* @(#)package-info.java 1.7 06/09/25
* Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
* Provides interfaces for tools which can be invoked from a program,
* for example, compilers.
* <p>These interfaces and classes are required as part of the
* Java™ Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE),
* but there is no requirement to provide any tools implementing them.
* <p>Unless explicitly allowed, all methods in this package might
* throw a {@linkplain java.lang.NullPointerException} if given a
* {@code null} argument or if given a
* {@linkplain java.lang.Iterable list or collection} containing
* {@code null} elements. Similarly, no method may return
* {@code null} unless explicitly allowed.
* <p>This package is the home of the Java programming language compiler framework. This
* framework allows clients of the framework to locate and run
* compilers from programs. The framework also provides Service
* Provider Interfaces (SPI) for structured access to diagnostics
* ({@linkplain javax.tools.DiagnosticListener}) as well as a file
* abstraction for overriding file access ({@linkplain
* javax.tools.JavaFileManager} and {@linkplain
* javax.tools.JavaFileObject}). See {@linkplain
* javax.tools.JavaCompiler} for more details on using the SPI.
* <p>There is no requirement for a compiler at runtime. However, if
* a default compiler is provided, it can be located using the
* {@linkplain javax.tools.ToolProvider}, for example:
* <p>{@code JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();}
* <p>It is possible to provide alternative compilers or tools
* through the {@linkplain java.util.ServiceLoader service provider
* mechanism}.
* <p>For example, if {@code com.vendor.VendorJavaCompiler} is a
* provider of the {@code JavaCompiler} tool then its jar file
* would contain the file {@code
* META-INF/services/javax.tools.JavaCompiler}. This file would
* contain the single line:
* <p>{@code com.vendor.VendorJavaCompiler}
* <p>If the jar file is on the class path, VendorJavaCompiler can be
* located using code like this:
* <p>{@code JavaCompiler compiler = ServiceLoader.load(JavaCompiler.class).iterator().next();}
* @author Peter von der Ahé
* @author Jonathan Gibbons
* @since 1.6
package javax.tools;