NetworkStatsCollection.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API21700Thu Mar 12 22:22:42 GMT


public class NetworkStatsCollection extends Object implements FileRotator.Reader
Collection of {@link NetworkStatsHistory}, stored based on combined key of {@link NetworkIdentitySet}, UID, set, and tag. Knows how to persist itself.

Fields Summary
private static final int
File header magic number: "ANET"
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private android.util.ArrayMap
private final long
private long
private long
private long
private boolean
Constructors Summary
public NetworkStatsCollection(long bucketDuration)

        mBucketDuration = bucketDuration;
Methods Summary
public voidclearDirty()

        mDirty = false;
public voiddump( pw)

        final ArrayList<Key> keys = Lists.newArrayList();

        for (Key key : keys) {
            pw.print("ident="); pw.print(key.ident.toString());
            pw.print(" uid="); pw.print(key.uid);
            pw.print(" set="); pw.print(NetworkStats.setToString(key.set));
            pw.print(" tag="); pw.println(NetworkStats.tagToString(key.tag));

            final NetworkStatsHistory history = mStats.get(key);
            history.dump(pw, true);
public voiddumpCheckin( pw, long start, long end)

        dumpCheckin(pw, start, end, NetworkTemplate.buildTemplateMobileWildcard(), "cell");
        dumpCheckin(pw, start, end, NetworkTemplate.buildTemplateWifiWildcard(), "wifi");
        dumpCheckin(pw, start, end, NetworkTemplate.buildTemplateEthernet(), "eth");
        dumpCheckin(pw, start, end, NetworkTemplate.buildTemplateBluetooth(), "bt");
private voiddumpCheckin( pw, long start, long end, groupTemplate, java.lang.String groupPrefix)
Dump all contained stats that match requested parameters, but group together all matching {@link NetworkTemplate} under a single prefix.

        final ArrayMap<Key, NetworkStatsHistory> grouped = new ArrayMap<>();

        // Walk through all history, grouping by matching network templates
        for (int i = 0; i < mStats.size(); i++) {
            final Key key = mStats.keyAt(i);
            final NetworkStatsHistory value = mStats.valueAt(i);

            if (!templateMatches(groupTemplate, key.ident)) continue;

            final Key groupKey = new Key(null, key.uid, key.set, key.tag);
            NetworkStatsHistory groupHistory = grouped.get(groupKey);
            if (groupHistory == null) {
                groupHistory = new NetworkStatsHistory(value.getBucketDuration());
                grouped.put(groupKey, groupHistory);
            groupHistory.recordHistory(value, start, end);

        for (int i = 0; i < grouped.size(); i++) {
            final Key key = grouped.keyAt(i);
            final NetworkStatsHistory value = grouped.valueAt(i);

            if (value.size() == 0) continue;

            pw.print(groupPrefix); pw.print(',");
            pw.print(key.uid); pw.print(',");
            pw.print(NetworkStats.setToCheckinString(key.set)); pw.print(',");

private intestimateBuckets()

        return (int) (Math.min(mEndMillis - mStartMillis, WEEK_IN_MILLIS * 5)
                / mBucketDuration);
private ident, int uid, int set, int tag)

        final Key key = new Key(ident, uid, set, tag);
        final NetworkStatsHistory existing = mStats.get(key);

        // update when no existing, or when bucket duration changed
        NetworkStatsHistory updated = null;
        if (existing == null) {
            updated = new NetworkStatsHistory(mBucketDuration, 10);
        } else if (existing.getBucketDuration() != mBucketDuration) {
            updated = new NetworkStatsHistory(existing, mBucketDuration);

        if (updated != null) {
            mStats.put(key, updated);
            return updated;
        } else {
            return existing;
public longgetEndMillis()

        return mEndMillis;
public longgetFirstAtomicBucketMillis()
Return first atomic bucket in this collection, which is more conservative than {@link #mStartMillis}.

        if (mStartMillis == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
            return Long.MAX_VALUE;
        } else {
            return mStartMillis + mBucketDuration;
public template, int uid, int set, int tag, int fields)
Combine all {@link NetworkStatsHistory} in this collection which match the requested parameters.

        return getHistory(template, uid, set, tag, fields, Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE);
public template, int uid, int set, int tag, int fields, long start, long end)
Combine all {@link NetworkStatsHistory} in this collection which match the requested parameters.

