production.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API23539Fri Aug 26 14:54:54 BST 2005com.sun.java_cup.internal


public class production extends Object
This class represents a production in the grammar. It contains a LHS non terminal, and an array of RHS symbols. As various transformations are done on the RHS of the production, it may shrink. As a result a separate length is always maintained to indicate how much of the RHS array is still valid.

I addition to construction and manipulation operations, productions provide methods for factoring out actions (see remove_embedded_actions()), for computing the nullability of the production (i.e., can it derive the empty string, see check_nullable()), and operations for computing its first set (i.e., the set of terminals that could appear at the beginning of some string derived from the production, see check_first_set()).

last updated: 7/3/96
Frank Flannery

Fields Summary
protected static Hashtable
Table of all productions. Elements are stored using their index as the key.
protected static int
Static counter for assigning unique index numbers.
protected symbol_part
The left hand side non-terminal.
protected int
The precedence of the rule
protected int
protected production_part[]
A collection of parts for the right hand side.
protected int
How much of the right hand side array we are presently using.
protected action_part
An action_part containing code for the action to be performed when we reduce with this production.
protected int
Index number of the production.
protected int
Count of number of reductions using this production.
protected boolean
Is the nullability of the production known or unknown?
protected boolean
Nullability of the production (can it derive the empty string).
protected terminal_set
First set of the production. This is the set of terminals that could appear at the front of some string derived from this production.
Constructors Summary
public production(non_terminal lhs_sym, production_part[] rhs_parts, int rhs_l, String action_str)
Full constructor. This constructor accepts a LHS non terminal, an array of RHS parts (including terminals, non terminals, and actions), and a string for a final reduce action. It does several manipulations in the process of creating a production object. After some validity checking it translates labels that appear in actions into code for accessing objects on the runtime parse stack. It them merges adjacent actions if they appear and moves any trailing action into the final reduce actions string. Next it removes any embedded actions by factoring them out with new action productions. Finally it assigns a unique index to the production.

Factoring out of actions is accomplished by creating new "hidden" non terminals. For example if the production was originally:

A ::= B {action} C D
then it is factored into two productions:
A ::= B X C D
X ::= {action}
(where X is a unique new non terminal). This has the effect of placing all actions at the end where they can be handled as part of a reduce by the parser.

      int         i;
      action_part tail_action;
      String declare_str;
      int rightlen = rhs_l;

      /* remember the length */
      if (rhs_l >= 0)
	_rhs_length = rhs_l;
      else if (rhs_parts != null)
	_rhs_length = rhs_parts.length;
	_rhs_length = 0;
      /* make sure we have a valid left-hand-side */
      if (lhs_sym == null) 
	throw new internal_error(
	  "Attempt to construct a production with a null LHS");

      /* I'm not translating labels anymore, I'm adding code to declare
	 labels as valid variables.  This way, the users code string is
	 6/96 frankf */

      /* check if the last part of the right hand side is an action.  If
         it is, it won't be on the stack, so we don't want to count it 
	 in the rightlen.  Then when we search down the stack for a
         Symbol, we don't try to search past action */

      if (rhs_l > 0) {
	if (rhs_parts[rhs_l - 1].is_action()) {
	  rightlen = rhs_l - 1;
	} else {
	  rightlen = rhs_l;

      /* get the generated declaration code for the necessary labels. */
      declare_str = declare_labels(
		    rhs_parts, rightlen, action_str);

      if (action_str == null) 
	action_str = declare_str;
	action_str = declare_str + action_str;	 	  

      /* count use of lhs */

      /* create the part for left-hand-side */
      _lhs = new symbol_part(lhs_sym);

      /* merge adjacent actions (if any) */
      _rhs_length = merge_adjacent_actions(rhs_parts, _rhs_length);

      /* strip off any trailing action */
      tail_action = strip_trailing_action(rhs_parts, _rhs_length);
      if (tail_action != null) _rhs_length--;

