GpsNetInitiatedHandlerpublic class GpsNetInitiatedHandler extends Object A GPS Network-initiated Handler class used by LocationManager.
{@hide} |
Fields Summary |
private static final String | TAG | private static final boolean | DEBUG | private static final boolean | VERBOSE | public static final String | ACTION_NI_VERIFY | public static final String | NI_INTENT_KEY_NOTIF_ID | public static final String | NI_INTENT_KEY_TITLE | public static final String | NI_INTENT_KEY_MESSAGE | public static final String | NI_INTENT_KEY_TIMEOUT | public static final String | NI_INTENT_KEY_DEFAULT_RESPONSE | public static final String | NI_RESPONSE_EXTRA_CMD | public static final String | NI_EXTRA_CMD_NOTIF_ID | public static final String | NI_EXTRA_CMD_RESPONSE | public static final int | GPS_NI_TYPE_VOICE | public static final int | GPS_NI_TYPE_UMTS_SUPL | public static final int | GPS_NI_TYPE_UMTS_CTRL_PLANE | public static final int | GPS_NI_TYPE_EMERGENCY_SUPL | public static final int | GPS_NI_RESPONSE_ACCEPT | public static final int | GPS_NI_RESPONSE_DENY | public static final int | GPS_NI_RESPONSE_NORESP | public static final int | GPS_NI_RESPONSE_IGNORE | public static final int | GPS_NI_NEED_NOTIFY | public static final int | GPS_NI_NEED_VERIFY | public static final int | GPS_NI_PRIVACY_OVERRIDE | public static final int | GPS_ENC_NONE | public static final int | GPS_ENC_SUPL_GSM_DEFAULT | public static final int | GPS_ENC_SUPL_UTF8 | public static final int | GPS_ENC_SUPL_UCS2 | public static final int | GPS_ENC_UNKNOWN | private final android.content.Context | mContext | private final android.telephony.TelephonyManager | mTelephonyManager | private final android.telephony.PhoneStateListener | mPhoneStateListener | private final android.location.LocationManager | mLocationManager | private boolean | mPlaySounds | private boolean | mPopupImmediately | private volatile boolean | mIsSuplEsEnabled | private volatile boolean | mIsInEmergency | private volatile boolean | mIsLocationEnabled | private final android.location.INetInitiatedListener | mNetInitiatedListener | private static boolean | mIsHexInput | private final android.content.BroadcastReceiver | mBroadcastReciever | private | mNiNotificationThe notification that is shown when a network-initiated notification
(and verification) event is received.
This is lazily created, so use {@link #setNINotification()}. |
Constructors Summary |
public GpsNetInitiatedHandler(android.content.Context context, android.location.INetInitiatedListener netInitiatedListener, boolean isSuplEsEnabled)
mContext = context;
if (netInitiatedListener == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("netInitiatedListener is null");
} else {
mNetInitiatedListener = netInitiatedListener;
mLocationManager = (LocationManager)context.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
mTelephonyManager =
mPhoneStateListener = new PhoneStateListener() {
public void onCallStateChanged(int state, String incomingNumber) {
if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onCallStateChanged(): state is "+ state);
// listening for emergency call ends
if (state == TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE) {
mTelephonyManager.listen(mPhoneStateListener, PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CALL_STATE);
IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter();
mContext.registerReceiver(mBroadcastReciever, intentFilter);
Methods Summary |
static java.lang.String | decodeGSMPackedString(byte[] input)Unpacks an byte array containing 7-bit packed characters into a String.
final char PADDING_CHAR = 0x00;
int lengthBytes = input.length;
int lengthSeptets = (lengthBytes * 8) / 7;
String decoded;
/* Special case where the last 7 bits in the last byte could hold a valid
* 7-bit character or a padding character. Drop the last 7-bit character
* if it is a padding character.
