Methods Summary |
private void | checkSignature( key, signature)
if (!c.getSignatureAlgorithm().equals(c.getTBSCertificate().getSignature()))
throw new CertificateException("signature algorithm in TBS cert not same as outer cert");
DEREncodable params = c.getSignatureAlgorithm().getParameters();
X509SignatureUtil.setSignatureParameters(signature, params);
if (!signature.verify(this.getSignature()))
throw new InvalidKeyException("Public key presented not for certificate signature");
public void | checkValidity()
this.checkValidity(new Date());
public void | checkValidity(java.util.Date date)
if (date.after(this.getNotAfter()))
throw new CertificateExpiredException("certificate expired on " + c.getEndDate().getTime());
if (date.before(this.getNotBefore()))
throw new CertificateNotYetValidException("certificate not valid till " + c.getStartDate().getTime());
public boolean | equals(java.lang.Object o)
if (o == this)
return true;
if (!(o instanceof Certificate))
return false;
Certificate other = (Certificate)o;
byte[] b1 = this.getEncoded();
byte[] b2 = other.getEncoded();
return Arrays.areEqual(b1, b2);
catch (CertificateEncodingException e)
return false;
public org.bouncycastle.asn1.DEREncodable | getBagAttribute(org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERObjectIdentifier oid)
// BEGIN android-changed
return (DEREncodable)pkcs12.get(oid);
// END android-changed
public java.util.Enumeration | getBagAttributeKeys()
// BEGIN android-changed
return pkcs12.getKeys();
// END android-changed
public int | getBasicConstraints()
byte[] bytes = this.getExtensionBytes("");
if (bytes != null)
ASN1InputStream dIn = new ASN1InputStream(bytes);
ASN1Sequence seq = (ASN1Sequence)dIn.readObject();
if (seq.size() == 2)
if (((DERBoolean)seq.getObjectAt(0)).isTrue())
return ((DERInteger)seq.getObjectAt(1)).getValue().intValue();
return -1;
else if (seq.size() == 1)
if (seq.getObjectAt(0) instanceof DERBoolean)
if (((DERBoolean)seq.getObjectAt(0)).isTrue())
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
return -1;
return -1;
catch (Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException("error processing basic constraints extension");
return -1;
public java.util.Set | getCriticalExtensionOIDs()
if (this.getVersion() == 3)
Set set = new HashSet();
X509Extensions extensions = c.getTBSCertificate().getExtensions();
if (extensions != null)
Enumeration e = extensions.oids();
while (e.hasMoreElements())
DERObjectIdentifier oid = (DERObjectIdentifier)e.nextElement();
X509Extension ext = extensions.getExtension(oid);
if (ext.isCritical())
return set;
return null;
public byte[] | getEncoded()
ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DEROutputStream dOut = new DEROutputStream(bOut);
return bOut.toByteArray();
catch (IOException e)
throw new CertificateEncodingException(e.toString());
public java.util.List | getExtendedKeyUsage()
byte[] bytes = this.getExtensionBytes("");
int length = 0;
if (bytes != null)
ASN1InputStream dIn = new ASN1InputStream(bytes);
ASN1Sequence seq = (ASN1Sequence)dIn.readObject();
List list = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i != seq.size(); i++)
return Collections.unmodifiableList(list);
catch (Exception e)
throw new CertificateParsingException("error processing extended key usage extension");
return null;
private byte[] | getExtensionBytes(java.lang.String oid)
X509Extensions exts = c.getTBSCertificate().getExtensions();
if (exts != null)
X509Extension ext = exts.getExtension(new DERObjectIdentifier(oid));
if (ext != null)
return ext.getValue().getOctets();
return null;
public byte[] | getExtensionValue(java.lang.String oid)
X509Extensions exts = c.getTBSCertificate().getExtensions();
if (exts != null)
X509Extension ext = exts.getExtension(new DERObjectIdentifier(oid));
if (ext != null)
ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DEROutputStream dOut = new DEROutputStream(bOut);
return bOut.toByteArray();
catch (Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException("error encoding " + e.toString());
