CopyComparepublic class CopyCompare extends Object This class copies a POI file system to a new file and compares the copy
with the original.
Property set streams are copied logically, i.e. the application
establishes a {@link org.apache.poi.hpsf.PropertySet} of an original property
set, creates a {@link org.apache.poi.hpsf.MutablePropertySet} from the
{@link org.apache.poi.hpsf.PropertySet} and writes the
{@link org.apache.poi.hpsf.MutablePropertySet} to the destination POI file
system. - Streams which are no property set streams are copied bit by
The comparison of the POI file systems is done logically. That means that
the two disk files containing the POI file systems do not need to be
exactly identical. However, both POI file systems must contain the same
files, and most of these files must be bitwise identical. Property set
streams, however, are compared logically: they must have the same sections
with the same attributs, and the sections must contain the same properties.
Details like the ordering of the properties do not matter. |
Methods Summary |
private static boolean | equal(org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.DirectoryEntry d1, org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.DirectoryEntry d2, java.lang.StringBuffer msg)Compares two {@link DirectoryEntry} instances of a POI file system.
The directories must contain the same streams with the same names and
boolean equal = true;
/* Iterate over d1 and compare each entry with its counterpart in d2. */
for (final Iterator i = d1.getEntries(); equal && i.hasNext();)
final Entry e1 = (Entry);
final String n1 = e1.getName();
Entry e2 = null;
e2 = d2.getEntry(n1);
catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
msg.append("Document \"" + e1 + "\" exists, document \"" +
e2 + "\" does not.\n");
equal = false;
if (e1.isDirectoryEntry() && e2.isDirectoryEntry())
equal = equal((DirectoryEntry) e1, (DirectoryEntry) e2, msg);
else if (e1.isDocumentEntry() && e2.isDocumentEntry())
equal = equal((DocumentEntry) e1, (DocumentEntry) e2, msg);
msg.append("One of \"" + e1 + "\" and \"" + e2 + "\" is a " +
"document while the other one is a directory.\n");
equal = false;
/* Iterate over d2 just to make sure that there are no entries in d2
* that are not in d1. */
for (final Iterator i = d2.getEntries(); equal && i.hasNext();)
final Entry e2 = (Entry);
final String n2 = e2.getName();
Entry e1 = null;
e1 = d1.getEntry(n2);
catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
msg.append("Document \"" + e2 + "\" exitsts, document \"" +
e1 + "\" does not.\n");
equal = false;
return equal;
| private static boolean | equal(org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.DocumentEntry d1, org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.DocumentEntry d2, java.lang.StringBuffer msg)Compares two {@link DocumentEntry} instances of a POI file system.
Documents that are not property set streams must be bitwise identical.
Property set streams must be logically equal.
boolean equal = true;
final DocumentInputStream dis1 = new DocumentInputStream(d1);
final DocumentInputStream dis2 = new DocumentInputStream(d2);
if (PropertySet.isPropertySetStream(dis1) &&
final PropertySet ps1 = PropertySetFactory.create(dis1);
final PropertySet ps2 = PropertySetFactory.create(dis2);
equal = ps1.equals(ps2);
if (!equal)
msg.append("Property sets are not equal.\n");
return equal;
int i1;
int i2;
i1 =;
i2 =;
if (i1 != i2)
equal = false;
msg.append("Documents are not equal.\n");
while (equal && i1 == -1);
return true;
| public static void | main(java.lang.String[] args)Runs the example program. The application expects one or two
The first argument is the disk file name of the POI filesystem to
The second argument is optional. If it is given, it is the name of
a disk file the copy of the POI filesystem will be written to. If it is
not given, the copy will be written to a temporary file which will be
deleted at the end of the program.
String originalFileName = null;
String copyFileName = null;
/* Check the command-line arguments. */
if (args.length == 1)
originalFileName = args[0];
File f = TempFile.createTempFile("CopyOfPOIFileSystem-", ".ole2");
copyFileName = f.getAbsolutePath();
else if (args.length == 2)
originalFileName = args[0];
copyFileName = args[1];
System.err.println("Usage: " + CopyCompare.class.getName() +
"originPOIFS [copyPOIFS]");
/* Read the origin POIFS using the eventing API. The real work is done
* in the class CopyFile which is registered here as a POIFSReader. */
final POIFSReader r = new POIFSReader();
final CopyFile cf = new CopyFile(copyFileName);
r.registerListener(cf); FileInputStream(originalFileName));
/* Write the new POIFS to disk. */
/* Read all documents from the original POI file system and compare them
* with the equivalent document from the copy. */
final POIFSFileSystem opfs =
new POIFSFileSystem(new FileInputStream(originalFileName));
final POIFSFileSystem cpfs =
new POIFSFileSystem(new FileInputStream(copyFileName));
final DirectoryEntry oRoot = opfs.getRoot();
final DirectoryEntry cRoot = cpfs.getRoot();
final StringBuffer messages = new StringBuffer();
if (equal(oRoot, cRoot, messages))
System.out.println("Not equal: " + messages.toString());