CODESET_INCOMPATIBLEpublic final class CODESET_INCOMPATIBLE extends SystemException This exception is raised whenever meaningful communication is not possible
between client and server native code sets. |
Constructors Summary |
public CODESET_INCOMPATIBLE()Constructs an CODESET_INCOMPATIBLE exception with
minor code set to 0 and CompletionStatus set to COMPLETED_NO.
| public CODESET_INCOMPATIBLE(String detailMessage)Constructs an CODESET_INCOMPATIBLE exception with the
specified message.
this(detailMessage, 0, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO);
| public CODESET_INCOMPATIBLE(int minorCode, CompletionStatus completionStatus)Constructs an CODESET_INCOMPATIBLE exception with the
specified minor code and completion status.
this("", minorCode, completionStatus);
| public CODESET_INCOMPATIBLE(String detailMessage, int minorCode, CompletionStatus completionStatus)Constructs an CODESET_INCOMPATIBLE exception with the
specified message, minor code, and completion status.
super(detailMessage, minorCode, completionStatus);