SHA1PRNG_SecureRandomImpl.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API20598Wed May 06 22:41:06 BST


public class SHA1PRNG_SecureRandomImpl extends SecureRandomSpi implements Serializable, SHA1_Data
This class extends the SecureRandomSpi class implementing all its abstract methods.

To generate pseudo-random bits, the implementation uses technique described in the "Random Number Generator (RNG) algorithms" section, Appendix A, JavaTM Cryptography Architecture, API Specification&Reference

The class implements the Serializable interface.

Fields Summary
private static final long
private static final int[]
private static final int[]
private static final int[]
private static final int[]
private static final int[]
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static SHA1PRNG_SecureRandomImpl
private transient int[]
private transient long
private transient int[]
private transient byte[]
private transient int
private transient long
private transient int
Constructors Summary
public SHA1PRNG_SecureRandomImpl()
Creates object and sets implementation variables to their initial values

    // The "seed" array is used to compute both "current seed hash" and "next bytes".
    // As the "SHA1" algorithm computes a hash of entire seed by splitting it into
    // a number of the 512-bit length frames (512 bits = 64 bytes = 16 words),
    // "current seed hash" is a hash (5 words, 20 bytes) for all previous full frames;
    // remaining bytes are stored in the 0-15 word frame of the "seed" array.
    // As for calculating "next bytes",
    // both remaining bytes and "current seed hash" are used,
    // to preserve the latter for following "setSeed(..)" commands,
    // the following technique is used:
    // - upon getting "nextBytes(byte[])" invoked, single or first in row,
    //   which requires computing new hash, that is, 
    //   there is no more bytes remaining from previous "next bytes" computation,
    //   remaining bytes are copied into the 21-36 word frame of the "copies" array;
    // - upon getting "setSeed(byte[])" invoked, single or first in row,
    //   remaining bytes are copied back. 


        seed = new int[HASH_OFFSET + EXTRAFRAME_OFFSET];
        seed[HASH_OFFSET] = H0;
        seed[HASH_OFFSET + 1] = H1;
        seed[HASH_OFFSET + 2] = H2;
        seed[HASH_OFFSET + 3] = H3;
        seed[HASH_OFFSET + 4] = H4;

        seedLength = 0;
        copies = new int[2 * FRAME_LENGTH + EXTRAFRAME_OFFSET];
        nextBytes = new byte[DIGEST_LENGTH];
        nextBIndex = HASHBYTES_TO_USE;
        counter = COUNTER_BASE;
        state = UNDEFINED;
Methods Summary
protected byte[]engineGenerateSeed(int numBytes)
Returns a required number of random bytes.
The method overrides "engineGenerateSeed (int)" in class SecureRandomSpi.

numBytes - number of bytes to return; should be >= 0.
byte array containing bits in order from left to right
InvalidParameterException - if numBytes < 0

        byte[] myBytes; // byte[] for bytes returned by "nextBytes()"

        if (numBytes < 0) {
            throw new NegativeArraySizeException(Messages.getString("security.171", numBytes)); //$NON-NLS-1$
        if (numBytes == 0) {
            return new byte[0];

        if (myRandom == null) {
            myRandom = new SHA1PRNG_SecureRandomImpl();

        myBytes = new byte[numBytes];

        return myBytes;
protected voidengineNextBytes(byte[] bytes)
Writes random bytes into an array supplied. Bits in a byte are from left to right.
To generate random bytes, the "expansion of source bits" method is used, that is, the current seed with a 64-bit counter appended is used to compute new bits. The counter is incremented by 1 for each 20-byte output.
The method overrides engineNextBytes in class SecureRandomSpi.

bytes - byte array to be filled in with bytes
NullPointerException - if null is passed to the "bytes" argument

        int i, n;

        long bits; // number of bits required by Secure Hash Standard
        int nextByteToReturn; // index of ready bytes in "bytes" array
        int lastWord; // index of last word in frame containing bytes
        final int extrabytes = 7;// # of bytes to add in order to computer # of 8 byte words

        if (bytes == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException(
                    Messages.getString("security.83", "bytes")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$

        lastWord = seed[BYTES_OFFSET] == 0 ? 0
                : (seed[BYTES_OFFSET] + extrabytes) >> 3 - 1;

        if (state == UNDEFINED) {

            // no seed supplied by user, hence it is generated thus randomizing internal state
            nextBIndex = HASHBYTES_TO_USE;

