ObjectUtility.javaAPI DocJava SE 6 API20982Tue Jun 10 00:21:40 BST


public final class ObjectUtility extends Object

Fields Summary
private boolean
private boolean
private int
private int
private ClassMap
private static ObjectUtility
private static ObjectUtility
private ObjectPrinter
private ObjectPrinter
private ObjectPrinter
Constructors Summary
private ObjectUtility(boolean useToString, boolean isIndenting, int initialLevel, int increment)

	this.useToString = useToString ;
	this.isIndenting = isIndenting ;
	this.initialLevel = initialLevel ;
	this.increment = increment ;
	classToPrinter.put( Properties.class, propertiesPrinter ) ;
	classToPrinter.put( Collection.class, collectionPrinter ) ;
	classToPrinter.put( Map.class, mapPrinter ) ;
Methods Summary
public static java.lang.StringcompactObjectToString(java.lang.Object object)

	return compact.objectToString( object ) ;
public static java.lang.ObjectconcatenateArrays(java.lang.Object arr1, java.lang.Object arr2)
If arr1 and arr2 are both arrays of the same component type, return an array of that component type that consists of the elements of arr1 followed by the elements of arr2. Throws IllegalArgumentException otherwise.

	Class comp1 = arr1.getClass().getComponentType() ;
	Class comp2 = arr2.getClass().getComponentType() ;
	int len1 = Array.getLength( arr1 ) ;
	int len2 = Array.getLength( arr2 ) ;

	if ((comp1 == null) || (comp2 == null))	
	    throw new IllegalStateException( "Arguments must be arrays" ) ;
	if (!comp1.equals( comp2 ))
	    throw new IllegalStateException( 
		"Arguments must be arrays with the same component type" ) ;

	Object result = Array.newInstance( comp1, len1 + len2 ) ;

	int index = 0 ;

	for (int ctr=0; ctr<len1; ctr++)
	    Array.set( result, index++, Array.get( arr1, ctr ) ) ;

	for (int ctr=0; ctr<len2; ctr++)
	    Array.set( result, index++, Array.get( arr2, ctr ) ) ;

	return result ;
public static java.lang.StringdefaultObjectToString(java.lang.Object object)
A convenience method that gives the default behavior: use indenting to display the object's structure and do not use built-in toString methods.

	return standard.objectToString( object ) ;
private static booleanequalArrays(java.util.Map counterpart, java.util.Set considered, java.lang.Object[] arr1, java.lang.Object[] arr2)

	int len = arr1.length ;
	if (len != arr2.length)
	    return false ;

	for (int ctr = 0; ctr<len; ctr++ )
	    if (!equalsHelper( counterpart, considered, arr1[ctr], arr2[ctr] ))
		return false ;

	return true ;
private static booleanequalLists(java.util.Map counterpart, java.util.Set considered, java.util.List list1, java.util.List list2)

	ListIterator e1 = list1.listIterator();
	ListIterator e2 = list2.listIterator();
	while(e1.hasNext() && e2.hasNext()) {
	    java.lang.Object o1 =;
	    java.lang.Object o2 =;
	    if (!(o1==null ? o2==null : equalsHelper( 
		counterpart, considered, o1, o2)))
		return false;
	return !(e1.hasNext() || e2.hasNext());
private static booleanequalMaps(java.util.Map counterpart, java.util.Set considered, java.util.Map map1, java.util.Map map2)

	if (map2.size() != map1.size())
	    return false;

        try {
            Iterator i = map1.entrySet().iterator();
            while (i.hasNext()) {
                Entry e = (Entry);
                java.lang.Object key = e.getKey();
                java.lang.Object value = e.getValue();
                if (value == null) {
                    if (!(map2.get(key)==null && map2.containsKey(key)))
                        return false;
                } else {
                    if (!equalsHelper( counterpart, considered, 
			value, map2.get(key)))
                        return false;
        } catch(ClassCastException unused)   {
            return false;
        } catch(NullPointerException unused) {
            return false;

	return true;
private static booleanequalSets(java.util.Map counterpart, java.util.Set considered, java.util.Set set1, java.util.Set set2)

	if (set1.size() != set2.size())
	    return false ;

