NativeInputModepublic class NativeInputMode extends Object implements InputMode
Fields Summary |
private static final int | STATE_CALLBACK_RESthis index selects in the function state data array
the integer result returned from an interface function | private static final int | STATE_FUNC_TOKENthis index selects in the function state data array
the integer id of interface function to be called | private static final int | STATE_NEXT_STATEthis index selects in the function state data array
the integer id of the next state to be entered | private static final int | STATE_INT_ARGthis index selects in the function state data array
the integer argument for an interface function | private static final int | STATE_FINAL_RESthis index selects in the function state data array
the value to be returned as a result of the enclosing Java function | private static final int | STATE_INTERNALthis index selects in the function state data array
the value to be internally used by native function | private static final int | STATE_INTERNAL_EXTthis index selects in the function state data array
the value to be internally used by native function | private static final int | STATE_DATA_ARRAY_SIZEthe number of integer elements in the function state data array | private static final int | MEDIATOR_NOOPthis value, when stored as stateArgs[STATE_FUNC_TOKEN],
tells the executeMediatorCommand function
to perform no action with the mediator | private static final int | MEDIATOR_COMMITthis value, when stored as stateArgs[STATE_FUNC_TOKEN],
tells the executeMediatorCommand function
to perform the mediator.commit(String) function | private static final int | MEDIATOR_CLEARthis value, when stored as stateArgs[STATE_FUNC_TOKEN],
tells the executeMediatorCommand function
to perform the mediator.clear(int) function | private static final int | MEDIATOR_SUBINPUTMODECHANGEDthis value, when stored as stateArgs[STATE_FUNC_TOKEN],
tells the executeMediatorCommand function
to perform the mediator.subInputModeChanged() function | private static final int | MEDIATOR_INPUTMODECOMPLETEDthis value, when stored as stateArgs[STATE_FUNC_TOKEN],
tells the executeMediatorCommand function
to perform the mediator.inputModeCompleted() function | private static final int | MEDIATOR_ISCLEARKEYthis value, when stored as stateArgs[STATE_FUNC_TOKEN],
tells the executeMediatorCommand function
to perform the mediator.isClearKey(int) function | private static final int | MEDIATOR_GETAVAILABLESIZEthis value, when stored as stateArgs[STATE_FUNC_TOKEN],
tells the executeMediatorCommand function
to perform the mediator.getAvailableSize() function | private final int | MAX_STATE_MACHINE_ITERATIONSThis constant limits the number of times a native function may
ask the corresponding Java wrapper function to execute a mediator
function and re-invoke the native functions after that.
Violation of this limit will result in an exception.
(A function that need be native but need to call Java functions is
implemented as a state machine; the Java wrapper function calls
the native function and the Java functions as many times as necessary,
provided that the limit MAX_STATE_MACHINE_ITERATIONS is not violated.) | public int | idInput method identifier. For a given platform, this class may
support multiple input methods, and id determines which one is
supported by this particular instance. | protected int | instanceDatareserved for instance data | protected InputModeMediator | mediatorThe InputModeMediator for the current input session | private boolean[] | isMapinput subset x constraint map |
Constructors Summary |
public NativeInputMode()constructor; the real initialization is done
in the initialize(int) function // must not restrict functionality,
// but must detect infinite loops
Methods Summary |
public void | beginInput(InputModeMediator theMediator, java.lang.String inputSubset, int constraints)This method will be called before any input keys are passed
to this InputMode to allow the InputMode to perform any needed
initialization. A reference to the InputModeMediator which is
currently managing the relationship between this InputMode and
the input session is passed in. This reference can be used
by this InputMode to commit text input as well as end the input
session with this InputMode. The reference is only valid until
this InputMode's endInput() method is called.
mediator = theMediator;
beginInput0(theMediator, inputSubset, constraints);
| public native void | beginInput0(InputModeMediator theMediator, java.lang.String inputSubset, int constraints)
| public void | endInput()Mark the end of this InputMode's processing. The only possible call
to this InputMode after a call to endInput() is a call to beginInput()
to begin a new input session.
| public native void | endInput0()
| protected void | executeMediatorCommand(int[] stateArgs, java.lang.String stringArg)Execute a mediator command whose id and integer arguments are stored
in the stateArgs array, and the string argument, if required, is
passed as stringArg; the returned value, if any, is stored
This function implements the functionality of processKey, but
when it needs to call some mediator function, it stores the current
state into stateArgs and returns; processKey calls the necessary
interface function and calls processKey0 again.
stateArgs[STATE_CALLBACK_RES] -- mediator function result.
stateArgs[STATE_FUNC_TOKEN] -- the mediator function id.
stateArgs[STATE_NEXT_STATE] -- not used by executeMediatorCommand,
a native function uses this value to store the integer state id,
the Java function that calls the native function repeats calls
until this value becomes zero.
stateArgs[STATE_INT_ARG] -- int argument for the mediator function,
if required.
stateArgs[STATE_FINAL_RES] -- not used by executeMediatorCommand,
the native function store there a result to be returned
by the Java function.
stateArgs[STATE_INTERNAL] -- for use by native functions.
stateArgs[STATE_INTERNAL_EXT] -- for use by native functions.
if (null == mediator) {
switch(stateArgs[STATE_FUNC_TOKEN]) {
boolean res = mediator.isClearKey(stateArgs[STATE_INT_ARG]);
stateArgs[STATE_CALLBACK_RES] = res ? 1 : 0;
stateArgs[STATE_CALLBACK_RES] = mediator.getAvailableSize();
| private native void | finalize()Finalizer. Free the data structures allocated in initialize(int).