if (lengthBytes % 7 == 0) {
if (lengthBytes > 0) {
if ((input[lengthBytes - 1] >> 1) == PADDING_CHAR) {
lengthSeptets = lengthSeptets - 1;
decoded = GsmAlphabet.gsm7BitPackedToString(input, 0, lengthSeptets);
// Return "" if decoding of GSM packed string fails
if (null == decoded) {
Log.e(TAG, "Decoding of GSM packed string failed");
decoded = "";
return decoded;
| private static java.lang.String | decodeString(java.lang.String original, boolean isHex, int coding)Decode NI string
String decoded = original;
byte[] input = stringToByteArray(original, isHex);
switch (coding) {
decoded = original;
decoded = decodeGSMPackedString(input);
decoded = decodeUTF8String(input);
decoded = decodeUCS2String(input);
decoded = original;
Log.e(TAG, "Unknown encoding " + coding + " for NI text " + original);
return decoded;
| static java.lang.String | decodeUCS2String(byte[] input)
String decoded = "";
try {
decoded = new String(input, "UTF-16");
catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
throw new AssertionError();
return decoded;
| static java.lang.String | decodeUTF8String(byte[] input)
String decoded = "";
try {
decoded = new String(input, "UTF-8");
catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
throw new AssertionError();
return decoded;
| private static java.lang.String | getDialogMessage($GpsNiNotification notif, android.content.Context context)
return getNotifMessage(notif, context);
| public static java.lang.String | getDialogTitle($GpsNiNotification notif, android.content.Context context)
return getNotifTitle(notif, context);
| private android.content.Intent | getDlgIntent($GpsNiNotification notif)
Intent intent = new Intent();
String title = getDialogTitle(notif, mContext);
String message = getDialogMessage(notif, mContext);
// directly bring up the NI activity
// put data in the intent
intent.putExtra(NI_INTENT_KEY_NOTIF_ID, notif.notificationId);
intent.putExtra(NI_INTENT_KEY_TITLE, title);
intent.putExtra(NI_INTENT_KEY_MESSAGE, message);
intent.putExtra(NI_INTENT_KEY_TIMEOUT, notif.timeout);
intent.putExtra(NI_INTENT_KEY_DEFAULT_RESPONSE, notif.defaultResponse);
if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "generateIntent, title: " + title + ", message: " + message +
", timeout: " + notif.timeout);
return intent;
| public boolean | getInEmergency()
boolean isInEmergencyCallback = Boolean.parseBoolean(
return mIsInEmergency || isInEmergencyCallback;
| public boolean | getLocationEnabled()Checks if user agreed to use location.
return mIsLocationEnabled;
| private static java.lang.String | getNotifMessage($GpsNiNotification notif, android.content.Context context)
String message = String.format(context.getString(R.string.gpsNotifMessage),
decodeString(notif.requestorId, mIsHexInput, notif.requestorIdEncoding),
decodeString(notif.text, mIsHexInput, notif.textEncoding));
return message;
| private static java.lang.String | getNotifTicker($GpsNiNotification notif, android.content.Context context)
String ticker = String.format(context.getString(R.string.gpsNotifTicker),
decodeString(notif.requestorId, mIsHexInput, notif.requestorIdEncoding),
decodeString(notif.text, mIsHexInput, notif.textEncoding));
return ticker;
| private static java.lang.String | getNotifTitle($GpsNiNotification notif, android.content.Context context)
String title = String.format(context.getString(R.string.gpsNotifTitle));
return title;
| public boolean | getSuplEsEnabled()
return mIsSuplEsEnabled;
| private void | handleNi($GpsNiNotification notif)
if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "in handleNi () :"
+ " needNotify: " + notif.needNotify
+ " needVerify: " + notif.needVerify
+ " privacyOverride: " + notif.privacyOverride
+ " mPopupImmediately: " + mPopupImmediately
+ " mInEmergency: " + getInEmergency());
if (!getLocationEnabled() && !getInEmergency()) {
// Location is currently disabled, ignore all NI requests.
