Section.javaAPI DocApache Poi 3.0.120437Mon Jun 25 20:14:16 BST 2007org.apache.poi.hpsf


public class Section extends Object

Represents a section in a {@link PropertySet}.

Rainer Klute <>
Drew Varner (Drew.Varner allUpIn
$Id: 550021 2007-06-23 07:44:47Z klute $

Fields Summary
protected Map

Maps property IDs to section-private PID strings. These strings can be found in the property with ID 0.

protected ClassID

The section's format ID, {@link #getFormatID}.

protected long
protected int
protected Property[]
private boolean

This member is true if the last call to {@link #getPropertyIntValue} or {@link #getProperty} tried to access a property that was not available, else false.

Constructors Summary
protected Section()

Creates an empty and uninitialized {@link Section}.

public Section(byte[] src, int offset)

Creates a {@link Section} instance from a byte array.

src Contains the complete property set stream.
offset The position in the stream that points to the section's format ID.
UnsupportedEncodingException if the section's codepage is not supported.

        int o1 = offset;

         * Read the format ID.
        formatID = new ClassID(src, o1);
        o1 += ClassID.LENGTH;

         * Read the offset from the stream's start and positions to
         * the section header.
        this.offset = LittleEndian.getUInt(src, o1);
        o1 = (int) this.offset;

         * Read the section length.
        size = (int) LittleEndian.getUInt(src, o1);
        o1 += LittleEndian.INT_SIZE;

         * Read the number of properties.
        final int propertyCount = (int) LittleEndian.getUInt(src, o1);
        o1 += LittleEndian.INT_SIZE;

         * Read the properties. The offset is positioned at the first
         * entry of the property list. There are two problems:
         * 1. For each property we have to find out its length. In the
         *    property list we find each property's ID and its offset relative
         *    to the section's beginning. Unfortunately the properties in the
         *    property list need not to be in ascending order, so it is not
         *    possible to calculate the length as
         *    (offset of property(i+1) - offset of property(i)). Before we can
         *    that we first have to sort the property list by ascending offsets.
         * 2. We have to read the property with ID 1 before we read other 
         *    properties, at least before other properties containing strings.
         *    The reason is that property 1 specifies the codepage. If it is
         *    1200, all strings are in Unicode. In other words: Before we can
         *    read any strings we have to know whether they are in Unicode or
         *    not. Unfortunately property 1 is not guaranteed to be the first in
         *    a section.
         *    The algorithm below reads the properties in two passes: The first
         *    one looks for property ID 1 and extracts the codepage number. The
         *    seconds pass reads the other properties.
        properties = new Property[propertyCount];
        /* Pass 1: Read the property list. */
        int pass1Offset = o1;
        List propertyList = new ArrayList(propertyCount);
        PropertyListEntry ple;
        for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++)
            ple = new PropertyListEntry();

            /* Read the property ID. */
   = (int) LittleEndian.getUInt(src, pass1Offset);
            pass1Offset += LittleEndian.INT_SIZE;

            /* Offset from the section's start. */
            ple.offset = (int) LittleEndian.getUInt(src, pass1Offset);
            pass1Offset += LittleEndian.INT_SIZE;

            /* Add the entry to the property list. */

        /* Sort the property list by ascending offsets: */

        /* Calculate the properties' lengths. */
        for (int i = 0; i < propertyCount - 1; i++)
            final PropertyListEntry ple1 =
                (PropertyListEntry) propertyList.get(i);
            final PropertyListEntry ple2 =
                (PropertyListEntry) propertyList.get(i + 1);
            ple1.length = ple2.offset - ple1.offset;
        if (propertyCount > 0)
            ple = (PropertyListEntry) propertyList.get(propertyCount - 1);
            ple.length = size - ple.offset;
            if (ple.length <= 0)
                final StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
                b.append("The property set claims to have a size of ");
                b.append(" bytes. However, it exceeds ");
                b.append(" bytes.");
                throw new IllegalPropertySetDataException(b.toString());

        /* Look for the codepage. */
        int codepage = -1;
        for (final Iterator i = propertyList.iterator();
             codepage == -1 && i.hasNext();)
            ple = (PropertyListEntry);

