SimpleSessionDescription.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API20175Thu Mar 12 22:22:52 GMT


public class SimpleSessionDescription extends Object
An object used to manipulate messages of Session Description Protocol (SDP). It is mainly designed for the uses of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). Therefore, it only handles connection addresses ("c="), bandwidth limits, ("b="), encryption keys ("k="), and attribute fields ("a="). Currently this implementation does not support multicast sessions.

Here is an example code to create a session description.

SimpleSessionDescription description = new SimpleSessionDescription(
System.currentTimeMillis(), "");
Media media = description.newMedia("audio", 56789, 1, "RTP/AVP");
media.setRtpPayload(0, "PCMU/8000", null);
media.setRtpPayload(8, "PCMA/8000", null);
media.setRtpPayload(127, "telephone-event/8000", "0-15");
media.setAttribute("sendrecv", "");

Invoking description.encode() will produce a result like the one below.

o=- 1284970442706 1284970442709 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 56789 RTP/AVP 0 8 127
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:127 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:127 0-15

Fields Summary
private final Fields
private final ArrayList
Constructors Summary
public SimpleSessionDescription(long sessionId, String address)
Creates a minimal session description from the given session ID and unicast address. The address is used in the origin field ("o=") and the connection field ("c="). See {@link SimpleSessionDescription} for an example of its usage.

        address = (address.indexOf(':") < 0 ? "IN IP4 " : "IN IP6 ") + address;
        mFields.parse(String.format(Locale.US, "o=- %d %d %s", sessionId,
                System.currentTimeMillis(), address));
        mFields.parse("t=0 0");
        mFields.parse("c=" + address);
public SimpleSessionDescription(String message)
Creates a session description from the given message.

IllegalArgumentException if message is invalid.

        String[] lines = message.trim().replaceAll(" +", " ").split("[\r\n]+");
        Fields fields = mFields;

        for (String line : lines) {
            try {
                if (line.charAt(1) != '=") {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException();
                if (line.charAt(0) == 'm") {
                    String[] parts = line.substring(2).split(" ", 4);
                    String[] ports = parts[1].split("/", 2);
                    Media media = newMedia(parts[0], Integer.parseInt(ports[0]),
                            (ports.length < 2) ? 1 : Integer.parseInt(ports[1]),
                    for (String format : parts[3].split(" ")) {
                        media.setFormat(format, null);
                    fields = media;
                } else {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid SDP: " + line);
Methods Summary
public java.lang.Stringencode()
Encodes the session description and all its media descriptions in a string. Note that the result might be incomplete if a required field has never been added before.

        StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
        for (Media media : mMedia) {
        return buffer.toString();
public java.lang.StringgetAddress()
Returns the connection address or {@code null} if it is not present.

        return mFields.getAddress();
public java.lang.StringgetAttribute(java.lang.String name)
Returns the attribute of the given name or {@code null} if it is not present.

        return mFields.getAttribute(name);
public java.lang.String[]getAttributeNames()
Returns the names of all the attributes.

        return mFields.getAttributeNames();
public intgetBandwidth(java.lang.String type)
Returns the bandwidth limit of the given type or {@code -1} if it is not present.

        return mFields.getBandwidth(type);
public java.lang.String[]getBandwidthTypes()
Returns the types of the bandwidth limits.

        return mFields.getBandwidthTypes();
public java.lang.StringgetEncryptionKey()
Returns the encryption key or {@code null} if it is not present.

        return mFields.getEncryptionKey();
public java.lang.StringgetEncryptionMethod()
Returns the encryption method or {@code null} if it is not present.

        return mFields.getEncryptionMethod();
Returns all the media descriptions in this session description.

        return mMedia.toArray(new Media[mMedia.size()]);
public$MedianewMedia(java.lang.String type, int port, int portCount, java.lang.String protocol)
Creates a new media description in this session description.

type The media type, e.g. {@code "audio"}.
port The first transport port used by this media.
portCount The number of contiguous ports used by this media.
protocol The transport protocol, e.g. {@code "RTP/AVP"}.

        Media media = new Media(type, port, portCount, protocol);
        return media;
public voidsetAddress(java.lang.String address)
Sets the connection address. The field will be removed if the address is {@code null}.

public voidsetAttribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
Sets the attribute for the given name. The field will be removed if the value is {@code null}. To set a binary attribute, use an empty string as the value.

        mFields.setAttribute(name, value);
public voidsetBandwidth(java.lang.String type, int value)
Sets the bandwith limit for the given type. The field will be removed if the value is negative.

        mFields.setBandwidth(type, value);
public voidsetEncryption(java.lang.String method, java.lang.String key)
Sets the encryption method and the encryption key. The field will be removed if the method is {@code null}.

        mFields.setEncryption(method, key);