InjectionManagerImpl.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API22484Fri May 04 22:35:58 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.util


public class InjectionManagerImpl extends Object implements com.sun.enterprise.InjectionManager
Implementation of InjectionManager.
Kenneth Saks

Fields Summary
static Logger
private static LocalStringManagerImpl
private com.sun.enterprise.Switch
private com.sun.enterprise.InvocationManager
private InitialContext
Constructors Summary
public InjectionManagerImpl()


        theSwitch = Switch.getSwitch();
        invocationMgr = theSwitch.getInvocationManager();
        try {
            namingCtx = new InitialContext();
        } catch(NamingException ne) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ne);

Methods Summary
private void_inject(java.lang.Class clazz, java.lang.Object instance, java.util.List injectableResources)

	for (InjectionCapable next : injectableResources ) {

            try {

                final Object value = namingCtx.lookup("java:comp/env/" + 

                // there still could be 2 injection on the same class, better
                // do a loop here
                for (InjectionTarget target : next.getInjectionTargets()) {
                    // if target class is not the class we are injecting
                    // we can just jump to the next target
                    if (!clazz.getName().equals(target.getClassName()))
                    if( target.isFieldInjectable() ) {
                        final Field f = getField(target, clazz);
                        if( Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers()) &&
                            (instance != null) ) {
                            throw new InjectionException
                                ("Illegal use of static field " + f + 
                                 " on class that only supports instance-based" 
                                 + " injection");

                        if( (instance == null) &&
                            !Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers()) ) {
                            throw new InjectionException
                                ("Injected field " + f + 
                                 " on Application Client class " + clazz +
                                 " must be declared static");

                        if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                            _logger.fine("Injecting dependency with logical name "
                                    + next.getComponentEnvName() +
                                    " into field " + f + " on class " +
                        // Wrap actual value insertion in doPrivileged to
                        // allow for private/protected field access.
                        if( System.getSecurityManager() != null ) {
                             new {
                               public java.lang.Object run() throws Exception {
                                 f.set(instance, value);
                                 return null;
                        } else {
                            f.set(instance, value);
                    } else if( target.isMethodInjectable() ) {
                        final Method m = getMethod(next, target, clazz);

                        if( Modifier.isStatic(m.getModifiers()) &&
                            (instance != null) ) {
                            throw new InjectionException
                                ("Illegal use of static method " + m + 
                                 " on class that only supports instance-based" 
                                 + " injection");

                        if( (instance == null) &&
                            !Modifier.isStatic(m.getModifiers()) ) {
                            throw new InjectionException
                                ("Injected method " + m + 
                                 " on Application Client class " + clazz +
                                 " must be declared static");
                        if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                            _logger.fine("Injecting dependency with logical name "
                                    + next.getComponentEnvName() +
                                    " into method " + m + " on class " +

                        if( System.getSecurityManager() != null ) {
                          // Wrap actual value insertion in doPrivileged to
                          // allow for private/protected field access.
                                new {
                            public java.lang.Object run() throws Exception {
                                m.invoke(instance, new Object[] { value });
                                return null;
                        } else {
                            m.invoke(instance, new Object[] { value });
            } catch(Throwable t) {

                String msg = "Exception attempting to inject " 
                    + next + " into " + clazz;
                _logger.log(Level.FINE, msg, t);
                InjectionException ie = new InjectionException(msg);
                Throwable cause = (t instanceof InvocationTargetException) ?
                    ((InvocationTargetException)t).getCause() : t;
                ie.initCause( cause );
                throw ie;

private java.lang.reflect.FieldgetField(com.sun.enterprise.deployment.InjectionTarget target, java.lang.Class resourceClass)

        Field f = target.getField();

        if( f == null ) {
            try {
                // Check for the given field within the resourceClass only.
                // This does not include super-classes of this class.
                f = resourceClass.getDeclaredField

                final Field finalF = f;
                     new {
                            public java.lang.Object run() throws Exception {
                                if( !finalF.isAccessible() ) {
                                return null;

