Methods Summary |
public void | addUnitOfWork(java.lang.Object transaction, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl activeUnitOfWork)INTERNAL:
Add a UnitOfWork object to the Hashtable keyed on the external transaction object.
getUnitsOfWork().put(transaction, activeUnitOfWork);
public void | beginTransaction(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)INTERNAL:
Begin an external transaction.
try {
Object status = getTransactionStatus();
logTxStateTrace(session, "TX_begin", status);
// Make sure that we are in a state that we can actually start
// a transaction (e.g. ensure one is not already in progress)
if (canBeginTransaction_impl(status)) {
logTxTrace(session, "TX_beginningTxn", null);
} catch (Exception exception) {
throw TransactionException.errorBeginningExternalTransaction(exception);
protected abstract void | beginTransaction_impl()INTERNAL:
Begin an external transaction. Do this in a way appropriate to the
transaction subsystem.
public void | bindToCurrentTransaction(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl unitOfWork, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)INTERNAL:
Associate the given unit of work and TopLink session with the active external
transaction. This may be done by whatever means supported by the transaction
manager (i.e. through a synchronization protocol).
Object status = getTransactionStatus();
logTxStateTrace(unitOfWork, "TX_bind", status);
try {
Object txn = getTransaction();
if (txn == null) {
// If no external transaction is active then start one through the uow
txn = getTransaction();
// If there still is no active txn then something is wrong
if (txn == null) {
throw TransactionException.externalTransactionNotActive();
// Create and register the synchronization listener
AbstractSynchronizationListener listener = getListenerFactory().newSynchronizationListener(unitOfWork, session, txn, this);
registerSynchronization_impl(listener, txn);
} catch (Exception exception) {
throw TransactionException.errorBindingToExternalTransaction(exception);
protected abstract boolean | canBeginTransaction_impl(java.lang.Object status)INTERNAL:
Return true if the status indicates that a transaction can be started. This
would normally mean that no transaction is currently active.
The status is interpreted by the transaction subsystem.
protected abstract boolean | canCommitTransaction_impl(java.lang.Object status)INTERNAL:
Return true if the status indicates that a transaction can be committed. This
would normally mean that a transaction is currently active.
The status is interpreted by the transaction subsystem.
protected abstract boolean | canIssueSQLToDatabase_impl(java.lang.Object status)INTERNAL:
Return true if the status indicates that the SQL should be issued to the db.
This would normally mean that a transaction was active and not being rolled
back or marked for rollback.
The status is interpreted by the transaction subsystem.
protected abstract boolean | canMergeUnitOfWork_impl(java.lang.Object status)INTERNAL:
Return true if the status indicates that the unit of work should be merged
into the shared cache. This would normally mean that the transaction was
committed successfully.
The status is interpreted by the transaction subsystem.
protected abstract boolean | canRollbackTransaction_impl(java.lang.Object status)INTERNAL:
Return true if the status indicates that a transaction can be rolled back. This
would normally mean that a transaction is currently active.
The status is interpreted by the transaction subsystem.
public void | commitTransaction(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)INTERNAL:
Commit the external transaction.
try {
Object status = getTransactionStatus();
logTxStateTrace(session, "TX_commit", status);
if (canCommitTransaction_impl(status)) {
logTxTrace(session, "TX_committingTxn", null);
} catch (Exception exception) {
throw TransactionException.errorCommittingExternalTransaction(exception);
protected abstract void | commitTransaction_impl()INTERNAL:
Commit the external transaction. Do this in a way appropriate to the
transaction subsystem.
public oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl | getActiveUnitOfWork()INTERNAL:
Return the active unit of work for the current external transaction.
If no transaction is active then return null. If a transaction is active
but no unit of work has been bound to it then create and return one.
Object transaction = getTransaction();
if (transaction == null) {
return null;
UnitOfWorkImpl activeUnitOfWork = lookupActiveUnitOfWork(transaction);
if (activeUnitOfWork == null) {
// Txn is active but no UoW has been associated with it yet, so create one.
activeUnitOfWork = (UnitOfWorkImpl) getSession().acquireUnitOfWork();
Object transactionKey = getTransactionKey(transaction);
addUnitOfWork(transactionKey, activeUnitOfWork);
return activeUnitOfWork;
public oracle.toplink.essentials.transaction.SynchronizationListenerFactory | getListenerFactory()INTERNAL:
Get the factory used to generate synchronization listeners.
return listenerFactory;
public oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession | getSession()INTERNAL:
Return the manager's session.
return session;
public java.lang.Object | getTransaction()INTERNAL:
Return the active external transaction object, or null if
none is active. This may be in whatever form the transaction system uses.
try {
return getTransaction_impl();
} catch (Exception exception) {
throw TransactionException.errorGettingExternalTransaction(exception);
public java.lang.Object | getTransactionKey(java.lang.Object transaction)INTERNAL:
Return a key for the specified external transaction object.
The key is just something that can be inserted into a hashtable (must support
hashCode() and equals() methods).
try {
return getTransactionKey_impl(transaction);
} catch (Exception exception) {
throw TransactionException.errorGettingExternalTransaction(exception);
protected abstract java.lang.Object | getTransactionKey_impl(java.lang.Object transaction)INTERNAL:
Return a key for the specified external transaction object.