      /* Why does this run through the right hand side happen
	 over and over?  here a quick combination of two 
	 prior runs plus one I wanted of my own
	 frankf 6/25/96 */
      /* allocate and copy over the right-hand-side */
      /* count use of each rhs symbol */
      _rhs = new production_part[_rhs_length];
      for (i=0; i<_rhs_length; i++) {
	_rhs[i] = rhs_parts[i];
	if (!_rhs[i].is_action()) {
	  if (((symbol_part)_rhs[i]).the_symbol() instanceof terminal) {
	    _rhs_prec = 
	    _rhs_assoc = 

      /*now action string is really declaration string, so put it in front!
	6/14/96 frankf */
      if (action_str == null) action_str = "";
      if (tail_action != null && tail_action.code_string() != null)
	action_str = action_str + "\t\t" +  tail_action.code_string();

      /* stash the action */
      _action = new action_part(action_str);

      /* rewrite production to remove any embedded actions */

      /* assign an index */
      _index = next_index++;

      /* put us in the global collection of productions */
      _all.put(new Integer(_index),this);

      /* put us in the production list of the lhs non terminal */
public production(non_terminal lhs_sym, production_part[] rhs_parts, int rhs_l)
Constructor with no action string.

public production(non_terminal lhs_sym, production_part[] rhs_parts, int rhs_l, String action_str, int prec_num, int prec_side)

      /* set the precedence */
public production(non_terminal lhs_sym, production_part[] rhs_parts, int rhs_l, int prec_num, int prec_side)

      /* set the precedence */
Methods Summary
public action_partaction()
An action_part containing code for the action to be performed when we reduce with this production.

return _action;
public static java.util.Enumerationall()
Access to all productions.

      return _all.elements();
public terminal_setcheck_first_set()
Update (and return) the first set based on current NT firsts. This assumes that nullability has already been computed for all non terminals and productions.

      int    part;
      symbol sym;

      /* walk down the right hand side till we get past all nullables */
      for (part=0; part<rhs_length(); part++)
	  /* only look at non-actions */
	  if (!rhs(part).is_action())
	      sym = ((symbol_part)rhs(part)).the_symbol();

	      /* is it a non-terminal?*/
	      if (sym.is_non_term())
		  /* add in current firsts from that NT */

		  /* if its not nullable, we are done */
		  if (!((non_terminal)sym).nullable())
	          /* its a terminal -- add that to the set */

		  /* we are done */

      /* return our updated first set */
      return first_set();
public booleancheck_nullable()
Check to see if the production (now) appears to be nullable. A production is nullable if its RHS could derive the empty string. This results when the RHS is empty or contains only non terminals which themselves are nullable.

      production_part part;
      symbol          sym;
      int             pos;

      /* if we already know bail out early */
      if (nullable_known()) return nullable();

      /* if we have a zero size RHS we are directly nullable */
      if (rhs_length() == 0)
	  /* stash and return the result */
	  return set_nullable(true);

      /* otherwise we need to test all of our parts */
      for (pos=0; pos<rhs_length(); pos++)
	  part = rhs(pos);

	  /* only look at non-actions */
	  if (!part.is_action())
	      sym = ((symbol_part)part).the_symbol();

	      /* if its a terminal we are definitely not nullable */
	      if (!sym.is_non_term()) 
		return set_nullable(false);
	      /* its a non-term, is it marked nullable */
	      else if (!((non_terminal)sym).nullable())
		/* this one not (yet) nullable, so we aren't */
	        return false;

      /* if we make it here all parts are nullable */
      return set_nullable(true);
protected java.lang.Stringdeclare_labels(production_part[] rhs, int rhs_len, java.lang.String final_action)
Declare label names as valid variables within the action string

rhs array of RHS parts.
rhs_len how much of rhs to consider valid.
final_action the final action string of the production.
lhs_type the object type associated with the LHS symbol.