return null;
public | getIssuerDN()
return new X509Principal(c.getIssuer());
public boolean[] | getIssuerUniqueID()
DERBitString id = c.getTBSCertificate().getIssuerUniqueId();
if (id != null)
byte[] bytes = id.getBytes();
boolean[] boolId = new boolean[bytes.length * 8 - id.getPadBits()];
for (int i = 0; i != boolId.length; i++)
boolId[i] = (bytes[i / 8] & (0x80 >>> (i % 8))) != 0;
return boolId;
return null;
public | getIssuerX500Principal()
ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ASN1OutputStream aOut = new ASN1OutputStream(bOut);
return new X500Principal(bOut.toByteArray());
catch (IOException e)
throw new IllegalStateException("can't encode issuer DN");
public boolean[] | getKeyUsage()
byte[] bytes = this.getExtensionBytes("");
int length = 0;
if (bytes != null)
ASN1InputStream dIn = new ASN1InputStream(bytes);
DERBitString bits = (DERBitString)dIn.readObject();
bytes = bits.getBytes();
length = (bytes.length * 8) - bits.getPadBits();
catch (Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException("error processing key usage extension");
boolean[] keyUsage = new boolean[(length < 9) ? 9 : length];
for (int i = 0; i != length; i++)
keyUsage[i] = (bytes[i / 8] & (0x80 >>> (i % 8))) != 0;
return keyUsage;
return null;
public java.util.Set | getNonCriticalExtensionOIDs()
if (this.getVersion() == 3)
Set set = new HashSet();
X509Extensions extensions = c.getTBSCertificate().getExtensions();
if (extensions != null)
Enumeration e = extensions.oids();
while (e.hasMoreElements())
DERObjectIdentifier oid = (DERObjectIdentifier)e.nextElement();
X509Extension ext = extensions.getExtension(oid);
if (!ext.isCritical())
return set;
return null;
public java.util.Date | getNotAfter()
return c.getEndDate().getDate();
public java.util.Date | getNotBefore()
return c.getStartDate().getDate();
public | getPublicKey()
return JDKKeyFactory.createPublicKeyFromPublicKeyInfo(c.getSubjectPublicKeyInfo());
public java.math.BigInteger | getSerialNumber()
return c.getSerialNumber().getValue();
public java.lang.String | getSigAlgName()return a more "meaningful" representation for the signature algorithm used in
the certficate.
Provider prov = Security.getProvider("BC");
String algName = prov.getProperty("Alg.Alias.Signature." + this.getSigAlgOID());
if (algName != null)
return algName;
Provider[] provs = Security.getProviders();
// search every provider looking for a real algorithm
for (int i = 0; i != provs.length; i++)
algName = provs[i].getProperty("Alg.Alias.Signature." + this.getSigAlgOID());
if (algName != null)
return algName;
return this.getSigAlgOID();
public java.lang.String | getSigAlgOID()return the object identifier for the signature.
return c.getSignatureAlgorithm().getObjectId().getId();
public byte[] | getSigAlgParams()return the signature parameters, or null if there aren't any.
ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
if (c.getSignatureAlgorithm().getParameters() != null)
DEROutputStream dOut = new DEROutputStream(bOut);
catch (Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException("exception getting sig parameters " + e);
return bOut.toByteArray();
return null;
public byte[] | getSignature()
return c.getSignature().getBytes();
public | getSubjectDN()
return new X509Principal(c.getSubject());
public boolean[] | getSubjectUniqueID()
DERBitString id = c.getTBSCertificate().getSubjectUniqueId();
if (id != null)
byte[] bytes = id.getBytes();
boolean[] boolId = new boolean[bytes.length * 8 - id.getPadBits()];
for (int i = 0; i != boolId.length; i++)
boolId[i] = (bytes[i / 8] & (0x80 >>> (i % 8))) != 0;
return boolId;
return null;
public | getSubjectX500Principal()
ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ASN1OutputStream aOut = new ASN1OutputStream(bOut);
return new X500Principal(bOut.toByteArray());
catch (IOException e)
throw new IllegalStateException("can't encode issuer DN");
public byte[] | getTBSCertificate()
ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DEROutputStream dOut = new DEROutputStream(bOut);
return bOut.toByteArray();
catch (IOException e)
throw new CertificateEncodingException(e.toString());
public int | getVersion()
return c.getVersion();
public boolean | hasUnsupportedCriticalExtension()
if (this.getVersion() == 3)
X509Extensions extensions = c.getTBSCertificate().getExtensions();
if (extensions != null)
Enumeration e = extensions.oids();
while (e.hasMoreElements())
DERObjectIdentifier oid = (DERObjectIdentifier)e.nextElement();
if (oid.getId().equals("")
|| oid.getId().equals(""))
X509Extension ext = extensions.getExtension(oid);
if (ext.isCritical())
return true;
return false;
public int | hashCode()
return c.hashCode();
public void | setBagAttribute(org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERObjectIdentifier oid, org.bouncycastle.asn1.DEREncodable attribute)
// BEGIN android-changed
pkcs12.add(oid, attribute);
// END android-changed
public java.lang.String | toString()
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator");
buf.append(" [0] Version: ").append(this.getVersion()).append(nl);
buf.append(" SerialNumber: ").append(this.getSerialNumber()).append(nl);
buf.append(" IssuerDN: ").append(this.getIssuerDN()).append(nl);
buf.append(" Start Date: ").append(this.getNotBefore()).append(nl);
buf.append(" Final Date: ").append(this.getNotAfter()).append(nl);
buf.append(" SubjectDN: ").append(this.getSubjectDN()).append(nl);
buf.append(" Public Key: ").append(this.getPublicKey()).append(nl);
buf.append(" Signature Algorithm: ").append(this.getSigAlgName()).append(nl);
byte[] sig = this.getSignature();
buf.append(" Signature: ").append(new String(Hex.encode(sig, 0, 20))).append(nl);
for (int i = 20; i < sig.length; i += 20)
if (i < sig.length - 20)
buf.append(" ").append(new String(Hex.encode(sig, i, 20))).append(nl);
buf.append(" ").append(new String(Hex.encode(sig, i, sig.length - i))).append(nl);
X509Extensions extensions = c.getTBSCertificate().getExtensions();
if (extensions != null)
Enumeration e = extensions.oids();
if (e.hasMoreElements())
buf.append(" Extensions: \n");
while (e.hasMoreElements())
DERObjectIdentifier oid = (DERObjectIdentifier)e.nextElement();
X509Extension ext = extensions.getExtension(oid);
if (ext.getValue() != null)
byte[] octs = ext.getValue().getOctets();
ASN1InputStream dIn = new ASN1InputStream(octs);
buf.append(" critical(").append(ext.isCritical()).append(") ");
if (oid.equals(X509Extensions.BasicConstraints))
buf.append(new BasicConstraints((ASN1Sequence)dIn.readObject())).append(nl);
else if (oid.equals(X509Extensions.KeyUsage))
buf.append(new KeyUsage((DERBitString)dIn.readObject())).append(nl);
else if (oid.equals(MiscObjectIdentifiers.netscapeCertType))
buf.append(new NetscapeCertType((DERBitString)dIn.readObject())).append(nl);
else if (oid.equals(MiscObjectIdentifiers.netscapeRevocationURL))
buf.append(new NetscapeRevocationURL((DERIA5String)dIn.readObject())).append(nl);
else if (oid.equals(MiscObjectIdentifiers.verisignCzagExtension))
buf.append(new VerisignCzagExtension((DERIA5String)dIn.readObject())).append(nl);
buf.append(" value = ").append(ASN1Dump.dumpAsString(dIn.readObject())).append(nl);
//buf.append(" value = ").append("*****").append(nl);
catch (Exception ex)
// buf.append(" value = ").append(new String(Hex.encode(ext.getValue().getOctets()))).append(nl);
buf.append(" value = ").append("*****").append(nl);
return buf.toString();
public final void | verify( key)
Signature signature = null;
String sigName = X509SignatureUtil.getSignatureName(c.getSignatureAlgorithm());
signature = Signature.getInstance(sigName, "BC");
catch (Exception e)
signature = Signature.getInstance(sigName);
checkSignature(key, signature);
public final void | verify( key, java.lang.String sigProvider)
String sigName = X509SignatureUtil.getSignatureName(c.getSignatureAlgorithm());
Signature signature = Signature.getInstance(sigName, sigProvider);
checkSignature(key, signature);