public java.awt.Component | getTreeCellRendererComponent(javax.swing.JTree tree, java.lang.Object value, boolean selected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus)Sets the value of the current tree cell to value .
If selected is true, the cell will be drawn as if
selected. If expanded is true the node is currently
expanded and if leaf is true the node represents a
leaf and if hasFocus is true the node currently has
focus. tree is the JTree the receiver is being
configured for. Returns the Component that the renderer
uses to draw the value.
The TreeCellRenderer is also responsible for rendering the
the cell representing the tree's current DnD drop location if
it has one. If this renderer cares about rendering
the DnD drop location, it should query the tree directly to
see if the given row represents the drop location:
JTree.DropLocation dropLocation = tree.getDropLocation();
if (dropLocation != null
&& dropLocation.getChildIndex() == -1
&& tree.getRowForPath(dropLocation.getPath()) == row) {
// this row represents the current drop location
// so render it specially, perhaps with a different color