CodeGenerator.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API24477Wed Aug 30 15:34:06 BST 2006persistence.antlr


public abstract class CodeGenerator extends Object
A generic ANTLR code generator. All code generators Derive from this class.

A CodeGenerator knows about a Grammar data structure and a grammar analyzer. The Grammar is walked to generate the appropriate code for both a parser and lexer (if present). This interface may change slightly so that the lexer is itself living inside of a Grammar object (in which case, this class generates only one recognizer). The main method to call is gen(), which initiates all code gen.

The interaction of the code generator with the analyzer is simple: each subrule block calls deterministic() before generating code for the block. Method deterministic() sets lookahead caches in each Alternative object. Technically, a code generator doesn't need the grammar analyzer if all lookahead analysis is done at runtime, but this would result in a slower parser.

This class provides a set of support utilities to handle argument list parsing and so on.

Terence Parr, John Lilley

Fields Summary
protected Tool
protected int
Current tab indentation for code output
protected transient PrintWriter
Current output Stream
protected Grammar
The grammar for which we generate code
protected Vector
List of all bitsets that must be dumped. These are Vectors of BitSet.
protected DefineGrammarSymbols
The grammar behavior
protected LLkGrammarAnalyzer
The LLk analyzer
protected CharFormatter
Object used to format characters in the target language. subclass must initialize this to the language-specific formatter
protected boolean
Use option "codeGenDebug" to generate debugging output
protected static final int
Default values for code-generation thresholds
protected static final int
protected static final int
If there are more than 8 long words to init in a bitset, try to optimize it; e.g., detect runs of -1L and 0L.
protected int
This is a hint for the language-specific code generator. A switch() or language-specific equivalent will be generated instead of a series of if/else statements for blocks with number of alternates greater than or equal to this number of non-predicated LL(1) alternates. This is modified by the grammar option "codeGenMakeSwitchThreshold"
protected int
This is a hint for the language-specific code generator. A bitset membership test will be generated instead of an ORed series of LA(k) comparisions for lookahead sets with degree greater than or equal to this value. This is modified by the grammar option "codeGenBitsetTestThreshold"
private static boolean
public static String
public static String
Constructors Summary
public CodeGenerator()
Construct code generator base class

Methods Summary
protected void_print(java.lang.String s)
Output a String to the currentOutput stream. Ignored if string is null.

s The string to output

        if (s != null) {
protected void_printAction(java.lang.String s)
Print an action without leading tabs, attempting to preserve the current indentation level for multi-line actions Ignored if string is null.

s The action string to output

        if (s == null) {

        // Skip leading newlines, tabs and spaces
        int start = 0;
        while (start < s.length() && Character.isSpaceChar(s.charAt(start))) {

        // Skip leading newlines, tabs and spaces
        int end = s.length() - 1;
        while (end > start && Character.isSpaceChar(s.charAt(end))) {

        char c = 0;
        for (int i = start; i <= end;) {
            c = s.charAt(i);
            boolean newline = false;
            switch (c) {
                case '\n":
                    newline = true;
                case '\r":
                    if (i <= end && s.charAt(i) == '\n") {
                    newline = true;
            if (newline) {
                // Absorb leading whitespace
                while (i <= end && Character.isSpaceChar(s.charAt(i))) {
                newline = false;
protected void_println(java.lang.String s)
Output a String followed by newline, to the currentOutput stream. Ignored if string is null.

s The string to output

        if (s != null) {
public static java.lang.StringdecodeLexerRuleName(java.lang.String id)

        if ( id==null ) {
            return null;
        return id.substring(1,id.length());
public static booleanelementsAreRange(int[] elems)
Test if a set element array represents a contiguous range.

elems The array of elements representing the set, usually from BitSet.toArray().
true if the elements are a contiguous range (with two or more).

        if (elems.length == 0) {
            return false;
        int begin = elems[0];
        int end = elems[elems.length - 1];
        if (elems.length <= 2) {
            // Not enough elements for a range expression
            return false;
        if (end - begin + 1 > elems.length) {
            // The set does not represent a contiguous range
            return false;
        int v = begin + 1;
        for (int i = 1; i < elems.length - 1; i++) {
            if (v != elems[i]) {
                // The set does not represent a contiguous range
                return false;
        return true;
public static java.lang.StringencodeLexerRuleName(java.lang.String id)

        return "m" + id;
protected java.lang.StringextractIdOfAction(persistence.antlr.Token t)
Get the identifier portion of an argument-action token. The ID of an action is assumed to be a trailing identifier. Specific code-generators may want to override this if the language has unusual declaration syntax.