        } else if (state == SET_SEED) {

            System.arraycopy(seed, HASH_OFFSET, copies, HASHCOPY_OFFSET,

            // possible cases for 64-byte frame:
            // seed bytes < 48      - remaining bytes are enough for all, 8 counter bytes, 
            //                        0x80, and 8 seedLength bytes; no extra frame required
            // 48 < seed bytes < 56 - remaining 9 bytes are for 0x80 and 8 counter bytes
            //                        extra frame contains only seedLength value at the end
            // seed bytes > 55      - extra frame contains both counter's bytes
            //                        at the beginning and seedLength value at the end;
            //                        note, that beginning extra bytes are not more than 8,
            //                        that is, only 2 extra words may be used

            // no need to set to "0" 3 words after "lastWord" and  
            // more than two words behind frame 
            for (i = lastWord + 3; i < FRAME_LENGTH + 2; i++) {
                seed[i] = 0;

            bits = seedLength << 3 + 64; // transforming # of bytes into # of bits

            // putting # of bits into two last words (14,15) of 16 word frame in 
            // seed or copies array depending on total length after padding
            if (seed[BYTES_OFFSET] < MAX_BYTES) {
                seed[14] = (int) (bits >>> 32);
                seed[15] = (int) (bits & 0xFFFFFFFF);
            } else {
                copies[EXTRAFRAME_OFFSET + 14] = (int) (bits >>> 32);
                copies[EXTRAFRAME_OFFSET + 15] = (int) (bits & 0xFFFFFFFF);

            nextBIndex = HASHBYTES_TO_USE; // skipping remaining random bits
        state = NEXT_BYTES;

        if (bytes.length == 0) {

        nextByteToReturn = 0;

        // possibly not all of HASHBYTES_TO_USE bytes were used previous time 
        n = (HASHBYTES_TO_USE - nextBIndex) < (bytes.length - nextByteToReturn) ? HASHBYTES_TO_USE
                - nextBIndex
                : bytes.length - nextByteToReturn;
        if (n > 0) {
            System.arraycopy(nextBytes, nextBIndex, bytes, nextByteToReturn, n);
            nextBIndex += n;
            nextByteToReturn += n;

        if (nextByteToReturn >= bytes.length) {
            return; // return because "bytes[]" are filled in

        n = seed[BYTES_OFFSET] & 0x03;
        for (;;) {
            if (n == 0) {

                seed[lastWord] = (int) (counter >>> 32);
                seed[lastWord + 1] = (int) (counter & 0xFFFFFFFF);
                seed[lastWord + 2] = END_FLAGS[0];

            } else {

                seed[lastWord] |= (int) ((counter >>> RIGHT1[n]) & MASK[n]);
                seed[lastWord + 1] = (int) ((counter >>> RIGHT2[n]) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
                seed[lastWord + 2] = (int) ((counter << LEFT[n]) | END_FLAGS[n]);
            if (seed[BYTES_OFFSET] > MAX_BYTES) {
                copies[EXTRAFRAME_OFFSET] = seed[FRAME_LENGTH];
                copies[EXTRAFRAME_OFFSET + 1] = seed[FRAME_LENGTH + 1];


            if (seed[BYTES_OFFSET] > MAX_BYTES) {

                System.arraycopy(seed, 0, copies, FRAME_OFFSET, FRAME_LENGTH);
                System.arraycopy(copies, EXTRAFRAME_OFFSET, seed, 0,

                System.arraycopy(copies, FRAME_OFFSET, seed, 0, FRAME_LENGTH);

            int j = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < EXTRAFRAME_OFFSET; i++) {
                int k = seed[HASH_OFFSET + i];
                nextBytes[j] = (byte) (k >>> 24); // getting first  byte from left
                nextBytes[j + 1] = (byte) (k >>> 16); // getting second byte from left
                nextBytes[j + 2] = (byte) (k >>> 8); // getting third  byte from left
                nextBytes[j + 3] = (byte) (k); // getting fourth byte from left
                j += 4;

            nextBIndex = 0;
            j = HASHBYTES_TO_USE < (bytes.length - nextByteToReturn) ? HASHBYTES_TO_USE
                    : bytes.length - nextByteToReturn;

            if (j > 0) {
                System.arraycopy(nextBytes, 0, bytes, nextByteToReturn, j);
                nextByteToReturn += j;
                nextBIndex += j;

            if (nextByteToReturn >= bytes.length) {
protected voidengineSetSeed(byte[] seed)
Changes current seed by supplementing a seed argument to the current seed, if this already set; the argument is used as first seed otherwise.
The method overrides "engineSetSeed(byte[])" in class SecureRandomSpi.