      String declaration = "";

      symbol_part part;
      action_part act_part;
      int         pos;

      /* walk down the parts and extract the labels */
      for (pos = 0; pos < rhs_len; pos++)
	  if (!rhs[pos].is_action())
	      part = (symbol_part)rhs[pos];

	      /* if it has a label, make declaration! */
	      if (part.label() != null)
		  declaration = declaration + 
		    make_declaration(part.label(), part.the_symbol().stack_type(), 
      return declaration;
public booleanequals(com.sun.java_cup.internal.production other)
Equality comparison.

      if (other == null) return false;
      return other._index == _index;
public booleanequals(java.lang.Object other)
Generic equality comparison.

      if (!(other instanceof production))
	return false;
	return equals((production)other);
public static com.sun.java_cup.internal.productionfind(int indx)
Lookup a production by index.

    return (production) _all.get(new Integer(indx));
public terminal_setfirst_set()
First set of the production. This is the set of terminals that could appear at the front of some string derived from this production.

     return _first_set;
public inthashCode()
Produce a hash code.

      /* just use a simple function of the index */
      return _index*13;
public intindex()
Index number of the production.

return _index;
protected static booleanis_id_char(char c)
Determine if a character can be in a label id.

c the character in question.

      return is_id_start(c) || (c >= '0" && c <= '9");
protected static booleanis_id_start(char c)
Determine if a given character can be a label id starter.

c the character in question.

      return (c >= 'a" && c <= 'z") || (c >= 'A" && c <= 'Z") || (c == '_");

      //later need to handle non-8-bit chars here
public symbol_partlhs()
The left hand side non-terminal.

return _lhs;
protected java.lang.Stringmake_declaration(java.lang.String labelname, java.lang.String stack_type, int offset)
Return label declaration code

labelname the label name
stack_type the stack type of label?

      String ret;

      /* Put in the left/right value labels */
      if (emit.lr_values())
        ret = "\t\tint " + labelname + "left = ((com.sun.java_cup.internal.runtime.Symbol)" + 
	  emit.pre("stack") + ".elementAt(" + emit.pre("top") + 
	  "-" + offset + ")).left;\n" +
	  "\t\tint " + labelname + "right = ((com.sun.java_cup.internal.runtime.Symbol)" + 
	  emit.pre("stack") + ".elementAt(" + emit.pre("top") +
	  "-" + offset + ")).right;\n";
      else ret = "";

      /* otherwise, just declare label. */
	return ret + "\t\t" + stack_type + " " + labelname + " = (" + stack_type + 
	  ")((" + "com.sun.java_cup.internal.runtime.Symbol) " + emit.pre("stack") + ".elementAt(" + emit.pre("top") 
	  + "-" + offset + ")).value;\n";

protected intmerge_adjacent_actions(production_part[] rhs_parts, int len)
Helper routine to merge adjacent actions in a set of RHS parts

rhs_parts array of RHS parts.
len amount of that array that is valid.
remaining valid length.

      int from_loc, to_loc, merge_cnt;

      /* bail out early if we have no work to do */
      if (rhs_parts == null || len == 0) return 0;

      merge_cnt = 0;
      to_loc = -1;
      for (from_loc=0; from_loc<len; from_loc++)
	  /* do we go in the current position or one further */
	  if (to_loc < 0 || !rhs_parts[to_loc].is_action() 
			 || !rhs_parts[from_loc].is_action())
	      /* next one */

	      /* clear the way for it */
	      if (to_loc != from_loc) rhs_parts[to_loc] = null;

	  /* if this is not trivial? */
	  if (to_loc != from_loc)
	      /* do we merge or copy? */
	      if (rhs_parts[to_loc] != null && rhs_parts[to_loc].is_action() && 
	        /* merge */
	        rhs_parts[to_loc] = new action_part(
		  ((action_part)rhs_parts[to_loc]).code_string() +
	        /* copy */
	        rhs_parts[to_loc] = rhs_parts[from_loc];

      /* return the used length */
      return len - merge_cnt;
public voidnote_reduction_use()
Increment the count of reductions with this non-terminal

public booleannullable()
Nullability of the production (can it derive the empty string).