        final NetworkStatsHistory combined = new NetworkStatsHistory(
                mBucketDuration, estimateBuckets(), fields);
        for (int i = 0; i < mStats.size(); i++) {
            final Key key = mStats.keyAt(i);
            final boolean setMatches = set == SET_ALL || key.set == set;
            if (key.uid == uid && setMatches && key.tag == tag
                    && templateMatches(template, key.ident)) {
                final NetworkStatsHistory value = mStats.valueAt(i);
                combined.recordHistory(value, start, end);
        return combined;
public longgetStartMillis()

        return mStartMillis;
public template, long start, long end)
Summarize all {@link NetworkStatsHistory} in this collection which match the requested parameters.

        final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();

        final NetworkStats stats = new NetworkStats(end - start, 24);
        final NetworkStats.Entry entry = new NetworkStats.Entry();
        NetworkStatsHistory.Entry historyEntry = null;

        // shortcut when we know stats will be empty
        if (start == end) return stats;

        for (int i = 0; i < mStats.size(); i++) {
            final Key key = mStats.keyAt(i);
            if (templateMatches(template, key.ident)) {
                final NetworkStatsHistory value = mStats.valueAt(i);
                historyEntry = value.getValues(start, end, now, historyEntry);

                entry.iface = IFACE_ALL;
                entry.uid = key.uid;
                entry.set = key.set;
                entry.tag = key.tag;
                entry.rxBytes = historyEntry.rxBytes;
                entry.rxPackets = historyEntry.rxPackets;
                entry.txBytes = historyEntry.txBytes;
                entry.txPackets = historyEntry.txPackets;
                entry.operations = historyEntry.operations;

                if (!entry.isEmpty()) {

        return stats;
public longgetTotalBytes()

        return mTotalBytes;
public booleanisDirty()

        return mDirty;
public booleanisEmpty()

        return mStartMillis == Long.MAX_VALUE && mEndMillis == Long.MIN_VALUE;
private voidnoteRecordedHistory(long startMillis, long endMillis, long totalBytes)

        if (startMillis < mStartMillis) mStartMillis = startMillis;
        if (endMillis > mEndMillis) mEndMillis = endMillis;
        mTotalBytes += totalBytes;
        mDirty = true;
public voidread( in)

        read(new DataInputStream(in));
public voidread( in)

        // verify file magic header intact
        final int magic = in.readInt();
        if (magic != FILE_MAGIC) {
            throw new ProtocolException("unexpected magic: " + magic);

        final int version = in.readInt();
        switch (version) {
            case VERSION_UNIFIED_INIT: {
                // uid := size *(NetworkIdentitySet size *(uid set tag NetworkStatsHistory))
                final int identSize = in.readInt();
                for (int i = 0; i < identSize; i++) {
                    final NetworkIdentitySet ident = new NetworkIdentitySet(in);

                    final int size = in.readInt();
                    for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
                        final int uid = in.readInt();
                        final int set = in.readInt();
                        final int tag = in.readInt();

                        final Key key = new Key(ident, uid, set, tag);
                        final NetworkStatsHistory history = new NetworkStatsHistory(in);
                        recordHistory(key, history);
            default: {
                throw new ProtocolException("unexpected version: " + version);
public voidreadLegacyNetwork( file)

        final AtomicFile inputFile = new AtomicFile(file);

        DataInputStream in = null;
        try {
            in = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(inputFile.openRead()));

            // verify file magic header intact
            final int magic = in.readInt();
            if (magic != FILE_MAGIC) {
                throw new ProtocolException("unexpected magic: " + magic);

            final int version = in.readInt();
            switch (version) {
                case VERSION_NETWORK_INIT: {
                    // network := size *(NetworkIdentitySet NetworkStatsHistory)
                    final int size = in.readInt();
                    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                        final NetworkIdentitySet ident = new NetworkIdentitySet(in);
                        final NetworkStatsHistory history = new NetworkStatsHistory(in);

                        final Key key = new Key(ident, UID_ALL, SET_ALL, TAG_NONE);
                        recordHistory(key, history);
                default: {
                    throw new ProtocolException("unexpected version: " + version);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            // missing stats is okay, probably first boot
        } finally {
public voidreadLegacyUid( file, boolean onlyTags)

        final AtomicFile inputFile = new AtomicFile(file);

        DataInputStream in = null;
        try {
            in = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(inputFile.openRead()));