t The action token
A string containing the text of the identifier

        return extractIdOfAction(t.getText(), t.getLine(), t.getColumn());
protected java.lang.StringextractIdOfAction(java.lang.String s, int line, int column)
Get the identifier portion of an argument-action. The ID of an action is assumed to be a trailing identifier. Specific code-generators may want to override this if the language has unusual declaration syntax.

s The action text
line Line used for error reporting.
column Line used for error reporting.
A string containing the text of the identifier

        s = removeAssignmentFromDeclaration(s);
        // Search back from the end for a non alphanumeric.  That marks the
        // beginning of the identifier
        for (int i = s.length() - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
            // TODO: make this work for language-independent identifiers?
            if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit(s.charAt(i)) && s.charAt(i) != '_") {
                // Found end of type part
                return s.substring(i + 1);
        // Something is bogus, but we cannot parse the language-specific
        // actions any better.  The compiler will have to catch the problem.
        antlrTool.warning("Ill-formed action", grammar.getFilename(), line, column);
        return "";
protected java.lang.StringextractTypeOfAction(persistence.antlr.Token t)
Get the type string out of an argument-action token. The type of an action is assumed to precede a trailing identifier Specific code-generators may want to override this if the language has unusual declaration syntax.

t The action token
A string containing the text of the type

        return extractTypeOfAction(t.getText(), t.getLine(), t.getColumn());
protected java.lang.StringextractTypeOfAction(java.lang.String s, int line, int column)
Get the type portion of an argument-action. The type of an action is assumed to precede a trailing identifier Specific code-generators may want to override this if the language has unusual declaration syntax.

s The action text
line Line used for error reporting.
A string containing the text of the type

        s = removeAssignmentFromDeclaration(s);
        // Search back from the end for a non alphanumeric.  That marks the
        // beginning of the identifier
        for (int i = s.length() - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
            // TODO: make this work for language-independent identifiers?
            if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit(s.charAt(i)) && s.charAt(i) != '_") {
                // Found end of type part
                return s.substring(0, i + 1);
        // Something is bogus, but we cannot parse the language-specific
        // actions any better.  The compiler will have to catch the problem.
        antlrTool.warning("Ill-formed action", grammar.getFilename(), line, column);
        return "";
public abstract voidgen()
Generate the code for all grammars

public abstract voidgen(persistence.antlr.ActionElement action)
Generate code for the given grammar element.

action The {...} action to generate

public abstract voidgen(persistence.antlr.AlternativeBlock blk)
Generate code for the given grammar element.

blk The "x|y|z|..." block to generate

public abstract voidgen(persistence.antlr.BlockEndElement end)
Generate code for the given grammar element.

end The block-end element to generate. Block-end elements are synthesized by the grammar parser to represent the end of a block.

public abstract voidgen(persistence.antlr.CharLiteralElement atom)
Generate code for the given grammar element.

atom The character literal reference to generate

public abstract voidgen(persistence.antlr.CharRangeElement r)
Generate code for the given grammar element.

r The character-range reference to generate

public abstract voidgen(persistence.antlr.LexerGrammar g)
Generate the code for a parser

public abstract voidgen(persistence.antlr.OneOrMoreBlock blk)
Generate code for the given grammar element.

blk The (...)+ block to generate

public abstract voidgen(persistence.antlr.ParserGrammar g)
Generate the code for a parser

public abstract voidgen(persistence.antlr.RuleRefElement rr)
Generate code for the given grammar element.

rr The rule-reference to generate

public abstract voidgen(persistence.antlr.StringLiteralElement atom)
Generate code for the given grammar element.

atom The string-literal reference to generate

public abstract voidgen(persistence.antlr.TokenRangeElement r)
Generate code for the given grammar element.

r The token-range reference to generate

public abstract voidgen(persistence.antlr.TokenRefElement atom)
Generate code for the given grammar element.

atom The token-reference to generate

public abstract voidgen(persistence.antlr.TreeElement t)
Generate code for the given grammar element.

blk The tree to generate code for.

public abstract voidgen(persistence.antlr.TreeWalkerGrammar g)
Generate the code for a parser

public abstract voidgen(persistence.antlr.WildcardElement wc)
Generate code for the given grammar element.

wc The wildcard element to generate

public abstract voidgen(persistence.antlr.ZeroOrMoreBlock blk)
Generate code for the given grammar element.