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "RemoteException in sendNiResponse");
if (notif.needNotify) {
// If NI does not need verify or the dialog is not requested
// to pop up immediately, the dialog box will not pop up.
if (notif.needVerify && mPopupImmediately) {
// Popup the dialog box now
} else {
// Show the notification
// ACCEPT cases: 1. Notify, no verify; 2. no notify, no verify;
// 3. privacy override.
if (!notif.needVerify || notif.privacyOverride) {
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "RemoteException in sendNiResponse");
| private void | handleNiInEs($GpsNiNotification notif)
if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "in handleNiInEs () :"
+ " niType: " + notif.niType
+ " notificationId: " + notif.notificationId);
// UE is in emergency mode when in emergency call mode or in emergency call back mode
1. When SUPL ES bit is off and UE is not in emergency mode:
Call handleNi() to do legacy behaviour.
2. When SUPL ES bit is on and UE is in emergency mode:
Call handleNi() to do acceptance behaviour.
3. When SUPL ES bit is off but UE is in emergency mode:
Ignore the emergency SUPL INIT.
4. When SUPL ES bit is on but UE is not in emergency mode:
Ignore the emergency SUPL INIT.
boolean isNiTypeES = (notif.niType == GPS_NI_TYPE_EMERGENCY_SUPL);
if (isNiTypeES != getInEmergency()) {
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "RemoteException in sendNiResponse");
} else {
| public void | handleNiNotification($GpsNiNotification notif)
if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "in handleNiNotification () :"
+ " notificationId: " + notif.notificationId
+ " requestorId: " + notif.requestorId
+ " text: " + notif.text
+ " mIsSuplEsEnabled" + getSuplEsEnabled()
+ " mIsLocationEnabled" + getLocationEnabled());
if (getSuplEsEnabled()) {
} else {
// A note about timeout
// According to the protocol, in the need_notify and need_verify case,
// a default response should be sent when time out.
// In some GPS hardware, the GPS driver (under HAL) can handle the timeout case
// and this class GpsNetInitiatedHandler does not need to do anything.
// However, the UI should at least close the dialog when timeout. Further,
// for more general handling, timeout response should be added to the Handler here.
| private void | openNiDialog($GpsNiNotification notif)
Intent intent = getDlgIntent(notif);
if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "openNiDialog, notifyId: " + notif.notificationId +
", requestorId: " + notif.requestorId +
", text: " + notif.text);
| public void | setInEmergency(boolean isInEmergency)
mIsInEmergency = isInEmergency;
| private synchronized void | setNiNotification($GpsNiNotification notif)
NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) mContext
if (notificationManager == null) {
String title = getNotifTitle(notif, mContext);
String message = getNotifMessage(notif, mContext);
if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "setNiNotification, notifyId: " + notif.notificationId +
", title: " + title +
", message: " + message);
// Construct Notification
if (mNiNotification == null) {
mNiNotification = new Notification();
mNiNotification.icon =; /* Change notification icon here */
mNiNotification.when = 0;
if (mPlaySounds) {
mNiNotification.defaults |= Notification.DEFAULT_SOUND;
} else {
mNiNotification.defaults &= ~Notification.DEFAULT_SOUND;
mNiNotification.flags = Notification.FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT | Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL;
mNiNotification.tickerText = getNotifTicker(notif, mContext);
// if not to popup dialog immediately, pending intent will open the dialog
Intent intent = !mPopupImmediately ? getDlgIntent(notif) : new Intent();
PendingIntent pi = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mContext, 0, intent, 0);
mNiNotification.color = mContext.getResources().getColor(;
mNiNotification.setLatestEventInfo(mContext, title, message, pi);
notificationManager.notifyAsUser(null, notif.notificationId, mNiNotification,
| public void | setSuplEsEnabled(boolean isEnabled)
mIsSuplEsEnabled = isEnabled;
| static byte[] | stringToByteArray(java.lang.String original, boolean isHex)
int length = isHex ? original.length() / 2 : original.length();
byte[] output = new byte[length];
int i;
if (isHex)
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
output[i] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(original.substring(i*2, i*2+2), 16);
else {
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
output[i] = (byte) original.charAt(i);
return output;
| public void | updateLocationMode()Updates Location enabler based on location setting.
mIsLocationEnabled = mLocationManager.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER);