Controls the ordering of fields and properties in a class.
@XmlAccessorOrder annotation can be used with the following
program elements:
- package
- a top level class
See "Package Specification" in javax.xml.bind package javadoc for
additional common information.
The effective {@link XmlAccessOrder} on a class is determined
as follows:
- If there is a @XmlAccessorOrder on a class, then
it is used.
- Otherwise, if a @XmlAccessorOrder exists on one of
its super classes, then it is inherited (by the virtue of
{@link Inherited})
- Otherwise, the @XmlAccessorOrder on the package
of the class is used, if it's there.
- Otherwise {@link XmlAccessOrder#UNDEFINED}.
This annotation can be used with the following annotations:
{@link XmlType}, {@link XmlRootElement}, {@link XmlAccessorType},
{@link XmlSchema}, {@link XmlSchemaType}, {@link XmlSchemaTypes},
, {@link XmlJavaTypeAdapter}. It can also be used with the
following annotations at the package level: {@link XmlJavaTypeAdapter}. |