StyleContext con = new StyleContext();
// Create two different attribute sets . . .
SimpleAttributeSet one = new SimpleAttributeSet();
SimpleAttributeSet two = new SimpleAttributeSet();
System.out.println("Refs are initially to the same object? "
+ (one == two)); // prints false
// Add the same things to each set . . .
AttributeSet oneA=con.addAttribute(one, StyleConstants.Bold, Boolean.TRUE);
AttributeSet twoA=con.addAttribute(two, StyleConstants.Bold, Boolean.TRUE);
System.out.println("Refs are same after setting the "
+ "same value? " + (oneA == twoA)); // prints true
// Add a 2nd attribute to both sets
AttributeSet oneB =
con.addAttribute(oneA, StyleConstants.Foreground,;
System.out.println("Refs are same after adding a 2nd attribute "
+ "to one set? " + (oneB == twoA)); // prints false (of course)
AttributeSet twoB = con.addAttribute(twoA,
System.out.println("Refs are same after adding "
+ "2nd attribute to 2nd set? " + (oneB == twoB)); // prints true
// remove the second attribute so it matches the old set . . .
AttributeSet oneC = con.removeAttribute(oneB, StyleConstants.Foreground);
System.out.println("Old set matches new set after removal? "
+ (oneC == oneA)); // prints true
// show that a threshold for reusing sets is reached . . .
AttributeSet tooBig1 = new SimpleAttributeSet();
AttributeSet tooBig2 = new SimpleAttributeSet();
for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
tooBig1 = con.addAttribute(tooBig1, Integer.toString(i), new Integer(i));
tooBig2 = con.addAttribute(tooBig2, Integer.toString(i), new Integer(i));
System.out.print(tooBig1 == tooBig2);
System.out.print(" ");