	Iterator e1 = set1.iterator() ;
	while (e1.hasNext()) {
	    java.lang.Object obj1 = ;

	    boolean found = false ;
	    Iterator e2 = set2.iterator() ;
	    while (e2.hasNext() && !found) {
		java.lang.Object obj2 = ;
		found = equals( obj1, obj2 ) ;

	    if (!found)
		return false ;

	return true ;
public static booleanequals(java.lang.Object obj1, java.lang.Object obj2)

	// Set of pairs of objects that have been (or are being) considered for
	// equality.  Such pairs are presumed to be equals.  If they are not, 
	// this will be detected eventually and the equals method will return 
	// false.
	Set considered = new HashSet() ;    

	// Map that gives the corresponding component of obj2 for a component 
	// of obj1.  This is used to check for the same aliasing and use of 
	// equal objects in both objects.
	Map counterpart = new IdentityHashMap() ;

	return equalsHelper( counterpart, considered, obj1, obj2 ) ;
private static booleanequalsHelper(java.util.Map counterpart, java.util.Set considered, java.lang.Object obj1, java.lang.Object obj2)

	if ((obj1 == null) || (obj2 == null))
	    return obj1 == obj2 ;

	java.lang.Object other2 = counterpart.get( obj1 ) ;
	if (other2 == null) {
	    other2 = obj2 ;
	    counterpart.put( obj1, other2 ) ;

	if (obj1 == other2)
	    return true ;

	if (obj2 != other2)
	    return false ;
	Pair pair = new Pair( obj1, obj2 ) ;
	if (considered.contains( pair ))
	    return true ;
	    considered.add( pair ) ;

	if (obj1 instanceof java.lang.Object[] && 
	    obj2 instanceof java.lang.Object[])
	    return equalArrays( counterpart, considered, 
		(java.lang.Object[])obj1, (java.lang.Object[])obj2 ) ;
	else if (obj1 instanceof Map && obj2 instanceof Map)
	    return equalMaps( counterpart, considered, 
		(Map)obj1, (Map)obj2 ) ;
	else if (obj1 instanceof Set && obj2 instanceof Set)
	    return equalSets( counterpart, considered, 
		(Set)obj1, (Set)obj2 ) ;
	else if (obj1 instanceof List && obj2 instanceof List)
	    return equalLists( counterpart, considered, 
		(List)obj1, (List)obj2 ) ;
	else if (obj1 instanceof boolean[] && obj2 instanceof boolean[])
	    return Arrays.equals( (boolean[])obj1, (boolean[])obj2 ) ;
	else if (obj1 instanceof byte[] && obj2 instanceof byte[])
	    return Arrays.equals( (byte[])obj1, (byte[])obj2 ) ;
	else if (obj1 instanceof char[] && obj2 instanceof char[])
	    return Arrays.equals( (char[])obj1, (char[])obj2 ) ;
	else if (obj1 instanceof double[] && obj2 instanceof double[])
	    return Arrays.equals( (double[])obj1, (double[])obj2 ) ;
	else if (obj1 instanceof float[] && obj2 instanceof float[])
	    return Arrays.equals( (float[])obj1, (float[])obj2 ) ;
	else if (obj1 instanceof int[] && obj2 instanceof int[])
	    return Arrays.equals( (int[])obj1, (int[])obj2 ) ;
	else if (obj1 instanceof long[] && obj2 instanceof long[])
	    return Arrays.equals( (long[])obj1, (long[])obj2 ) ;
	else {
	    Class cls = obj1.getClass() ;
	    if (cls != obj2.getClass())
		return obj1.equals( obj2 ) ;
		return equalsObject( counterpart, considered, cls, obj1, obj2 ) ;
private static booleanequalsObject(java.util.Map counterpart, java.util.Set considered, java.lang.Class cls, java.lang.Object obj1, java.lang.Object obj2)

	Class objectClass = java.lang.Object.class ;
	if (cls == objectClass)
	    return true ;

