cache = new LRUMap( 5 );
// Populate the cache with 5 stock prices
cache.put( "MSFT", new Float( 0.03 ) );
cache.put( "TSC", new Float( 0.001 ) );
cache.put( "LU", new Float( 23.30 ) );
cache.put( "CSCO", new Float( 242.20 ) );
cache.put( "P", new Float( 10.23 ) );
// Now use some of the entries in the cache
Float cscoPrice = (Float) cache.get( "CSCO" );
Float msPrice = (Float) cache.get( "MSFT" );
Float tscPrice = (Float) cache.get( "TSC" );
Float luPrice = (Float) cache.get( "LU" );
Float pPrice = (Float) cache.get( "P" );
Float msPrice2 = (Float) cache.get( "MSFT" );
// Add another price to the Map, this should kick out the LRU item.
cache.put( "AA", new Float( 203.20 ) );
// CSCO was the first price requested, it is therefor the
// least recently used.
if( !cache.containsKey("CSCO") ) {
System.out.println( "As expected CSCO was discarded" );