// make sure WSDL2Java generated the right stuff
// we don't really need to test sending a request
// and getting a response, since many other tests comprehend that
// all we need to do is make sure WSDL2Java generated
// the attributes needed from the attributeGroup definitions
// so, basically, if this compiles, we are good to go
// but running it won't hurt anything
test.wsdl.attrGroup.Record1 rec1 = new test.wsdl.attrGroup.Record1();
// an element defined within Record1
assertTrue("elem1 should be 1, but is "+rec1.getElem1(), rec1.getElem1()==1);
// an attribute defined in an attributeGroup
assertTrue("attr1 should be 2, but is "+rec1.getAttr1(), rec1.getAttr1()==2);
// an attribute defined in Record1 itself
assertTrue("attr3 should be x, but is "+rec1.getAttr3(), rec1.getAttr3().equals("x"));
// two attributes from a known 1.1 soap encoding schema
rec1.setId(new org.apache.axis.types.Id("theId"));
rec1.setHref(new org.apache.axis.types.URI("a", "b"));
test.wsdl.attrGroup.Record2 rec2 = new test.wsdl.attrGroup.Record2();
// an element defined within Record2
// an attribute defined in a referenced attributeGroup within an attributeGroup
// an attribute defined in an attributeGroup that has another nested reference
// an attribute from a known 1.2 soap encoding schema
rec2.setId(new org.apache.axis.types.Id("theId"));