            // verify file magic header intact
            final int magic = in.readInt();
            if (magic != FILE_MAGIC) {
                throw new ProtocolException("unexpected magic: " + magic);

            final int version = in.readInt();
            switch (version) {
                case VERSION_UID_INIT: {
                    // uid := size *(UID NetworkStatsHistory)

                    // drop this data version, since we don't have a good
                    // mapping into NetworkIdentitySet.
                case VERSION_UID_WITH_IDENT: {
                    // uid := size *(NetworkIdentitySet size *(UID NetworkStatsHistory))

                    // drop this data version, since this version only existed
                    // for a short time.
                case VERSION_UID_WITH_TAG:
                case VERSION_UID_WITH_SET: {
                    // uid := size *(NetworkIdentitySet size *(uid set tag NetworkStatsHistory))
                    final int identSize = in.readInt();
                    for (int i = 0; i < identSize; i++) {
                        final NetworkIdentitySet ident = new NetworkIdentitySet(in);

                        final int size = in.readInt();
                        for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
                            final int uid = in.readInt();
                            final int set = (version >= VERSION_UID_WITH_SET) ? in.readInt()
                                    : SET_DEFAULT;
                            final int tag = in.readInt();

                            final Key key = new Key(ident, uid, set, tag);
                            final NetworkStatsHistory history = new NetworkStatsHistory(in);

                            if ((tag == TAG_NONE) != onlyTags) {
                                recordHistory(key, history);
                default: {
                    throw new ProtocolException("unexpected version: " + version);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            // missing stats is okay, probably first boot
        } finally {
public voidrecordCollection( another)
Record all {@link NetworkStatsHistory} contained in the given collection into this collection.

        for (int i = 0; i < another.mStats.size(); i++) {
            final Key key = another.mStats.keyAt(i);
            final NetworkStatsHistory value = another.mStats.valueAt(i);
            recordHistory(key, value);
public voidrecordData(NetworkIdentitySet ident, int uid, int set, int tag, long start, long end, NetworkStats.Entry entry)
Record given {@link} into this collection.

        final NetworkStatsHistory history = findOrCreateHistory(ident, uid, set, tag);
        history.recordData(start, end, entry);
        noteRecordedHistory(history.getStart(), history.getEnd(), entry.rxBytes + entry.txBytes);
private voidrecordHistory($Key key, history)
Record given {@link NetworkStatsHistory} into this collection.

        if (history.size() == 0) return;
        noteRecordedHistory(history.getStart(), history.getEnd(), history.getTotalBytes());

        NetworkStatsHistory target = mStats.get(key);
        if (target == null) {
            target = new NetworkStatsHistory(history.getBucketDuration());
            mStats.put(key, target);
public voidremoveUids(int[] uids)
Remove any {@link NetworkStatsHistory} attributed to the requested UID, moving any {@link NetworkStats#TAG_NONE} series to {@link TrafficStats#UID_REMOVED}.

        final ArrayList<Key> knownKeys = Lists.newArrayList();

        // migrate all UID stats into special "removed" bucket
        for (Key key : knownKeys) {
            if (ArrayUtils.contains(uids, key.uid)) {
                // only migrate combined TAG_NONE history
                if (key.tag == TAG_NONE) {
                    final NetworkStatsHistory uidHistory = mStats.get(key);
                    final NetworkStatsHistory removedHistory = findOrCreateHistory(
                            key.ident, UID_REMOVED, SET_DEFAULT, TAG_NONE);
                mDirty = true;
public voidreset()

        mStartMillis = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        mEndMillis = Long.MIN_VALUE;
        mTotalBytes = 0;
        mDirty = false;
private static booleantemplateMatches( template, NetworkIdentitySet identSet)
Test if given {@link NetworkTemplate} matches any {@link NetworkIdentity} in the given {@link NetworkIdentitySet}.

        for (NetworkIdentity ident : identSet) {
            if (template.matches(ident)) {
                return true;
        return false;
public voidwrite( out)

        // cluster key lists grouped by ident
        final HashMap<NetworkIdentitySet, ArrayList<Key>> keysByIdent = Maps.newHashMap();
        for (Key key : mStats.keySet()) {
            ArrayList<Key> keys = keysByIdent.get(key.ident);
            if (keys == null) {
                keys = Lists.newArrayList();
                keysByIdent.put(key.ident, keys);


        for (NetworkIdentitySet ident : keysByIdent.keySet()) {
            final ArrayList<Key> keys = keysByIdent.get(ident);

            for (Key key : keys) {
                final NetworkStatsHistory history = mStats.get(key);