The key is just something that can be inserted into a hashtable (must support
hashCode() and equals() methods).
public java.lang.Object | getTransactionStatus()INTERNAL:
Return the transaction status. This may be any type of status or value,
depending upon the transaction system.
try {
return getTransactionStatus_impl();
} catch (Exception exception) {
throw TransactionException.errorGettingExternalTransactionStatus(exception);
protected abstract java.lang.Object | getTransactionStatus_impl()INTERNAL:
Return the transaction status. This may be any type of status or value,
depending upon the transaction system.
protected abstract java.lang.Object | getTransaction_impl()INTERNAL:
Return the active external transaction for the calling thread, or null if
none is currently active for this thread.
public java.util.Hashtable | getUnitsOfWork()INTERNAL:
Return the hashtable keyed on the external transaction objectss with values
that are the associated units of work.
return unitsOfWork;
public boolean | hasActiveUnitOfWork()INTERNAL:
Return true if there is a unit of work associated with the active external
transaction. Return false if no transaction is current, or if no uow has
been associated with the active transaction yet.
return this.lookupActiveUnitOfWork() != null;
public abstract boolean | isRolledBack_impl(java.lang.Object status)INTERNAL:
Return true if the transaction is in the roleld back state.
public java.lang.Object | jndiLookup(java.lang.String jndiName)PUBLIC:
Look up a given name in JNDI. This can be used by a subclass or even an
application to look up transaction artifacts that are required for the
The lookup assumes that it is taking place on the server side, and that the
InitialContext can be used without requiring any special properties.
Context context = null;
Object jndiObject = null;
try {
context = new InitialContext();
jndiObject = context.lookup(jndiName);
} catch (NamingException ex) {
throw TransactionException.jndiLookupException(jndiName, ex);
} finally {
try {
} catch (Exception ex2) {/* ignore */
return jndiObject;
public void | logTxStateTrace(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session, java.lang.String msgInd, java.lang.Object status)
if (session.shouldLog(SessionLog.FINER, SessionLog.TRANSACTION)) {
String statusString = statusToString_impl(status);
Object[] args = { statusString };
session.log(SessionLog.FINER, SessionLog.TRANSACTION, msgInd, args);
public void | logTxTrace(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session, java.lang.String msgInd, java.lang.Object[] args)
session.log(SessionLog.FINER, SessionLog.TRANSACTION, msgInd, args);
public oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl | lookupActiveUnitOfWork()INTERNAL:
Return the unit of work associated with the active external transaction.
Return null if no transaction is active, or if no uow has been associated with
the active transaction yet.
return lookupActiveUnitOfWork(getTransaction());
public oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl | lookupActiveUnitOfWork(java.lang.Object transaction)INTERNAL:
Return the unit of work associated with the active external transaction.
Return null if no transaction is active, or if no uow has been associated with
the active transaction yet.
if (transaction == null) {
return null;
Object transactionKey = getTransactionKey(transaction);
// PERF: Cache the active unit of work in a thread local.
// This is just a heuristic, so uses == and no tx-key and direct access as extreamly high throughput.
UnitOfWorkImpl activeUnitOfWork = (UnitOfWorkImpl)this.activeUnitOfWorkThreadLocal.get();
if (activeUnitOfWork != null) {
if (transaction == activeUnitOfWork.getTransaction()) {
return activeUnitOfWork;
activeUnitOfWork = (UnitOfWorkImpl)getUnitsOfWork().get(transactionKey);
if (activeUnitOfWork != null) {
return activeUnitOfWork;
public void | markTransactionForRollback()INTERNAL:
Mark the external transaction for rollback.
try {
} catch (Exception exception) {
throw TransactionException.errorMarkingTransactionForRollback(exception);
protected abstract void | markTransactionForRollback_impl()INTERNAL:
Mark the external transaction for rollback. Do this in a way appropriate to the
transaction subsystem.
public boolean | noTransactionOrRolledBackOrCommited()INTERNAL:
Used the EJB 3.0 to determine if a transaction is in a state where an EntityManager can
be closed
try {
Object status = getTransactionStatus();
return canBeginTransaction_impl(status) || canMergeUnitOfWork_impl(status) || isRolledBack_impl(status);
} catch (Exception exception) {
throw TransactionException.errorGettingExternalTransactionStatus(exception);
public void | registerSynchronizationListener(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl uow, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)INTERNAL:
Associate the given unit of work and TopLink session with the current external
transaction. This method is offered only for backwards compatibility.
this.bindToCurrentTransaction(uow, session);
protected abstract void | registerSynchronization_impl(oracle.toplink.essentials.transaction.AbstractSynchronizationListener listener, java.lang.Object txn)INTERNAL:
Register the specified synchronization listener with the given active
public void | removeUnitOfWork(java.lang.Object transaction)INTERNAL:
Remove the unit of work associated with the transaction passed in.
if (transaction != null) {
public void | rollbackTransaction(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)INTERNAL:
Roll back the external transaction.
try {
Object status = getTransactionStatus();
logTxStateTrace(session, "TX_rollback", status);
// Only roll back if there is a transaction to roll back
if ((canRollbackTransaction_impl(status)) && (getTransaction() != null)) {
logTxTrace(session, "TX_rollingBackTxn", null);
} catch (Exception exception) {
throw TransactionException.errorRollingBackExternalTransaction(exception);
protected abstract void | rollbackTransaction_impl()INTERNAL:
Roll back the external transaction. Do this in a way appropriate to the
transaction subsystem.
public void | setListenerFactory(oracle.toplink.essentials.transaction.SynchronizationListenerFactory factory)INTERNAL:
Set the factory used to generate synchronization listeners. This should be
set if a listener other than the default one is being used.
listenerFactory = factory;
public void | setSession(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)INTERNAL:
Set the manager's session.
this.session = session;
protected void | setUnitsOfWork(java.util.Hashtable unitsOfWork)INTERNAL:
Set the table of transactions to units of work.
this.unitsOfWork = unitsOfWork;
protected abstract java.lang.String | statusToString_impl(java.lang.Object status)INTERNAL:
Convert the status to a string for tracing.