	Class[] equalsTypes = { objectClass } ;
	try {
	    Method equalsMethod = cls.getDeclaredMethod( "equals", 
		equalsTypes ) ;
	    return obj1.equals( obj2 ) ;
	} catch (Exception exc) {
	    if (equalsObjectFields( counterpart, considered, 
		    cls, obj1, obj2 ))
		return equalsObject( counterpart, considered, 
		    cls.getSuperclass(), obj1, obj2 ) ;
		return false ;
private static booleanequalsObjectFields(java.util.Map counterpart, java.util.Set considered, java.lang.Class cls, java.lang.Object obj1, java.lang.Object obj2)

	Field[] fields = cls.getDeclaredFields() ;
	for (int ctr=0; ctr<fields.length; ctr++) {
	    try {
		final Field field = fields[ctr] ;
		// Ignore static fields
		if (!Modifier.isStatic( field.getModifiers())) {
		    AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {
			public Object run() {
			    field.setAccessible( true ) ;
			    return null ;
		    } ) ;

		    java.lang.Object value1 = field.get( obj1 ) ;
		    java.lang.Object value2 = field.get( obj2 ) ;
		    if (!equalsHelper( counterpart, considered, value1, 
			value2 ))
			return false ;
	    } catch (IllegalAccessException exc) {
		return false ;

	return true ;
private voidhandleArray(java.util.IdentityHashMap printed, ObjectWriter result, java.lang.Object obj)

	Class compClass = obj.getClass().getComponentType() ;
	if (compClass == boolean.class) {
	    boolean[] arr = (boolean[])obj ;
	    for (int ctr=0; ctr<arr.length; ctr++) {
		result.startElement() ;
		result.append( arr[ctr] ) ;
		result.endElement() ;
	} else if (compClass == byte.class) {
	    byte[] arr = (byte[])obj ;
	    for (int ctr=0; ctr<arr.length; ctr++) {
		result.startElement() ;
		result.append( arr[ctr] ) ;
		result.endElement() ;
	} else if (compClass == short.class) {
	    short[] arr = (short[])obj ;
	    for (int ctr=0; ctr<arr.length; ctr++) {
		result.startElement() ;
		result.append( arr[ctr] ) ;
		result.endElement() ;
	} else if (compClass == int.class) {
	    int[] arr = (int[])obj ;
	    for (int ctr=0; ctr<arr.length; ctr++) {
		result.startElement() ;
		result.append( arr[ctr] ) ;
		result.endElement() ;
	} else if (compClass == long.class) {
	    long[] arr = (long[])obj ;
	    for (int ctr=0; ctr<arr.length; ctr++) {
		result.startElement() ;
		result.append( arr[ctr] ) ;
		result.endElement() ;
	} else if (compClass == char.class) {
	    char[] arr = (char[])obj ;
	    for (int ctr=0; ctr<arr.length; ctr++) {
		result.startElement() ;
		result.append( arr[ctr] ) ;
		result.endElement() ;
	} else if (compClass == float.class) {
	    float[] arr = (float[])obj ;
	    for (int ctr=0; ctr<arr.length; ctr++) {
		result.startElement() ;
		result.append( arr[ctr] ) ;
		result.endElement() ;
	} else if (compClass == double.class) {
	    double[] arr = (double[])obj ;
	    for (int ctr=0; ctr<arr.length; ctr++) {
		result.startElement() ;
		result.append( arr[ctr] ) ;
		result.endElement() ;
	} else { // array of object
	    java.lang.Object[] arr = (java.lang.Object[])obj ;
	    for (int ctr=0; ctr<arr.length; ctr++) {
		result.startElement() ;
		objectToStringHelper( printed, result, arr[ctr] ) ;
		result.endElement() ;
private voidhandleObject(java.util.IdentityHashMap printed, ObjectWriter result, java.lang.Object obj)

	Class cls = obj.getClass() ;

	try {
	    Field[] fields; 
	    SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager(); 
            if (security != null && !Modifier.isPublic(cls.getModifiers())) { 
		fields = new Field[0]; 
	    } else { 
		fields = sun.reflect.misc.FieldUtil.getDeclaredFields(cls); 

	    for (int ctr=0; ctr<fields.length; ctr++ ) {
		final Field fld = fields[ctr] ;
		int modifiers = fld.getModifiers() ;

