Lesson9.javaAPI DocExample2165Thu Feb 17 20:00:56 GMT 2000com.togethersoft.modules.tutorial


public class Lesson9 extends Object implements com.togethersoft.openapi.ide.IdeScript
This script shows how to make Together's message pane visible/invisible. It is a very simple script but it can be used as a template for scripts dealing with the visibility of a message pane. In the next lesson you will learn how to add new pages to the message pane.
TogetherSoft LLC

Fields Summary
private com.togethersoft.openapi.ide.message.IdeMessageManager
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
private voidmakeInvisible(java.lang.String text)

        IdeMessageManagerAccess.printMessage(IdeMessageType.INFORMATION_MODAL, text);
private voidmakeVisible(java.lang.String text)

        IdeMessageManagerAccess.printMessage(IdeMessageType.INFORMATION_MODAL, text);
public voidrun(com.togethersoft.openapi.ide.IdeContext context)

        IdeMessageManagerAccess.printMessage(IdeMessageType.INFORMATION, "Lesson9 script: started");
        messageManager = IdeMessageManagerAccess.getMessageManager();
        if (messageManager.isPaneVisible()) {
            makeInvisible("Currently message pane is visible. Now we will make it invisible.");
            makeVisible("Ok, message pane is invisible. Now we will make it visible again.");
        else {
            makeVisible("Currently message pane is invisible. Now we will make it visible.");
            makeInvisible("Ok, message pane is visible. Now we will make it invisible again.");
        IdeMessageManagerAccess.printMessage(IdeMessageType.INFORMATION, "Lesson9 script: finished");