//StupidFace.java by D Mullier 3/01
//needs two image file called 1.jpg and 2.jpg to be in the
//same directory as the class file
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.math.*;
public class StupidFace extends Applet
private TalkingFace Face; //reference for our object, the class is defined below
public void init()
Face=new TalkingFace(); //create an instance of a TalkingFace
public void paint(Graphics g)
Face.talk();//off we go, call the face drawing object
//NOW for our class definition
public class TalkingFace
private Graphics gfx; //for our graphics context
private Image StupidFace1,StupidFace2; //the images will be loaded into these
private boolean talkingFlag=false; //which animation frame to display
private long talkCount=0; //used to slow the talking down
public TalkingFace()
StupidFace1 = getImage(getCodeBase(),"1.jpg"); //load the images into an object
StupidFace2 = getImage(getCodeBase(),"2.jpg");
gfx = getGraphics(); //get hraphics context, easy
public void talk()
for(;;) //loop forever
long talkDelay=(long) ((Math.random()*10)+1); //calculate a random delay between images
//showStatus("w x h = "+width+" x "+height);//delay="+talkDelay);
talkCount++; //only change the animation frame for every "speed" calls of this method
if (talkingFlag==false)
gfx.drawImage(StupidFace1,100,0,null); //draw the face and offset it by 100 pixels
talkingFlag=!talkingFlag; //flip the flag (i.e. false becomes true)
}//end talk
}//end talkingface
} //end applet