     return _nullable;
public booleannullable_known()
Is the nullability of the production known or unknown?

     return _nullable_known;
public intnum_reductions()
Count of number of reductions using this production.

     return _num_reductions;
public static intnumber()
Total number of productions.

return _all.size();
public intprecedence_num()
Access to the precedence of the rule

      return _rhs_prec; 
public intprecedence_side()

 return _rhs_assoc; 
protected voidremove_embedded_actions()
Remove all embedded actions from a production by factoring them out into individual action production using new non terminals. if the original production was:
A ::= B {action1} C {action2} D
then it will be factored into:
A ::= B NT$1 C NT$2 D
NT$1 ::= {action1}
NT$2 ::= {action2}
where NT$1 and NT$2 are new system created non terminals.

      non_terminal new_nt;
      production   new_prod;
      String declare_str;
      /* walk over the production and process each action */
      for (int act_loc = 0; act_loc < rhs_length(); act_loc++)
	if (rhs(act_loc).is_action())
	    declare_str = declare_labels(
		      _rhs, act_loc, "");
	    /* create a new non terminal for the action production */
	    new_nt = non_terminal.create_new();
	    new_nt.is_embedded_action = true; /* 24-Mar-1998, CSA */

	    /* create a new production with just the action */
	    new_prod = new action_production(this, new_nt, null, 0, 
		declare_str + ((action_part)rhs(act_loc)).code_string());

	    /* replace the action with the generated non terminal */
	    _rhs[act_loc] = new symbol_part(new_nt);
public production_partrhs(int indx)
Access to the collection of parts for the right hand side.

      if (indx >= 0 && indx < _rhs_length)
	return _rhs[indx];
	throw new internal_error(
	  "Index out of range for right hand side of production");
public intrhs_length()
How much of the right hand side array we are presently using.

return _rhs_length;
booleanset_nullable(boolean v)
set (and return) nullability

      _nullable_known = true;
      _nullable = v;
      return v;
public voidset_precedence_num(int prec_num)
Setting the precedence of a rule

    _rhs_prec = prec_num;
public voidset_precedence_side(int prec_side)

    _rhs_assoc = prec_side;
protected action_partstrip_trailing_action(production_part[] rhs_parts, int len)
Helper routine to strip a trailing action off rhs and return it

rhs_parts array of RHS parts.
len how many of those are valid.
the removed action part.

      action_part result;

      /* bail out early if we have nothing to do */
      if (rhs_parts == null || len == 0) return null;

      /* see if we have a trailing action */
      if (rhs_parts[len-1].is_action())
	  /* snip it out and return it */
	  result = (action_part)rhs_parts[len-1];
	  rhs_parts[len-1] = null;
	  return result;
	return null;
public java.lang.StringtoString()
Convert to a string.

      String result;
      /* catch any internal errors */
      try {
        result = "production [" + index() + "]: "; 
        result += ((lhs() != null) ? lhs().toString() : "$$NULL-LHS$$");
        result += " :: = ";
        for (int i = 0; i<rhs_length(); i++)
	  result += rhs(i) + " ";
        result += ";";
        if (action()  != null && action().code_string() != null) 
	  result += " {" + action().code_string() + "}";

        if (nullable_known())
	  if (nullable())
	    result += "[NULLABLE]";
	    result += "[NOT NULLABLE]";
      } catch (internal_error e) {
	/* crash on internal error since we can't throw it from here (because
	   superclass does not throw anything. */
	result = null;

      return result;
public java.lang.Stringto_simple_string()
Convert to a simpler string.

      String result;

      result = ((lhs() != null) ? lhs().the_symbol().name() : "NULL_LHS");
      result += " ::= ";
      for (int i = 0; i < rhs_length(); i++)
	if (!rhs(i).is_action())
	  result += ((symbol_part)rhs(i)).the_symbol().name() + " ";

      return result;