AvoidXfermodepublic class AvoidXfermode extends Xfermode AvoidXfermode xfermode will draw the src everywhere except on top of the
opColor or, depending on the Mode, draw only on top of the opColor. |
(Omit source code)
Constructors Summary |
public AvoidXfermode(int opColor, int tolerance, Mode mode)This xfermode will draw the src everywhere except on top of the opColor
or, depending on the Mode, draw only on top of the opColor.
if (tolerance < 0 || tolerance > 255) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("tolerance must be 0..255");
native_instance = nativeCreate(opColor, tolerance, mode.nativeInt);
Methods Summary |
private static native int | nativeCreate(int opColor, int tolerance, int nativeMode)