Methods Summary |
public void | addFormat( fmt, int payload)This method is used to add a dynamic payload ---> Format
mapping in the RTPSessionManager. The RTPSessionManager maintains
all static payload numbers and their correspnding Formats as
mentioned in the Audio/Video profile document. Using the plugin
packethandler interface, a user may plugin his own packetizer or
depacketizer to handle RTP streams of a proprietary format using
dynamic payload numbers as specified in the AV profile. Before
streaming payload of a dynamic nature, a Format object needs to
be created for the dynamic payload and associated with a dynamic
payload number.
public | getFormat()Retrieves the Format object for the current stream. If this datasource
has not received data as yet, null will be returned. This method
provides a way for the application writer to query the datasource
for the format it is currently streaming, since payload formats
can be switched during the course of an RTP session.
public | getFormat(int payload)Retrieves a format corresponding to the payload as stored by
the session manager.
public[] | getFormatList()Retrieves a complete list of all the formats set on this
datasource. This is a collection of Format objects that
were added by using addFormat() method.
public | getGlobalStats()Query the RTP datasource for global RTP statistics
public | getReceptionStats()Query the RTP datasource for its data reception statistics