| public native java.lang.String | getCommandName()Returns the command name which will represent this InputMode in
the input menu
| public javax.microedition.lcdui.Displayable | getDisplayable()Gets displayable for particular input method. If the input method has no
specific displayable representation returns null.
return null;
| public boolean[][] | getIsConstraintsMap()Returns the map specifying this input mode is proper one for the
particular pair of input subset and constraint. The form of the map is
IS_FULLWIDTH_DIGITS |t|f| t|f | t|f | t|f |t|f| t|f |
IS_FULLWIDTH_LATIN |t|f| t|f | t|f | t|f |t|f| t|f |
IS_HALFWIDTH_KATAKANA |t|f| t|f | t|f | t|f |t|f| t|f |
IS_HANJA |t|f| t|f | t|f | t|f |t|f| t|f |
IS_KANJI |t|f| t|f | t|f | t|f |t|f| t|f |
IS_LATIN |t|f| t|f | t|f | t|f |t|f| t|f |
IS_LATIN_DIGITS |t|f| t|f | t|f | t|f |t|f| t|f |
IS_SIMPLIFIED_HANZI |t|f| t|f | t|f | t|f |t|f| t|f |
IS_TRADITIONAL_HANZI |t|f| t|f | t|f | t|f |t|f| t|f |
MIDP_UPPERCASE_LATIN |t|f| t|f | t|f | t|f |t|f| t|f |
MIDP_LOWERCASE_LATIN |t|f| t|f | t|f | t|f |t|f| t|f |
NULL |t|f| t|f | t|f | t|f |t|f| t|f |
return isMap;
| public native java.lang.String[] | getMatchList()Gets the possible string matches
| public native java.lang.String | getName()Returns the display name which will represent this InputMode to
the user, such as in a selection list or the softbutton bar.
| public native java.lang.String | getNextMatch()Return the next possible match for the key input processed thus
far by this InputMode. A call to this method should be preceeded
by a check of hasMoreMatches(). If the InputMode has more available
matches for the given input, this method will return them one by one.
| public native char | getPendingChar()return the pending char
used to bypass the asynchronous commit mechanism
e.g. to immediately commit a char before moving the cursor
| public boolean | hasDisplayable()Returns true if input mode is using its own displayable, false ifinput
mode does not require the speial displayable for its representation
return false;
| public native boolean | hasMoreMatches()True, if after processing a key, there is more than one possible
match to the input. If this method returns true, the getNextMatch()
method can be called to return the value.
| public native int | initialize(int theId)Initialize the instance.
| public int | processKey(int keyCode, boolean longPress)Process the given key code as input.
This method will return true if the key was processed successfully,
false otherwise.
int iterationCount = 0;
final int clearKeyFlag =
mediator == null ? -1 :
mediator.isClearKey(keyCode) ? 1 : 0;
int[] stateArgs = new int[STATE_DATA_ARRAY_SIZE];
String stringArg;
do {
if (iterationCount++ > MAX_STATE_MACHINE_ITERATIONS) {
throw new RuntimeException("too many iterations inside processKey()");
stringArg = processKey0(keyCode, longPress, clearKeyFlag,stateArgs);
executeMediatorCommand(stateArgs, stringArg);
} while (0 != stateArgs[STATE_NEXT_STATE]);
if (0 != stateArgs[STATE_INTERNAL]
|| 0 != stateArgs[STATE_INTERNAL_EXT]) {
// If we are here,
// the programmer has either forgot to free memory,
// or has not modified the next_state number.
throw new RuntimeException("the internal state parameter "
+"record have not been released");
return stateArgs[STATE_FINAL_RES];
| protected native java.lang.String | processKey0(int keyCode, boolean longPress, int isClearKey, int[] stateArgs)This function is repeatedly called
by procesKey(int keyCode, boolean longPress)
to process the given key code as input.
This function implements the functionality of processKey, but
when it needs to call some mediator function, it stores the current
state into stateArgs and returns; processKey calls the necessary
interface function and calls processKey0 again.
Since the function processKey is a callback invoked when a key
is pressed, it is recommended to finish key processing as soon
as possible. The number of times the function processKey0() may
be called before the function processKey() returns is limited
by the constant MAX_STATE_MACHINE_ITERATIONS, but it does not
mean that it is ok to use so many iterations.
stateArgs[STATE_CALLBACK_RES] -- mediator function result.
stateArgs[STATE_FUNC_TOKEN] -- the mediator function id.
stateArgs[STATE_NEXT_STATE] -- the integer id of the next state,
the processKey repeats calling processKey0
until this value becomes zero.
stateArgs[STATE_INT_ARG] -- int argument for the mediator function,
if required.
stateArgs[STATE_FINAL_RES] -- the result to be returned
by processKey.
stateArgs[STATE_INTERNAL] -- may be used by native code implementing
stateArgs[STATE_INTERNAL_EXT] -- may be used by native code
implementing processKey0.
| public native boolean | supportsConstraints(int constraints)This method is called to determine if this InputMode supports
the given text input constraints. The semantics of the constraints
value are defined in the javax.microedition.lcdui.TextField API.
If this InputMode returns false, this InputMode must not be used
to process key input for the selected text component.
| public java.lang.String | toString()
return super.toString()+"[id="+id+"]";