seed - byte array
NullPointerException - if null is passed to the "seed" argument

        if (seed == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException(
                    Messages.getString("security.83", "seed")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$

        if (state == NEXT_BYTES) { // first setSeed after NextBytes; restoring hash
            System.arraycopy(copies, HASHCOPY_OFFSET, this.seed, HASH_OFFSET,
        state = SET_SEED;

        if (seed.length != 0) {
private voidreadObject( ois)

        seed = new int[HASH_OFFSET + EXTRAFRAME_OFFSET];
        copies = new int[2 * FRAME_LENGTH + EXTRAFRAME_OFFSET];
        nextBytes = new byte[DIGEST_LENGTH];

        seedLength = ois.readLong();
        counter = ois.readLong();
        state = ois.readInt();
        seed[BYTES_OFFSET] = ois.readInt();

        int nRemaining = (seed[BYTES_OFFSET] + 3) >> 2; // converting bytes in words

        if (state != NEXT_BYTES) {

            for (int i = 0; i < nRemaining; i++) {
                seed[i] = ois.readInt();
            for (int i = 0; i < EXTRAFRAME_OFFSET; i++) {
                seed[HASH_OFFSET + i] = ois.readInt();
        } else {
            if (seed[BYTES_OFFSET] >= MAX_BYTES) {

                // reading next bytes in seed extra frame
                seed[FRAME_LENGTH] = ois.readInt();
                seed[FRAME_LENGTH + 1] = ois.readInt();
                seed[FRAME_LENGTH + 14] = ois.readInt();
                seed[FRAME_LENGTH + 15] = ois.readInt();
            // reading next bytes in seed frame
            for (int i = 0; i < FRAME_LENGTH; i++) {
                seed[i] = ois.readInt();
            // reading remaining seed bytes 
            for (int i = 0; i < nRemaining; i++) {
                copies[FRAME_LENGTH + EXTRAFRAME_OFFSET + i] = ois.readInt();
            // reading copy of current hash
            for (int i = 0; i < EXTRAFRAME_OFFSET; i++) {
                copies[i] = ois.readInt();
            // reading current hash
            for (int i = 0; i < EXTRAFRAME_OFFSET; i++) {
                seed[HASH_OFFSET + i] = ois.readInt();

        nextBIndex = ois.readInt();, nextBIndex, HASHBYTES_TO_USE - nextBIndex);
private voidupdateSeed(byte[] bytes)

        // on call:   "seed" contains current bytes and current hash;
        // on return: "seed" contains new current bytes and possibly new current hash
        //            if after adding, seed bytes overfill its buffer
        SHA1Impl.updateHash(seed, bytes, 0, bytes.length - 1);

        seedLength += bytes.length;
private voidwriteObject( oos)

        int[] intData = null;

        final int only_hash = EXTRAFRAME_OFFSET;
        final int hashes_and_frame = EXTRAFRAME_OFFSET * 2 + FRAME_LENGTH;
        final int hashes_and_frame_extra = EXTRAFRAME_OFFSET * 2 + FRAME_LENGTH
                * 2;


        int nRemaining = (seed[BYTES_OFFSET] + 3) >> 2; // converting bytes in words
        // result may be 0
        if (state != NEXT_BYTES) {

            // either the state is UNDEFINED or previous method was "setSeed(..)" 
            // so in "seed[]" to serialize are remaining bytes (seed[0-nRemaining]) and
            // current hash (seed[82-86])

            intData = new int[only_hash + nRemaining];

            System.arraycopy(seed, 0, intData, 0, nRemaining);
            System.arraycopy(seed, HASH_OFFSET, intData, nRemaining,

        } else {
            // previous method was "nextBytes(..)"
            // so, data to serialize are all the above (two first are in "copies" array)
            // and current words in both frame and extra frame (as if)

            int offset = 0;
            if (seed[BYTES_OFFSET] < MAX_BYTES) { // no extra frame

                intData = new int[hashes_and_frame + nRemaining];

            } else { // extra frame is used

                intData = new int[hashes_and_frame_extra + nRemaining];

                intData[offset] = seed[FRAME_LENGTH];
                intData[offset + 1] = seed[FRAME_LENGTH + 1];
                intData[offset + 2] = seed[FRAME_LENGTH + 14];
                intData[offset + 3] = seed[FRAME_LENGTH + 15];
                offset += 4;

            System.arraycopy(seed, 0, intData, offset, FRAME_LENGTH);
            offset += FRAME_LENGTH;

            System.arraycopy(copies, FRAME_LENGTH + EXTRAFRAME_OFFSET, intData,
                    offset, nRemaining);
            offset += nRemaining;

            System.arraycopy(copies, 0, intData, offset, EXTRAFRAME_OFFSET);
            offset += EXTRAFRAME_OFFSET;

            System.arraycopy(seed, HASH_OFFSET, intData, offset,
        for (int i = 0; i < intData.length; i++) {

        oos.write(nextBytes, nextBIndex, HASHBYTES_TO_USE - nextBIndex);