Methods Summary |
public void | destroy()Default destructor. Override to provide behavior.
public void | init(com.opensymphony.xwork2.config.Configuration config)Register this application's configuration.
this.configuration = config;
protected com.opensymphony.xwork2.config.entities.PackageConfig | loadPackageConfig(java.lang.String actionNamespace, java.lang.String actionPackage, java.lang.Class actionClass)Finds or creates the package configuration for an Action class.
The namespace annotation is honored, if found,
and the namespace is checked for a parent configuration.
PackageConfig parent = null;
if (actionClass != null) {
Namespace ns = (Namespace) actionClass.getAnnotation(Namespace.class);
if (ns != null) {
parent = loadPackageConfig(actionNamespace, actionPackage, null);
actionNamespace = ns.value();
actionPackage = actionClass.getName();
PackageConfig pkgConfig = loadedPackageConfigs.get(actionPackage);
if (pkgConfig == null) {
pkgConfig = new PackageConfig();
if (parent == null) {
parent = configuration.getPackageConfig(defaultParentPackage);
if (parent == null) {
throw new ConfigurationException("ClasspathConfigurationProvider: Unable to locate default parent package: " +
loadedPackageConfigs.put(actionPackage, pkgConfig);
return pkgConfig;
public void | loadPackages()Clears and loads the list of packages registered at construction.
initialized = true;
protected void | loadPackages(java.lang.String[] pkgs)Scan a list of packages for Action classes.
This method loads classes that implement the Action interface
or have a class name that ends with the letters "Action".
ResolverUtil<Class> resolver = new ResolverUtil<Class>();
resolver.find(new Test() {
// Match Action implementations and classes ending with "Action"
public boolean matches(Class type) {
// TODO: should also find annotated classes
return (Action.class.isAssignableFrom(type) ||
}, pkgs);
Set<? extends Class<? extends Class>> actionClasses = resolver.getClasses();
for (Object obj : actionClasses) {
Class cls = (Class) obj;
if (!Modifier.isAbstract(cls.getModifiers())) {
processActionClass(cls, pkgs);
for (String key : loadedPackageConfigs.keySet()) {
configuration.addPackageConfig(key, loadedPackageConfigs.get(key));
public boolean | needsReload()Indicates whether the packages have been initialized.
return !initialized;
protected void | processActionClass(java.lang.Class cls, java.lang.String[] pkgs)Create a default action mapping for a class instance.
The namespace annotation is honored, if found, otherwise
the Java package is converted into the namespace
by changing the dots (".") to slashes ("/").
String name = cls.getName();
String actionPackage = cls.getPackage().getName();
String actionNamespace = null;
String actionName = null;
for (String pkg : pkgs) {
if (name.startsWith(pkg)) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("ClasspathConfigurationProvider: Processing class "+name);
name = name.substring(pkg.length() + 1);
actionNamespace = "";
actionName = name;
int pos = name.lastIndexOf('.");
if (pos > -1) {
actionNamespace = "/" + name.substring(0, pos).replace('.",'/");
actionName = name.substring(pos+1);
PackageConfig pkgConfig = loadPackageConfig(actionNamespace, actionPackage, cls);
// In case the package changed due to namespace annotation processing
if (!actionPackage.equals(pkgConfig.getName())) {
actionPackage = pkgConfig.getName();
Annotation annotation = cls.getAnnotation(ParentPackage.class);
if (annotation != null) {
String parent = ((ParentPackage)annotation).value();
PackageConfig parentPkg = configuration.getPackageConfig(parent);
if (parentPkg == null) {
throw new ConfigurationException("ClasspathConfigurationProvider: Unable to locate parent package "+parent, annotation);
if (!TextUtils.stringSet(pkgConfig.getNamespace()) && TextUtils.stringSet(parentPkg.getNamespace())) {
// Truncate Action suffix if found
if (actionName.endsWith(ACTION)) {
actionName = actionName.substring(0, actionName.length() - ACTION.length());
// Force initial letter of action to lowercase, if desired
if ((forceLowerCase) && (actionName.length() > 1)) {
int lowerPos = actionName.lastIndexOf('/") + 1;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(actionName.substring(0, lowerPos));
sb.append(actionName.substring(lowerPos + 1));
actionName = sb.toString();
ActionConfig actionConfig = new ActionConfig();
actionConfig.setResults(new ResultMap<String,ResultConfig>(cls, actionName, pkgConfig));
pkgConfig.addActionConfig(actionName, actionConfig);
public void | register(com.opensymphony.xwork2.inject.ContainerBuilder builder, com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.location.LocatableProperties props)
// Override to provide functionality
public void | setDefaultPageExtension(java.lang.String defaultPageExtension)Register a default page extension to use when locating pages.
this.defaultPageExtension = defaultPageExtension;
public void | setDefaultPagePrefix(java.lang.String defaultPagePrefix)Reigster a default page prefix to use when locating pages.
this.defaultPagePrefix = defaultPagePrefix;
public void | setDefaultParentPackage(java.lang.String defaultParentPackage)Register a default parent package for the actions.
this.defaultParentPackage = defaultParentPackage;
public void | setForceLowerCase(java.lang.String force)Whether to use a lowercase letter as the initial letter of an action.
this.forceLowerCase = "true".equals(force);
public void | setPageLocator(org.apache.struts2.config.ClasspathConfigurationProvider$PageLocator locator)Register a PageLocation to use to scan for server pages.
this.pageLocator = locator;