Light light = (Light) obj;
String szText = super.getInfo( obj );
szText = insertSectionBreak( szText );
szText += "Light\r\n";
Color3f color = new Color3f();
light.getColor( color );
szText += "Color: " + color + "\r\n";
szText += "Enable: " + light.getEnable() + "\r\n";
szText += "Influencing Bounds: " + light.getInfluencingBounds() + "\r\n";
szText += "Number of Scopes: " + light.numScopes() + "\r\n";
java.util.Enumeration enumScopes = light.getAllScopes();
if( enumScopes != null )
while( enumScopes.hasMoreElements() == true )
szText += " Group: " + enumScopes.nextElement() + "\r\n";
System.err.println( "Warning. Scope for Light is null" );
catch( Exception e )
System.err.println( "Warning. Unable to read Scope for Light" );
return szText;