blk The (...)* block to generate

protected voidgenTokenInterchange(persistence.antlr.TokenManager tm)
Generate the token types as a text file for persistence across shared lexer/parser

        // Open the token output Java file and set the currentOutput stream
        String fName = tm.getName() + TokenTypesFileSuffix + TokenTypesFileExt;
        currentOutput = antlrTool.openOutputFile(fName);

        println("// $ANTLR " + antlrTool.version + ": " +
                antlrTool.fileMinusPath(antlrTool.grammarFile) +
                " -> " +
                fName +

        tabs = 0;

        // Header
        println(tm.getName() + "    // output token vocab name");

        // Generate a definition for each token type
        Vector v = tm.getVocabulary();
        for (int i = Token.MIN_USER_TYPE; i < v.size(); i++) {
            String s = (String)v.elementAt(i);
            if (DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR) {
                System.out.println("gen persistence file entry for: " + s);
            if (s != null && !s.startsWith("<")) {
                // if literal, find label
                if (s.startsWith("\"")) {
                    StringLiteralSymbol sl = (StringLiteralSymbol)tm.getTokenSymbol(s);
                    if (sl != null && sl.label != null) {
                        print(sl.label + "=");
                    println(s + "=" + i);
                else {
                    // check for a paraphrase
                    TokenSymbol ts = (TokenSymbol)tm.getTokenSymbol(s);
                    if (ts == null) {
                        antlrTool.warning("undefined token symbol: " + s);
                    else {
                        if (ts.getParaphrase() != null) {
                            print("(" + ts.getParaphrase() + ")");
                    println("=" + i);

        // Close the tokens output file
        currentOutput = null;
public abstract java.lang.StringgetASTCreateString(persistence.antlr.collections.impl.Vector v)
Get a string for an expression to generate creation of an AST subtree.

v A Vector of String, where each element is an expression in the target language yielding an AST node.

public abstract java.lang.StringgetASTCreateString(persistence.antlr.GrammarAtom atom, java.lang.String str)
Get a string for an expression to generate creating of an AST node

str The text of the arguments to the AST construction

protected java.lang.StringgetBitsetName(int index)
Given the index of a bitset in the bitset list, generate a unique name. Specific code-generators may want to override this if the language does not allow '_' or numerals in identifiers.

index The index of the bitset in the bitset list.

        return "_tokenSet_" + index;
public java.lang.StringgetFIRSTBitSet(java.lang.String ruleName, int k)

		GrammarSymbol rs = grammar.getSymbol(ruleName);
		if ( !(rs instanceof RuleSymbol) ) {
			return null;
		RuleBlock blk = ((RuleSymbol)rs).getBlock();
        Lookahead first = grammar.theLLkAnalyzer.look(k, blk);
		String firstSetName = getBitsetName(markBitsetForGen(first.fset));
		return firstSetName;
public java.lang.StringgetFOLLOWBitSet(java.lang.String ruleName, int k)

		GrammarSymbol rs = grammar.getSymbol(ruleName);
		if ( !(rs instanceof RuleSymbol) ) {
			return null;
		RuleBlock blk = ((RuleSymbol)rs).getBlock();
        Lookahead follow = grammar.theLLkAnalyzer.FOLLOW(k, blk.endNode);
		String followSetName = getBitsetName(markBitsetForGen(follow.fset));
		return followSetName;
public abstract java.lang.StringmapTreeId(java.lang.String id, persistence.antlr.ActionTransInfo tInfo)
Map an identifier to it's corresponding tree-node variable. This is context-sensitive, depending on the rule and alternative being generated

id The identifier name to map
forInput true if the input tree node variable is to be returned, otherwise the output variable is returned.
The mapped id (which may be the same as the input), or null if the mapping is invalid due to duplicates

protected intmarkBitsetForGen(persistence.antlr.collections.impl.BitSet p)
Add a bitset to the list of bitsets to be generated. if the bitset is already in the list, ignore the request. Always adds the bitset to the end of the list, so the caller can rely on the position of bitsets in the list. The returned position can be used to format the bitset name, since it is invariant.

p Bit set to mark for code generation
forParser true if the bitset is used for the parser, false for the lexer
The position of the bitset in the list.

