTableGenerator signedAttrGen, CMSAttributeTableGenerator unsignedAttrGen)add a signer with extra signed/unsigned attributes based on generators.
String encOID = getEncOID(key, digestOID);
signerInfs.add(new SignerInf(key, subjectKeyID, digestOID, encOID, signedAttrGen, unsignedAttrGen, null));
| public CMSSignedData | generate(CMSProcessable content, java.lang.String sigProvider)generate a signed object that for a CMS Signed Data
object using the given provider.
return generate(content, CMSUtils.getProvider(sigProvider));
| public CMSSignedData | generate(CMSProcessable content, sigProvider)generate a signed object that for a CMS Signed Data
object using the given provider.
return generate(content, false, sigProvider);
| public CMSSignedData | generate(java.lang.String signedContentType, CMSProcessable content, boolean encapsulate, java.lang.String sigProvider)generate a signed object that for a CMS Signed Data
object using the given provider - if encapsulate is true a copy
of the message will be included in the signature. The content type
is set according to the OID represented by the string signedContentType.
return generate(signedContentType, content, encapsulate, CMSUtils.getProvider(sigProvider), true);
| public CMSSignedData | generate(java.lang.String signedContentType, CMSProcessable content, boolean encapsulate, sigProvider)generate a signed object that for a CMS Signed Data
object using the given provider - if encapsulate is true a copy
of the message will be included in the signature. The content type
is set according to the OID represented by the string signedContentType.
return generate(signedContentType, content, encapsulate, sigProvider, true);
| public CMSSignedData | generate(java.lang.String signedContentType, CMSProcessable content, boolean encapsulate, java.lang.String sigProvider, boolean addDefaultAttributes)Similar method to the other generate methods. The additional argument
addDefaultAttributes indicates whether or not a default set of signed attributes
need to be added automatically. If the argument is set to false, no
attributes will get added at all.
return generate(signedContentType, content, encapsulate, CMSUtils.getProvider(sigProvider), addDefaultAttributes);
| public CMSSignedData | generate(java.lang.String signedContentType, CMSProcessable content, boolean encapsulate, sigProvider, boolean addDefaultAttributes)Similar method to the other generate methods. The additional argument
addDefaultAttributes indicates whether or not a default set of signed attributes
need to be added automatically. If the argument is set to false, no
attributes will get added at all.
ASN1EncodableVector digestAlgs = new ASN1EncodableVector();
ASN1EncodableVector signerInfos = new ASN1EncodableVector();
_digests.clear(); // clear the current preserved digest state
// add the precalculated SignerInfo objects.
Iterator it = _signers.iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
SignerInformation signer = (SignerInformation);
AlgorithmIdentifier digAlgId;
digAlgId = makeAlgId(signer.getDigestAlgOID(),
catch (IOException e)
throw new CMSException("encoding error.", e);
// add the SignerInfo objects
DERObjectIdentifier contentTypeOID;
boolean isCounterSignature;
if (signedContentType != null)
contentTypeOID = new DERObjectIdentifier(signedContentType);
isCounterSignature = false;
contentTypeOID =;
isCounterSignature = true;
it = signerInfs.iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
SignerInf signer = (SignerInf);
AlgorithmIdentifier digAlgId;
digAlgId = makeAlgId(signer.getDigestAlgOID(),
signerInfos.add(signer.toSignerInfo(contentTypeOID, content, rand, sigProvider, addDefaultAttributes, isCounterSignature));
catch (IOException e)
throw new CMSException("encoding error.", e);
catch (InvalidKeyException e)
throw new CMSException("key inappropriate for signature.", e);
catch (SignatureException e)
throw new CMSException("error creating signature.", e);
catch (CertificateEncodingException e)
throw new CMSException("error creating sid.", e);
ASN1Set certificates = null;
if (_certs.size() != 0)
certificates = CMSUtils.createBerSetFromList(_certs);
ASN1Set certrevlist = null;
if (_crls.size() != 0)
certrevlist = CMSUtils.createBerSetFromList(_crls);
ContentInfo encInfo;
if (encapsulate)
ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
catch (IOException e)
throw new CMSException("encapsulation error.", e);
ASN1OctetString octs = new BERConstructedOctetString(
encInfo = new ContentInfo(contentTypeOID, octs);
encInfo = new ContentInfo(contentTypeOID, null);
SignedData sd = new SignedData(
new DERSet(digestAlgs),
new DERSet(signerInfos));
ContentInfo contentInfo = new ContentInfo(
PKCSObjectIdentifiers.signedData, sd);
return new CMSSignedData(content, contentInfo);
| public CMSSignedData | generate(CMSProcessable content, boolean encapsulate, java.lang.String sigProvider)generate a signed object that for a CMS Signed Data
object using the given provider - if encapsulate is true a copy
of the message will be included in the signature with the
default content type "data".
return this.generate(DATA, content, encapsulate, sigProvider);
| public CMSSignedData | generate(CMSProcessable content, boolean encapsulate, sigProvider)generate a signed object that for a CMS Signed Data
object using the given provider - if encapsulate is true a copy
of the message will be included in the signature with the
default content type "data".
return this.generate(DATA, content, encapsulate, sigProvider);
| public SignerInformationStore | generateCounterSigners(SignerInformation signer, sigProvider)generate a set of one or more SignerInformation objects representing counter signatures on
the passed in SignerInformation object.
return this.generate(null, new CMSProcessableByteArray(signer.getSignature()), false, sigProvider).getSignerInfos();
| public SignerInformationStore | generateCounterSigners(SignerInformation signer, java.lang.String sigProvider)generate a set of one or more SignerInformation objects representing counter signatures on
the passed in SignerInformation object.
return this.generate(null, new CMSProcessableByteArray(signer.getSignature()), false, CMSUtils.getProvider(sigProvider)).getSignerInfos();
| private org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.AlgorithmIdentifier | makeAlgId(java.lang.String oid, byte[] params)
if (params != null)
return new AlgorithmIdentifier(
new DERObjectIdentifier(oid), makeObj(params));
return new AlgorithmIdentifier(
new DERObjectIdentifier(oid), new DERNull());
| private org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERObject | makeObj(byte[] encoding)
if (encoding == null)
return null;
ByteArrayInputStream bIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(encoding);
ASN1InputStream aIn = new ASN1InputStream(bIn);
return aIn.readObject();