BiometricSensorUnlock.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API2468Thu Mar 12 22:22:42 GMT


public interface BiometricSensorUnlock

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Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public voidcleanUp()
Cleans up any resources used by the biometric unlock.

public intgetQuality()
Gets the Device Policy Manager quality of the biometric unlock sensor (e.g., PASSWORD_QUALITY_BIOMETRIC_WEAK).

biometric unlock sensor quality, as defined by Device Policy Manager.

public voidinitializeView(android.view.View biometricUnlockView)
Initializes the view provided for the biometric unlock UI to work within. The provided area completely covers the backup unlock mechanism.

biometricUnlockView View provided for the biometric unlock UI.

public booleanisRunning()
Indicates whether the biometric unlock is running. Before {@link BiometricSensorUnlock#start} is called, isRunning() returns false. After a successful call to {@link BiometricSensorUnlock#start}, isRunning() returns true until the biometric unlock completes, {@link BiometricSensorUnlock#stop} has been called, or an error has forced the biometric unlock to stop.

whether the biometric unlock is currently running.

public booleanstart()
Binds to the biometric unlock service and starts the unlock procedure. Called on the UI thread.

false if it can't be started or the backup should be used.

public booleanstop()
Stops the biometric unlock procedure and unbinds from the service. Called on the UI thread.

whether the biometric unlock was running when called.

public voidstopAndShowBackup()
Stops and removes the biometric unlock and shows the backup unlock