            } catch(java.lang.NoSuchFieldException nsfe) {}

            if( f != null ) {

        if( f == null ) {
            throw new Exception("InjectionManager exception.  Field " + 
                                target.getFieldName() + 
                                " not found in Class " + resourceClass);

        return f;
private java.lang.reflect.MethodgetMethod(com.sun.enterprise.deployment.InjectionCapable resource, com.sun.enterprise.deployment.InjectionTarget target, java.lang.Class resourceClass)

        Method m = target.getMethod();

        if( m == null ) {
            // Check for the method within the resourceClass only.
            // This does not include super-classses.
            for(Method next : resourceClass.getDeclaredMethods()) {
                // Overloading is not supported for setter injection 
                // methods, so matching on method-name is sufficient.  
                if(next.getName().equals(target.getMethodName())) {
                    m = next;
                    final Method finalM = m;
                       new {
                          public java.lang.Object run() throws Exception {
                             if( !finalM.isAccessible() ) {
                             return null;


        if( m == null ) {
            throw new Exception("InjectionManager exception.  Method " +
                                "void " + target.getMethodName() +
                                "(" + resource.getInjectResourceType() + ")" +
                                " not found in Class " + resourceClass);

        return m;
private java.lang.reflect.MethodgetPostConstructMethod(com.sun.enterprise.deployment.InjectionInfo injInfo, java.lang.Class resourceClass)

        Method m = injInfo.getPostConstructMethod();

        if( m == null ) {
            String postConstructMethodName = 

            // Check for the method within the resourceClass only.
            // This does not include super-classses.
            for(Method next : resourceClass.getDeclaredMethods()) {
                // InjectionManager only handles injection into PostConstruct
                // methods with no arguments. 
                if( next.getName().equals(postConstructMethodName) &&
                    (next.getParameterTypes().length == 0) ) {
                    m = next;

        if( m == null ) {
            throw new InjectionException
                ("InjectionManager exception. PostConstruct method " +
                 injInfo.getPostConstructMethodName() + 
                 " could not be found in class " + 

        return m;
private java.lang.reflect.MethodgetPreDestroyMethod(com.sun.enterprise.deployment.InjectionInfo injInfo, java.lang.Class resourceClass)

        Method m = injInfo.getPreDestroyMethod();

        if( m == null ) {
            String preDestroyMethodName = injInfo.getPreDestroyMethodName();

            // Check for the method within the resourceClass only.
            // This does not include super-classses.
            for(Method next : resourceClass.getDeclaredMethods()) {
                // InjectionManager only handles injection into PreDestroy
                // methods with no arguments. 
                if( next.getName().equals(preDestroyMethodName) &&
                    (next.getParameterTypes().length == 0) ) {
                    m = next;

        if( m == null ) {
            throw new InjectionException
                ("InjectionManager exception. PreDestroy method " +
                 injInfo.getPreDestroyMethodName() + 
                 " could not be found in class " + 

        return m;
private voidinject(java.lang.Class clazz, java.lang.Object instance, com.sun.enterprise.deployment.JndiNameEnvironment envDescriptor, boolean invokePostConstruct)

instance Target instance for injection, or null if injection is class-based. Any error encountered during any portion of injection is propagated immediately.

        LinkedList<Method> postConstructMethods = new LinkedList<Method>();
        Class nextClass = clazz;

        // Process each class in the inheritance hierarchy, starting with
        // the most derived class and ignoring java.lang.Object.
        while((nextClass != Object.class) && (nextClass != null)) {

            InjectionInfo injInfo = 

            if( injInfo.getInjectionResources().size() > 0 ) {
                _inject(nextClass, instance, injInfo.getInjectionResources());

            if( invokePostConstruct ) {
                if( injInfo.getPostConstructMethodName() != null ) {
                    Method postConstructMethod = getPostConstructMethod
                        (injInfo, nextClass);
                    // Delay calling post construct methods until all
                    // dependency injection within the hierarchy has been
                    // completed.  Then, invoke the methods starting from
                    // the least-derived class downward.  