        // Is the bitset (or an identical one) already marked for gen?
        for (int i = 0; i < bitsetsUsed.size(); i++) {
            BitSet set = (BitSet)bitsetsUsed.elementAt(i);
            if (p.equals(set)) {
                // Use the identical one already stored
                return i;

        // Add the new bitset
        return bitsetsUsed.size() - 1;
protected voidprint(java.lang.String s)
Output tab indent followed by a String, to the currentOutput stream. Ignored if string is null.

s The string to output.

        if (s != null) {
protected voidprintAction(java.lang.String s)
Print an action with leading tabs, attempting to preserve the current indentation level for multi-line actions Ignored if string is null.

s The action string to output

        if (s != null) {
protected voidprintTabs()
Output the current tab indentation. This outputs the number of tabs indicated by the "tabs" variable to the currentOutput stream.

        for (int i = 1; i <= tabs; i++) {
protected voidprintln(java.lang.String s)
Output tab indent followed by a String followed by newline, to the currentOutput stream. Ignored if string is null.

s The string to output

        if (s != null) {
protected abstract java.lang.StringprocessActionForSpecialSymbols(java.lang.String actionStr, int line, persistence.antlr.RuleBlock currentRule, persistence.antlr.ActionTransInfo tInfo)
Lexically process $ and # references within the action. This will replace #id and #(...) with the appropriate function calls and/or variables etc...

public java.lang.StringprocessStringForASTConstructor(java.lang.String str)
Process a string for an simple expression for use in xx/action.g it is used to cast simple tokens/references to the right type for the generated language.

str A String.

        return str;
protected java.lang.StringremoveAssignmentFromDeclaration(java.lang.String d)
Remove the assignment portion of a declaration, if any.

d the declaration
the declaration without any assignment portion

        // If d contains an equal sign, then it's a declaration
        // with an initialization.  Strip off the initialization part.
        if (d.indexOf('=") >= 0) d = d.substring(0, d.indexOf('=")).trim();
        return d;
private voidreset()
Set all fields back like one just created

        tabs = 0;
        // Allocate list of bitsets tagged for code generation
        bitsetsUsed = new Vector();
        currentOutput = null;
        grammar = null;
        DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR = false;
        makeSwitchThreshold = DEFAULT_MAKE_SWITCH_THRESHOLD;
        bitsetTestThreshold = DEFAULT_BITSET_TEST_THRESHOLD;
public static java.lang.StringreverseLexerRuleName(java.lang.String id)

        return id.substring(1, id.length());
public voidsetAnalyzer(persistence.antlr.LLkGrammarAnalyzer analyzer_)

        analyzer = analyzer_;
public voidsetBehavior(persistence.antlr.DefineGrammarSymbols behavior_)

        behavior = behavior_;
protected voidsetGrammar(persistence.antlr.Grammar g)
Set a grammar for the code generator to use

        grammar = g;
        // Lookup make-switch threshold in the grammar generic options
        if (grammar.hasOption("codeGenMakeSwitchThreshold")) {
            try {
                makeSwitchThreshold = grammar.getIntegerOption("codeGenMakeSwitchThreshold");
                //System.out.println("setting codeGenMakeSwitchThreshold to " + makeSwitchThreshold);
            catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                Token tok = grammar.getOption("codeGenMakeSwitchThreshold");
                    "option 'codeGenMakeSwitchThreshold' must be an integer",
                    tok.getLine(), tok.getColumn()

        // Lookup bitset-test threshold in the grammar generic options
        if (grammar.hasOption("codeGenBitsetTestThreshold")) {
            try {
                bitsetTestThreshold = grammar.getIntegerOption("codeGenBitsetTestThreshold");
                //System.out.println("setting codeGenBitsetTestThreshold to " + bitsetTestThreshold);
            catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                Token tok = grammar.getOption("codeGenBitsetTestThreshold");
                    "option 'codeGenBitsetTestThreshold' must be an integer",
                    tok.getLine(), tok.getColumn()

        // Lookup debug code-gen in the grammar generic options
        if (grammar.hasOption("codeGenDebug")) {
            Token t = grammar.getOption("codeGenDebug");
            if (t.getText().equals("true")) {
                //System.out.println("setting code-generation debug ON");
                DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR = true;
            else if (t.getText().equals("false")) {
                //System.out.println("setting code-generation debug OFF");
                DEBUG_CODE_GENERATOR = false;
            else {
                antlrTool.error("option 'codeGenDebug' must be true or false", grammar.getClassName(), t.getLine(), t.getColumn());
public voidsetTool(persistence.antlr.Tool tool)

        antlrTool = tool;