// Create a TAX.Parser instance to parse the specified file
TAX.Parser parser = new TAX.Parser(new FileReader(args[0]));
// By default the parser returns TAG, TEXT and ENDTAG tokens and
// skips others. Configure it to skip ENDTAG tokens, too.
// Now loop through all tokens until the end of the file
for(TAX.Token t = parser.next(); t != null; t = parser.next()) {
// If it is not a tag, we're not interested
if (t.type() != TAX.TAG) continue;
if (t.text().equals("servlet")) { // We found <servlet>
parser.expect("servlet-name"); // Require <servlet-name> next
t = parser.expect(TAX.TEXT); // Require text token next
String name = t.text(); // Get text from the token
parser.expect("servlet-class"); // Require <servlet-class> next
t = parser.expect(TAX.TEXT); // Require text token
// Output name to class mapping
System.out.println("Servlet " + name +
" implemented by " + t.text());
else if (t.text().equals("servlet-mapping")) {
// Now we do the same thing for <servlet-mapping> tags
String name = parser.expect(TAX.TEXT).text();
String mapping = parser.expect(TAX.TEXT).text();
System.out.println("Servlet " + name +
" mapped to " + mapping);