            nextClass = nextClass.getSuperclass();

        for(Method postConstructMethod : postConstructMethods) {

            invokeLifecycleMethod(postConstructMethod, instance);


public voidinjectClass(java.lang.Class clazz, com.sun.enterprise.deployment.JndiNameEnvironment componentEnv)

        injectClass(clazz, componentEnv, true);
public voidinjectClass(java.lang.Class clazz, com.sun.enterprise.deployment.JndiNameEnvironment componentEnv, boolean invokePostConstruct)

        inject(clazz, null, componentEnv, invokePostConstruct);
public voidinjectInstance(java.lang.Object instance)

        ComponentInvocation inv = invocationMgr.getCurrentInvocation();
        if( inv != null ) {

            JndiNameEnvironment componentEnv = (JndiNameEnvironment)

            if( componentEnv != null ) {
                inject(instance.getClass(), instance, componentEnv, true);
            } else {
                throw new InjectionException("No descriptor registered for " +
                                             " current invocation : " + inv);

        } else {
            throw new InjectionException("null invocation context");

public voidinjectInstance(java.lang.Object instance, com.sun.enterprise.deployment.JndiNameEnvironment componentEnv)

        inject(instance.getClass(), instance, componentEnv, true);

public voidinjectInstance(java.lang.Object instance, com.sun.enterprise.deployment.JndiNameEnvironment componentEnv, boolean invokePostConstruct)

        inject(instance.getClass(), instance, componentEnv, 

public voidinvokeClassPreDestroy(java.lang.Class clazz, com.sun.enterprise.deployment.JndiNameEnvironment componentEnv)

        invokePreDestroy(clazz, null, componentEnv);
public voidinvokeInstancePreDestroy(java.lang.Object instance, com.sun.enterprise.deployment.JndiNameEnvironment componentEnv)

        invokePreDestroy(instance.getClass(), instance, componentEnv);
public voidinvokeInstancePreDestroy(java.lang.Object instance)

        ComponentInvocation inv = invocationMgr.getCurrentInvocation();
        if( inv != null ) {

            JndiNameEnvironment componentEnv = (JndiNameEnvironment)

            if( componentEnv != null ) {
                invokePreDestroy(instance.getClass(), instance, componentEnv);
            } else {
                throw new InjectionException("No descriptor registered for " +
                                             " current invocation : " + inv);

        } else {
            throw new InjectionException("null invocation context");
private voidinvokeLifecycleMethod(java.lang.reflect.Method lifecycleMethod, java.lang.Object instance)

        try {

            if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                _logger.fine("Calling lifeccle method " +
                             lifecycleMethod + " on class " +

            // Wrap actual value insertion in doPrivileged to
            // allow for private/protected field access.
                new {
                    public java.lang.Object run() throws Exception {
                        if( !lifecycleMethod.isAccessible() ) {
                        return null;
        } catch( Throwable t) {

                String msg = "Exception attempting invoke lifecycle " 
                    + " method " + lifecycleMethod;
                _logger.log(Level.FINE, msg, t);
                InjectionException ie = new InjectionException(msg);
                Throwable cause = (t instanceof InvocationTargetException) ?
                    ((InvocationTargetException)t).getCause() : t;
                ie.initCause( cause );
                throw ie;


private voidinvokePreDestroy(java.lang.Class clazz, java.lang.Object instance, com.sun.enterprise.deployment.JndiNameEnvironment envDescriptor)

instance Target instance for preDestroy, or null if class-based.

        LinkedList<Method> preDestroyMethods = new LinkedList<Method>();
        Class nextClass = clazz;

        // Process each class in the inheritance hierarchy, starting with
        // the most derived class and ignoring java.lang.Object.
        while((nextClass != Object.class) && (nextClass != null)) {

            InjectionInfo injInfo = 

            if( injInfo.getPreDestroyMethodName() != null ) {
                Method preDestroyMethod = getPreDestroyMethod
                    (injInfo, nextClass);
                // Invoke the preDestroy methods starting from
                // the least-derived class downward.  

            nextClass = nextClass.getSuperclass();

        for(Method preDestroyMethod : preDestroyMethods) {

            invokeLifecycleMethod(preDestroyMethod, instance);