		// Do not display field if it is static, since these fields
		// are always the same for every instances.  This could
		// be made configurable, but I don't think it is 
		// useful to do so.
		if (!Modifier.isStatic( modifiers )) {
	            if (security != null) {
		        if (!Modifier.isPublic(modifiers))
		    result.startElement() ;
		    result.append( fld.getName() ) ;
		    result.append( ":" ) ;

		    try {
			// Make sure that we can read the field if it is 
			// not public
			AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction() {
			    public Object run() {
				fld.setAccessible( true ) ;
				return null ;
			} ) ;

			java.lang.Object value = fld.get( obj ) ;
			objectToStringHelper( printed, result, value ) ;
		    } catch (Exception exc2) {
			result.append( "???" ) ;

		    result.endElement() ;

	    result.endObject() ;
	} catch (Exception exc2) {
	    result.endObject( obj.toString() ) ;
public static useToString, boolean isIndenting, int initialLevel, int increment)
Construct an Utility instance with the desired objectToString behavior.

	return new ObjectUtility( useToString, isIndenting, initialLevel, 
	    increment ) ;
public static useToString, boolean isIndenting)
Construct an Utility instance with the desired objectToString behavior.

	return new ObjectUtility( useToString, isIndenting, 0, 4 ) ;
public static
Get the standard Utility object that supports objectToString with indented display and no use of toString() methods.

	return standard ;
private booleanmustUseToString(java.lang.Class cls)

	// These probably never occur
	if (cls.isPrimitive())
	    return true ;

	// We must use toString for all primitive wrappers, since 
	// otherwise the code recurses endlessly (access value field
	// inside Integer, returns another Integer through reflection).
	if ((cls == Integer.class) ||
	    (cls == BigInteger.class) ||
	    (cls == BigDecimal.class) ||
	    (cls == String.class) ||
	    (cls == StringBuffer.class) ||
	    (cls == Long.class) ||
	    (cls == Short.class) ||
	    (cls == Byte.class) ||
	    (cls == Character.class) ||
	    (cls == Float.class) ||
	    (cls == Double.class) ||
	    (cls == Boolean.class))
	    return true ;

	if (useToString) {
	    try {
		cls.getDeclaredMethod( "toString", null ) ;
		return true ;
	    } catch (Exception exc) {
		return false ;

	return false ;
public java.lang.StringobjectToString(java.lang.Object obj)
objectToString handles display of arbitrary objects. It correctly handles objects whose elements form an arbitrary graph. It uses reflection to display the contents of any kind of object. An object's toString() method may optionally be used, but the default is to ignore all toString() methods except for those defined for primitive types, primitive type wrappers, and strings.

	IdentityHashMap printed = new IdentityHashMap() ;
	ObjectWriter result = ObjectWriter.make( isIndenting, initialLevel, 
	    increment ) ;
	objectToStringHelper( printed, result, obj ) ;
	return result.toString() ;
private voidobjectToStringHelper(java.util.IdentityHashMap printed, ObjectWriter result, java.lang.Object obj)

	if (obj==null) {
	    result.append( "null" ) ;
	    result.endElement() ;
	} else {
	    Class cls = obj.getClass() ;
	    result.startObject( obj ) ;

	    if (printed.keySet().contains( obj )) {
		result.endObject( "*VISITED*" ) ;
	    } else {
		printed.put( obj, null ) ;

		if (mustUseToString(cls)) {
		    result.endObject( obj.toString() ) ;
		} else {
		    // First, handle any classes that have special printer 
		    // methods defined.  This is useful when the class 
		    // overrides toString with something that
		    // is not sufficiently detailed.
		    ObjectPrinter printer = (ObjectPrinter)(classToPrinter.get(
			cls )) ;
		    if (printer != null) {
			printer.print( printed, result, obj ) ;
			result.endObject() ;
		    } else {
			Class compClass = cls.getComponentType() ;

			if (compClass == null)
			    // handleObject always calls endObject
			    handleObject( printed, result, obj ) ;
			else {
			    handleArray( printed, result, obj ) ;
			    result.endObject() ;