            /* Read the codepage if the property ID is 1. */
            if ( == PropertyIDMap.PID_CODEPAGE)
                /* Read the property's value type. It must be
                 * VT_I2. */
                int o = (int) (this.offset + ple.offset);
                final long type = LittleEndian.getUInt(src, o);
                o += LittleEndian.INT_SIZE;

                if (type != Variant.VT_I2)
                    throw new HPSFRuntimeException
                        ("Value type of property ID 1 is not VT_I2 but " +
                         type + ".");

                /* Read the codepage number. */
                codepage = LittleEndian.getUShort(src, o);

        /* Pass 2: Read all properties - including the codepage property,
         * if available. */
        int i1 = 0;
        for (final Iterator i = propertyList.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
            ple = (PropertyListEntry);
            Property p = new Property(, src,
                    this.offset + ple.offset,
                    ple.length, codepage);
            if (p.getID() == PropertyIDMap.PID_CODEPAGE)
                p = new Property(p.getID(), p.getType(), new Integer(codepage));
            properties[i1++] = p;

         * Extract the dictionary (if available).
        dictionary = (Map) getProperty(0);
Methods Summary
public booleanequals(java.lang.Object o)

Checks whether this section is equal to another object. The result is false if one of the the following conditions holds:

  • The other object is not a {@link Section}.

  • The format IDs of the two sections are not equal.

  • The sections have a different number of properties. However, properties with ID 1 (codepage) are not counted.

  • The other object is not a {@link Section}.

  • The properties have different values. The order of the properties is irrelevant.

o The object to compare this section with
true if the objects are equal, false if not

        if (o == null || !(o instanceof Section))
            return false;
        final Section s = (Section) o;
        if (!s.getFormatID().equals(getFormatID()))
            return false;

        /* Compare all properties except 0 and 1 as they must be handled 
         * specially. */
        Property[] pa1 = new Property[getProperties().length];
        Property[] pa2 = new Property[s.getProperties().length];
        System.arraycopy(getProperties(), 0, pa1, 0, pa1.length);
        System.arraycopy(s.getProperties(), 0, pa2, 0, pa2.length);

        /* Extract properties 0 and 1 and remove them from the copy of the
         * arrays. */
        Property p10 = null;
        Property p20 = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < pa1.length; i++)
            final long id = pa1[i].getID();
            if (id == 0)
                p10 = pa1[i];
                pa1 = remove(pa1, i);
            if (id == 1)
                // p11 = pa1[i];
                pa1 = remove(pa1, i);
        for (int i = 0; i < pa2.length; i++)
            final long id = pa2[i].getID();
            if (id == 0)
                p20 = pa2[i];
                pa2 = remove(pa2, i);
            if (id == 1)
                // p21 = pa2[i];
                pa2 = remove(pa2, i);

        /* If the number of properties (not counting property 1) is unequal the
         * sections are unequal. */
        if (pa1.length != pa2.length)
            return false;

        /* If the dictionaries are unequal the sections are unequal. */
        boolean dictionaryEqual = true;
        if (p10 != null && p20 != null)
            dictionaryEqual = p10.getValue().equals(p20.getValue());
        else if (p10 != null || p20 != null)
            dictionaryEqual = false;
        if (!dictionaryEqual)
            return false;
            return Util.equals(pa1, pa2);
public intgetCodepage()

Gets the section's codepage, if any.

The section's codepage if one is defined, else -1.

        final Integer codepage =
            (Integer) getProperty(PropertyIDMap.PID_CODEPAGE);
        if (codepage == null)
            return -1;
        int cp = codepage.intValue();
        return cp;
public java.util.MapgetDictionary()

Gets the section's dictionary. A dictionary allows an application to use human-readable property names instead of numeric property IDs. It contains mappings from property IDs to their associated string values. The dictionary is stored as the property with ID 0. The codepage for the strings in the dictionary is defined by property with ID 1.

the dictionary or null if the section does not have a dictionary.

        return dictionary;
public org.apache.poi.hpsf.ClassIDgetFormatID()

Returns the format ID. The format ID is the "type" of the section. For example, if the format ID of the first {@link Section} contains the bytes specified by org.apache.poi.hpsf.wellknown.SectionIDMap.SUMMARY_INFORMATION_ID the section (and thus the property set) is a SummaryInformation.

