DaytimeClient.javaAPI DocExample2307Sat Jan 24 10:44:30 GMT 2004je3.nio


public class DaytimeClient extends Object
Connect to a daytime server using the UDP protocol. We use instead of java.nio because DatagramChannel doesn't honor the setSoTimeout() method on the underlying DatagramSocket

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public static voidmain(java.lang.String[] args)

	// Figure out the host and port we're going to talk to
	String host = args[0];
	int port = 13;
	if (args.length > 1) port = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);

	// Create a socket to use
	DatagramSocket socket = new DatagramSocket();
	// Specify a 1-second timeout so that receive() does not block forever.

	// This buffer will hold the response.  On overflow, extra bytes are
	// discarded: there is no possibility of a buffer overflow attack here.
	byte[] buffer = new byte[512];
	DatagramPacket packet =  new DatagramPacket(buffer, buffer.length,
 				             new InetSocketAddress(host,port));

	// Try three times before giving up
	for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	    try {
		// Send an empty datagram to the specified host (and port)
		packet.setLength(0);  // make the packet empty
		socket.send(packet);  // send it out

		// Wait for a response (or timeout after 1 second)
		packet.setLength(buffer.length); // make room for the response
		socket.receive(packet);          // wait for the response

		// Decode and print the response
		System.out.print(new String(buffer, 0, packet.getLength(),
		// We were successful so break out of the retry loop
	    catch(SocketTimeoutException e) {
		// If the receive call timed out, print error and retry
		System.out.println("No response");

	// We're done with the channel now