Constructs a new TickerLFImpl object for a given Ticker.paramticker Ticker object for which L&F has to be created this.ticker = ticker;
this.ticker = ticker;
This is needed in order to delegate the string setting to DisplayableLFImpl.paramowner the last Displayable this ticker was set to this.owner = (DisplayableLFImpl)owner;
this.owner = (DisplayableLFImpl)owner;
Change the string set to this ticker.paramstr string to set on this ticker. // this method should have no effect if this ticker is not owned // by the current displayable. This is checked by DisplayableLFImpl if (owner != null) { owner.tickerTextChanged(ticker); }
// this method should have no effect if this ticker is not owned // by the current displayable. This is checked by DisplayableLFImpl if (owner != null) { owner.tickerTextChanged(ticker); }