The format ID

        return formatID;
public longgetOffset()

Returns the offset of the section in the stream.

The offset of the section in the stream.

        return offset;
public java.lang.StringgetPIDString(long pid)

Returns the PID string associated with a property ID. The ID is first looked up in the {@link Section}'s private dictionary. If it is not found there, the method calls {@link SectionIDMap#getPIDString}.

pid The property ID
The property ID's string value

        String s = null;
        if (dictionary != null)
            s = (String) dictionary.get(new Long(pid));
        if (s == null)
            s = SectionIDMap.getPIDString(getFormatID().getBytes(), pid);
        if (s == null)
            s = SectionIDMap.UNDEFINED;
        return s;
public org.apache.poi.hpsf.Property[]getProperties()

Returns this section's properties.

This section's properties.

        return properties;
public java.lang.ObjectgetProperty(long id)

Returns the value of the property with the specified ID. If the property is not available, null is returned and a subsequent call to {@link #wasNull} will return true.

id The property's ID
The property's value

        wasNull = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++)
            if (id == properties[i].getID())
                return properties[i].getValue();
        wasNull = true;
        return null;
protected booleangetPropertyBooleanValue(int id)

Returns the value of the boolean property with the specified ID. If the property is not available, false is returned. A subsequent call to {@link #wasNull} will return true to let the caller distinguish that case from a real property value of false.

id The property's ID
The property's value

        final Boolean b = (Boolean) getProperty(id);
        if (b != null)
            return b.booleanValue();
            return false;
public intgetPropertyCount()

Returns the number of properties in this section.

The number of properties in this section.

        return properties.length;
protected intgetPropertyIntValue(long id)

Returns the value of the numeric property with the specified ID. If the property is not available, 0 is returned. A subsequent call to {@link #wasNull} will return true to let the caller distinguish that case from a real property value of 0.

id The property's ID
The property's value

        final Number i;
        final Object o = getProperty(id);
        if (o == null)
            return 0;
        if (!(o instanceof Long || o instanceof Integer))
            throw new HPSFRuntimeException
                ("This property is not an integer type, but " +
                 o.getClass().getName() + ".");
        i = (Number) o;
        return i.intValue();
public intgetSize()

Returns the section's size in bytes.

The section's size in bytes.

        return size;
public inthashCode()


        long hashCode = 0;
        hashCode += getFormatID().hashCode();
        final Property[] pa = getProperties();
        for (int i = 0; i < pa.length; i++)
            hashCode += pa[i].hashCode();
        final int returnHashCode = (int) (hashCode & 0x0ffffffffL);
        return returnHashCode;
private org.apache.poi.hpsf.Property[]remove(org.apache.poi.hpsf.Property[] pa, int i)

Removes a field from a property array. The resulting array is compactified and returned.

pa The property array.
i The index of the field to be removed.
the compactified array.

        final Property[] h = new Property[pa.length - 1];
        if (i > 0)
            System.arraycopy(pa, 0, h, 0, i);
        System.arraycopy(pa, i + 1, h, i, h.length - i);
        return h;
public java.lang.StringtoString()


        final StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
        final Property[] pa = getProperties();
        b.append("formatID: ");
        b.append(", offset: ");
        b.append(", propertyCount: ");
        b.append(", size: ");
        b.append(", properties: [\n");
        for (int i = 0; i < pa.length; i++)
        return b.toString();
public booleanwasNull()

Checks whether the property which the last call to {@link #getPropertyIntValue} or {@link #getProperty} tried to access was available or not. This information might be important for callers of {@link #getPropertyIntValue} since the latter returns 0 if the property does not exist. Using {@link #wasNull} the caller can distiguish this case from a property's real value of 0.

true if the last call to {@link #getPropertyIntValue} or {@link #getProperty} tried to access a property that was not available, else false.

        return wasNull;