CallerInfoAsyncQuery.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API20819Thu Mar 12 22:22:42 GMT


public class CallerInfoAsyncQuery extends Object
Helper class to make it easier to run asynchronous caller-id lookup queries.
CallerInfo {@hide}

Fields Summary
private static final boolean
private static final String
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private CallerInfoAsyncQueryHandler
private static final boolean
Constructors Summary
private CallerInfoAsyncQuery()
Private constructor for factory methods.

Methods Summary
public voidaddQueryListener(int token,$OnQueryCompleteListener listener, java.lang.Object cookie)
Method to add listeners to a currently running query

        if (DBG) Rlog.d(LOG_TAG, "adding listener to query: " + sanitizeUriToString(mHandler.mQueryUri) +
                " handler: " + mHandler.toString());

        //create cookieWrapper, add query request to end of queue.
        CookieWrapper cw = new CookieWrapper();
        cw.listener = listener;
        cw.cookie = cookie;
        cw.event = EVENT_ADD_LISTENER;

        mHandler.startQuery(token, cw, null, null, null, null, null);
private voidallocate(android.content.Context context, contactRef)
Method to create a new CallerInfoAsyncQueryHandler object, ensuring correct state of context and uri.

        if ((context == null) || (contactRef == null)){
            throw new QueryPoolException("Bad context or query uri.");
        mHandler = new CallerInfoAsyncQueryHandler(context);
        mHandler.mQueryUri = contactRef;
static android.content.ContentResolvergetCurrentProfileContentResolver(android.content.Context context)

{@link ContentResolver} for the "current" user.

        if (DBG) Rlog.d(LOG_TAG, "Trying to get current content resolver...");

        final int currentUser = ActivityManager.getCurrentUser();
        final int myUser = UserManager.get(context).getUserHandle();

        if (DBG) Rlog.d(LOG_TAG, "myUser=" + myUser + "currentUser=" + currentUser);

        if (myUser != currentUser) {
            final Context otherContext;
            try {
                otherContext = context.createPackageContextAsUser(context.getPackageName(),
                        /* flags =*/ 0, new UserHandle(currentUser));
                return otherContext.getContentResolver();
            } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
                Rlog.e(LOG_TAG, "Can't find self package", e);
                // Fall back to the primary user.
        return context.getContentResolver();
private voidrelease()
Releases the relevant data.

        mHandler.mContext = null;
        mHandler.mQueryUri = null;
        mHandler.mCallerInfo = null;
        mHandler = null;
private static java.lang.StringsanitizeUriToString( uri)

        if (uri != null) {
            String uriString = uri.toString();
            int indexOfLastSlash = uriString.lastIndexOf('/");
            if (indexOfLastSlash > 0) {
                return uriString.substring(0, indexOfLastSlash) + "/xxxxxxx";
            } else {
                return uriString;
        } else {
            return "";
public static token, android.content.Context context, contactRef,$OnQueryCompleteListener listener, java.lang.Object cookie)
Factory method to start query with a Uri query spec

        CallerInfoAsyncQuery c = new CallerInfoAsyncQuery();
        c.allocate(context, contactRef);

        if (DBG) Rlog.d(LOG_TAG, "starting query for URI: " + contactRef + " handler: " + c.toString());

        //create cookieWrapper, start query
        CookieWrapper cw = new CookieWrapper();
        cw.listener = listener;
        cw.cookie = cookie;
        cw.event = EVENT_NEW_QUERY;

        c.mHandler.startQuery(token, cw, contactRef, null, null, null, null);

        return c;
public static token, android.content.Context context, java.lang.String number,$OnQueryCompleteListener listener, java.lang.Object cookie)
Factory method to start the query based on a number. Note: if the number contains an "@" character we treat it as a SIP address, and look it up directly in the Data table rather than using the PhoneLookup table. TODO: But eventually we should expose two separate methods, one for numbers and one for SIP addresses, and then have PhoneUtils.startGetCallerInfo() decide which one to call based on the phone type of the incoming connection.

        int subId = SubscriptionManager.getDefaultSubId();
        return startQuery(token, context, number, listener, cookie, subId);
public static token, android.content.Context context, java.lang.String number,$OnQueryCompleteListener listener, java.lang.Object cookie, int subId)
Factory method to start the query based on a number with specific subscription. Note: if the number contains an "@" character we treat it as a SIP address, and look it up directly in the Data table rather than using the PhoneLookup table. TODO: But eventually we should expose two separate methods, one for numbers and one for SIP addresses, and then have PhoneUtils.startGetCallerInfo() decide which one to call based on the phone type of the incoming connection.

        if (DBG) {
            Rlog.d(LOG_TAG, "##### CallerInfoAsyncQuery startQuery()... #####");
            Rlog.d(LOG_TAG, "- number: " + /*number*/ "xxxxxxx");
            Rlog.d(LOG_TAG, "- cookie: " + cookie);

        // Construct the URI object and query params, and start the query.

        final Uri contactRef = PhoneLookup.ENTERPRISE_CONTENT_FILTER_URI.buildUpon()

        if (DBG) {
            Rlog.d(LOG_TAG, "==> contactRef: " + sanitizeUriToString(contactRef));

        CallerInfoAsyncQuery c = new CallerInfoAsyncQuery();
        c.allocate(context, contactRef);

        //create cookieWrapper, start query
        CookieWrapper cw = new CookieWrapper();
        cw.listener = listener;
        cw.cookie = cookie;
        cw.number = number;
        cw.subId = subId;

        // check to see if these are recognized numbers, and use shortcuts if we can.
        if (PhoneNumberUtils.isLocalEmergencyNumber(context, number)) {
            cw.event = EVENT_EMERGENCY_NUMBER;
        } else if (PhoneNumberUtils.isVoiceMailNumber(subId, number)) {
            cw.event = EVENT_VOICEMAIL_NUMBER;
        } else {
            cw.event = EVENT_NEW_QUERY;

                              cw,  // cookie
                              contactRef,  // uri
                              null,  // projection
                              null,  // selection
                              null,  // selectionArgs
                              null);  // orderBy
        return c;