AppendConverter.javaAPI DocExample2216Mon Apr 03 15:48:20 BST 2000tuning.stringconvert


public interface AppendConverter
For classes you do not control the source code for, you need to implement an AppendConverter class, and register it with the AppenderHelper if you want to have efficient appending of the string representation of objects in that class. This is most easily demonstrated with an example. The following would be an AppendConverter implementation for the java.util.Vector (not actually needed as this is already handled by the AppenderHelper).
import java.util.Vector;
import jack.basics.AppenderHelper;

public class VectorAppender implements AppendConverter
private static final char[] COMMA_SPACE = {',',' '};
static {AppenderHelper.putInAppendMap(new VectorAppender(),"java.util.Vector");}
public void appendObj(AppenderHelper h, StringBuffer s, Object o, int depth)
if (depth <= 0)
int size = o.size();
if (size != 0)
h.append(s, o.elementAt(0), depth);
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++)
h.append(s, o.elementAt(i), depth);
Note that unfortunately the AppenderHelper relies on the class of objects passed to determine the converter object to use, and this does not carry over to subclasses of that class if the object is passed in as type Object. Objects of classes that are not registered have their append call defaulted to the default StringBuffer append, so the string representation will always be correct, but not necessarily the most efficient append. For example, if there is a subclass of java.util.Vector that you want to use the above example for, you should register that separately.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public voidappendObj(AppenderHelper h, java.lang.StringBuffer s, java.lang.Object o, int depth)
This method was created by a SmartGuide.

h jack.basics.Appender
s java.lang.StringBuffer
o java.lang.Object
depth int