GridBagLayoutInfopublic class GridBagLayoutInfo extends Object implements SerializableThe {@code GridBagLayoutInfo} is an utility class for
{@code GridBagLayout} layout manager.
It stores align, size and baseline parameters for every component within a container.
Fields Summary |
private static final long | serialVersionUID | int | width | int | height | int | startx | int | starty | int[] | minWidth | int[] | minHeight | double[] | weightX | double[] | weightY | boolean | hasBaseline | short[] | baselineType | int[] | maxAscent | int[] | maxDescent |
Constructors Summary |
GridBagLayoutInfo(int width, int height)Creates an instance of GridBagLayoutInfo representing {@code GridBagLayout}
grid cells with it's own parameters. /* Max descent (height - baseline) */
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
Methods Summary |
boolean | hasBaseline(int row)Returns true if there is a baseline for the specified row.
return (hasBaseline && baselineType[row] != 0);
| boolean | hasConstantDescent(int row)Returns true if the specified row has any component aligned on the
baseline with a baseline resize behavior of CONSTANT_DESCENT.
return ((baselineType[row] & (1 << Component.BaselineResizeBehavior.
CONSTANT_DESCENT.ordinal())) != 0);