CGIProcessEnvironmentpublic class CGIProcessEnvironment extends ProcessEnvironment Encapsulates the CGI Process' environment and rules to derive
that environment from the servlet container and request information. |
Fields Summary |
private static | log | private Hashtable | queryParameterscgi command's query parameters | private String | cgiPathPrefixThe CGI search path will start at
webAppRootDir + File.separator + cgiPathPrefix
(or webAppRootDir alone if cgiPathPrefix is
null) |
Constructors Summary |
public CGIProcessEnvironment(HttpServletRequest req, ServletContext context)Creates a ProcessEnvironment and derives the necessary environment,
working directory, command, etc. The cgi path prefix is initialized
to "" (the empty string).
this(req, context, "");
| public CGIProcessEnvironment(HttpServletRequest req, ServletContext context, String cgiPathPrefix)Creates a ProcessEnvironment and derives the necessary environment,
working directory, command, etc.
this(req, context, cgiPathPrefix, 0);
| public CGIProcessEnvironment(HttpServletRequest req, ServletContext context, int debug)Creates a ProcessEnvironment and derives the necessary environment,
working directory, command, etc.
this(req, context, "", 0);
| public CGIProcessEnvironment(HttpServletRequest req, ServletContext context, String cgiPathPrefix, int debug)Creates a ProcessEnvironment and derives the necessary environment,
working directory, command, etc.
super(req, context, debug);
this.cgiPathPrefix = cgiPathPrefix;
queryParameters = new Hashtable();
Enumeration paramNames = req.getParameterNames();
while (paramNames != null && paramNames.hasMoreElements()) {
String param = paramNames.nextElement().toString();
if (param != null) {
this.valid = deriveProcessEnvironment(req);
Methods Summary |
protected boolean | deriveProcessEnvironment(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req)Constructs the CGI environment to be supplied to the invoked CGI
script; relies heavliy on Servlet API methods and findCGI
* This method is slightly ugly; c'est la vie.
* "You cannot stop [ugliness], you can only hope to contain [it]"
* (apologies to Marv Albert regarding MJ)
Hashtable envp;
envp = getEnvironment();
String sPathInfoOrig = null;
String sPathTranslatedOrig = null;
String sPathInfoCGI = null;
String sPathTranslatedCGI = null;
String sCGIFullPath = null;
String sCGIScriptName = null;
String sCGIFullName = null;
String sCGIName = null;
String[] sCGINames;
sPathInfoOrig = this.pathInfo;
sPathInfoOrig = sPathInfoOrig == null ? "" : sPathInfoOrig;
sPathTranslatedOrig = req.getPathTranslated();
sPathTranslatedOrig = sPathTranslatedOrig == null ? "" :
sCGINames =
findCGI(sPathInfoOrig, getWebAppRootDir(), getContextPath(),
getServletPath(), cgiPathPrefix);
sCGIFullPath = sCGINames[0];
sCGIScriptName = sCGINames[1];
sCGIFullName = sCGINames[2];
sCGIName = sCGINames[3];
if (sCGIFullPath == null || sCGIScriptName == null
|| sCGIFullName == null || sCGIName == null) {
return false;
envp.put("SERVER_NAME", nullsToBlanks(req.getServerName()));
envp.put("GATEWAY_INTERFACE", "CGI/1.1");
envp.put("SERVER_PROTOCOL", nullsToBlanks(req.getProtocol()));
int port = req.getServerPort();
Integer iPort = (port == 0 ? Integer.valueOf(-1) : Integer.valueOf(port));
envp.put("SERVER_PORT", iPort.toString());
envp.put("REQUEST_METHOD", nullsToBlanks(req.getMethod()));
* PATH_INFO should be determined by using sCGIFullName:
* 1) Let sCGIFullName not end in a "/" (see method findCGI)
* 2) Let sCGIFullName equal the pathInfo fragment which
* corresponds to the actual cgi script.
* 3) Thus, PATH_INFO = request.getPathInfo().substring(
* sCGIFullName.length())
* (see method findCGI, where the real work is done)
if (pathInfo == null ||
(pathInfo.substring(sCGIFullName.length()).length() <= 0)) {
sPathInfoCGI = "";
} else {
sPathInfoCGI = pathInfo.substring(sCGIFullName.length());
envp.put("PATH_INFO", sPathInfoCGI);
* PATH_TRANSLATED must be determined after PATH_INFO (and the
* implied real cgi-script) has been taken into account.
* The following example demonstrates:
* servlet info = /servlet/cgigw/dir1/dir2/cgi1/trans1/trans2
* cgifullpath = /servlet/cgigw/dir1/dir2/cgi1
* path_info = /trans1/trans2
* webAppRootDir = servletContext.getRealPath("/")
* path_translated = servletContext.getRealPath("/trans1/trans2")
* That is, PATH_TRANSLATED = webAppRootDir + sPathInfoCGI
* (unless sPathInfoCGI is null or blank, then the CGI
* specification dictates that the PATH_TRANSLATED metavariable
* SHOULD NOT be defined.
if (sPathInfoCGI != null && !("".equals(sPathInfoCGI))) {
sPathTranslatedCGI = getContext().getRealPath(sPathInfoCGI);
} else {
sPathTranslatedCGI = null;
if (sPathTranslatedCGI == null || "".equals(sPathTranslatedCGI)) {
} else {
envp.put("PATH_TRANSLATED", nullsToBlanks(sPathTranslatedCGI));
envp.put("SCRIPT_NAME", nullsToBlanks(sCGIScriptName));
envp.put("QUERY_STRING", nullsToBlanks(req.getQueryString()));
envp.put("REMOTE_HOST", nullsToBlanks(req.getRemoteHost()));
envp.put("REMOTE_ADDR", nullsToBlanks(req.getRemoteAddr()));
envp.put("AUTH_TYPE", nullsToBlanks(req.getAuthType()));
envp.put("REMOTE_USER", nullsToBlanks(req.getRemoteUser()));
envp.put("REMOTE_IDENT", ""); //not necessary for full compliance
envp.put("CONTENT_TYPE", nullsToBlanks(req.getContentType()));
/* Note CGI spec says CONTENT_LENGTH must be NULL ("") or undefined
* if there is no content, so we cannot put 0 or -1 in as per the
* Servlet API spec.
int contentLength = req.getContentLength();
String sContentLength = (contentLength <= 0 ? "" : (Integer.valueOf(contentLength)).toString());
envp.put("CONTENT_LENGTH", sContentLength);
Enumeration headers = req.getHeaderNames();
String header = null;
while (headers.hasMoreElements()) {
header = null;
header = ((String)headers.nextElement()).toUpperCase();
//REMIND: rewrite multiple headers as if received as single
//REMIND: change character set
//REMIND: I forgot what the previous REMIND means
if ("AUTHORIZATION".equalsIgnoreCase(header)
|| "PROXY_AUTHORIZATION".equalsIgnoreCase(header)) {
//NOOP per CGI specification section 11.2
} else if ("HOST".equalsIgnoreCase(header)) {
String host = req.getHeader(header);
envp.put("HTTP_" + header.replace('-", '_"),
host.substring(0, host.indexOf(":")));
} else {
envp.put("HTTP_" + header.replace('-", '_"),
command = sCGIFullPath;
workingDirectory = new File(command.substring(0,
envp.put("X_TOMCAT_COMMAND_PATH", command); //for kicks
return true;
| protected java.lang.String[] | findCGI(java.lang.String pathInfo, java.lang.String webAppRootDir, java.lang.String contextPath, java.lang.String servletPath, java.lang.String cgiPathPrefix)Resolves core information about the cgi script. Example URI:
- path = $CATALINA_HOME/mywebapp/dir1/realCGIscript
- scriptName = /servlet/cgigateway/dir1/realCGIscript
- cgiName = /dir1/realCGIscript
- name = realCGIscript
CGI search algorithm: search the real path below
<my-webapp-root> and find the first non-directory in
the getPathTranslated("/"), reading/searching from left-to-right.
The CGI search path will start at
webAppRootDir + File.separator + cgiPathPrefix (or webAppRootDir
alone if cgiPathPrefix is null).
cgiPathPrefix is usually set by the calling servlet to the servlet's
cgiPathPrefix init parameter
String path = null;
String name = null;
String scriptname = null;
String cginame = null;
if ((webAppRootDir != null)
&& (webAppRootDir.lastIndexOf("/")
== (webAppRootDir.length() - 1))) {
//strip the trailing "/" from the webAppRootDir
webAppRootDir =
(webAppRootDir.length() - 1));
if (cgiPathPrefix != null) {
webAppRootDir = webAppRootDir + File.separator
+ cgiPathPrefix;
if (debug >= 2) {
log("findCGI: start = [" + webAppRootDir
+ "], pathInfo = [" + pathInfo + "] ");
File currentLocation = new File(webAppRootDir);
StringTokenizer dirWalker = new StringTokenizer(pathInfo, "/");
while (!currentLocation.isFile() && dirWalker.hasMoreElements()) {
currentLocation = new
File(currentLocation, (String) dirWalker.nextElement());
if (debug >= 3) {
log("findCGI: traversing to [" + currentLocation + "]");
if (!currentLocation.isFile()) {
return new String[] { null, null, null, null };
} else {
if (debug >= 2) {
log("findCGI: FOUND cgi at [" + currentLocation + "]");
path = currentLocation.getAbsolutePath();
name = currentLocation.getName();
cginame = currentLocation.getParent()
+ File.separator + name;
if (".".equals(contextPath)) {
scriptname = servletPath + cginame;
} else {
scriptname = contextPath + servletPath + cginame;
if (debug >= 1) {
log("findCGI calc: name=" + name + ", path=" + path
+ ", scriptname=" + scriptname + ", cginame=" + cginame);
return new String[] { path, scriptname, cginame, name };
| public java.util.Hashtable | getParameters()Gets process' derived query parameters
return queryParameters;
| public java.lang.String | toString()Print important CGI environment information in an
easy-to-read HTML table
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.append("<TABLE border=2>");
sb.append("<tr><th colspan=2 bgcolor=grey>");
sb.append("ProcessEnvironment Info</th></tr>");
sb.append("<tr><td>Debug Level</td><td>");
if (isValid()) {
Enumeration envk = env.keys();
while (envk.hasMoreElements()) {
String s = (String)envk.nextElement();
"[will be set to blank]"));
sb.append("<tr><td colspan=2><HR></td></tr>");
sb.append("<tr><td>Derived Command</td><td>");
sb.append("<tr><td>Working Directory</td><td>");
if (workingDirectory != null) {
sb.append("<tr><td colspan=2>Query Params</td></tr>");
Enumeration paramk = queryParameters.keys();
while (paramk.hasMoreElements()) {
String s = paramk.nextElement().toString();
return sb.toString();