CharacterDataUndefined.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API2065Fri Aug 26 16:47:26 BST 2005java.lang


public class CharacterDataUndefined extends Object
The CharacterData class encapsulates the large tables found in Java.lang.Character.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
static intdigit(int ch, int radix)

		return -1;
static bytegetDirectionality(int ch)

static intgetNumericValue(int ch)

		return -1;
static intgetProperties(int ch)

        return 0;
static intgetType(int ch)

		return Character.UNASSIGNED;
static booleanisDefined(int ch)

		return false;
static booleanisDigit(int ch)

		return false;
static booleanisIdentifierIgnorable(int ch)

		return false;
static booleanisJavaIdentifierPart(int ch)

		return false;
static booleanisJavaIdentifierStart(int ch)

		return false;
static booleanisLetter(int ch)

		return false;
static booleanisLetterOrDigit(int ch)

		return false;
static booleanisLowerCase(int ch)

		return false;
static booleanisMirrored(int ch)

		return false;
static booleanisSpaceChar(int ch)

		return false;
static booleanisTitleCase(int ch)

		return false;
static booleanisUnicodeIdentifierPart(int ch)

		return false;
static booleanisUnicodeIdentifierStart(int ch)

		return false;
static booleanisUpperCase(int ch)

		return false;
static booleanisWhitespace(int ch)

		return false;
static inttoLowerCase(int ch)

		return ch;
static inttoTitleCase(int ch)

		return ch;
static inttoUpperCase(int ch)

		return ch;