TestSipAddresspublic class TestSipAddress extends com.sun.midp.i3test.TestCase Tests for SipAddress class. |
Fields Summary |
private final String | errCreateMsgError message returned when SipAddress cannot be created. |
Methods Summary |
void | Test1()Body of the test 1.
Test constructors of SipAddress class.
try {
// try to create SipAddress object with null argument
SipAddress testAddress = new SipAddress(null);
fail("NullPointerException wasn't caused");
} catch (java.lang.NullPointerException e) {
// assertTrue("IllegalArgumentException was caused", true);
} catch (Throwable e) {
fail("" + e + " was caused");
try {
// try to create SipAddress object with wrong scheme argument
SipAddress testAddress = new SipAddress("http://www.sun.com");
fail("IllegalArgumentException wasn't caused");
} catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException e) {
// assertTrue("IllegalArgumentException was caused", true);
} catch (Throwable e) {
fail("" + e + " was caused");
try {
// try to create SipAddress object with empty user part
SipAddress testAddress = new SipAddress("sip:@www.sun.com");
fail("IllegalArgumentException wasn't caused");
} catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException e) {
// assertTrue("IllegalArgumentException was caused", true);
} catch (Throwable e) {
fail("" + e + " was caused");
try {
// try to create SipAddress object with wrong port value
SipAddress testAddress =
new SipAddress("sip:user@www.sun.com:abcd");
fail("IllegalArgumentException wasn't caused");
} catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException e) {
assertTrue("IllegalArgumentException was caused", true);
} catch (Throwable e) {
fail("" + e + " was caused");
try {
// try to create SipAddress object and check all its parts
SipAddress testAddress = new SipAddress("DisplName",
testAddress.getPort() == 1234);
assertTrue("Parameter 1",
assertTrue("Parameter 2",
} catch (Throwable e) {
fail("" + e + " was caused");
| void | Test2()Body of the test 2.
Test checks URI parts.
try {
SipAddress testAddress = new SipAddress("sip:test.org:5060");
int testPort = testAddress.getPort();
assertEquals("Returned port number should have been 5060",
testPort, 5060);
} catch (Throwable e) {
fail("\n" + e + " was caused due to server SIPURI with port=5060");
try {
SipAddress testAddress = new SipAddress("sip:test.org");
int testPort = testAddress.getPort();
* Per JSR180 specs, if port number is not set, getPort()
* should return 5060
assertEquals("Returned port number should have been 5060",
testPort, 5060);
} catch (Throwable e) {
fail("\n" + e + " was caused due to non-existent port number");
try {
* The valid Contact address "*" is accepted in SipAddress.
* In this case all properties will be null and port number is 0.
* Yet toString() method will return the value "*".
SipAddress testAddress = new SipAddress("*");
int testPort = testAddress.getPort();
assertEquals("Returned port number should have been 0",
testPort, 0);
String strAddr = testAddress.toString();
assertTrue("toString() returned '" + strAddr +
"' instead of '*'.", strAddr.equals("*"));
} catch (Throwable e) {
fail("\n" + e + " was caused due to wild-card (*) address");
| void | Test3()Body of the test 3.
Test SipAddress methods: setDisplayName()/getDisplayName().
SipAddress sa = null;
try {
sa = new SipAddress("sip:test.org:5090");
} catch (Exception e) {
fail(errCreateMsg + e);
// Testing set/getDisplayName()
String name = sa.getDisplayName();
assertTrue("getDisplayName() returned '" + name +
"' instead of null.", name == null);
String testName = "Test Name";
name = sa.getDisplayName();
assertTrue("getDisplayName() returned '" + name +
"' after setDisplayName().", name.equals(testName));
name = sa.getDisplayName();
assertTrue("getDisplayName() returned '" + name +
"' after setDisplayName(\"\").", name == null);
| void | Test4()Body of the test 4.
Test SipAddress methods: setScheme()/getScheme().
SipAddress sa = null;
try {
sa = new SipAddress("sip:test.org:5090");
} catch (Exception e) {
fail(errCreateMsg + e);
// Testing set/getScheme()
String scheme = sa.getScheme();
assertTrue("getScheme() returned '" + scheme +
"' instead of 'sip'.", scheme.equals("sip"));
// scheme = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "-" / "." )
try {
// TODO: maybe create a test for unknown scheme?
sa = new SipAddress("Test Name <tel:123456>");
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Cannot create SipAddress: " + e);
// TODO: implement changing of object's type, not only a scheme's name!
scheme = sa.getScheme();
assertTrue("getScheme() returned '" + scheme +
"' instead of 'sips'.", scheme.equals("sips"));
| void | Test5()Body of the test 5.
Test SipAddress methods: setUser()/getUser().
SipAddress sa = null;
try {
sa = new SipAddress("sip:alice:secretword@atlanta.com;" +
} catch (Exception e) {
fail(errCreateMsg + e);
String user = sa.getUser();
assertTrue("getuser() returned '" + user +
"' instead of 'alice'.", user.equals("alice:secretword"));
String testUser = "User_Bob";
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("setUser() has thrown an exception:" + e);
user = sa.getUser();
assertTrue("getUser() returned '" + user + "' instead of '" +
testUser + "'.", user.equals(testUser));
| void | Test6()Body of the test 6.
Test SipAddress methods: setURI()/getURI().
SipAddress sa = null;
try {
sa = new SipAddress("tel:123456");
} catch (Exception e) {
fail(errCreateMsg + e);
// Testing set/getURI()
String uri = sa.getURI();
assertTrue("getURI() returned '" + uri +
"' instead of 'tel:123456'.", uri.equals("tel:123456"));
// Check that the URI parameters are ignored
String testUri = "sip:test.org:5060";
try {
sa.setURI(testUri + ";param1=test");
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("setURI() has thrown an exception: " + e);
uri = sa.getURI();
assertTrue("getURI() returned '" + uri + "' instead of '" +
testUri + "'.", uri.equals(testUri));
// Try to set an invalid URI.
testUri = "invalid uri";
try {
fail("setURI(): IAE was not thrown.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("setURI() has thrown '" + e + "' instead of IAE.");
| void | Test7()Body of the test 7.
Test SipAddress methods: setHost()/getHost() & setPort()/getPort().
SipAddress sa = null;
try {
sa = new SipAddress("sip:alice@atlanta.com:5070;transport=tcp");
} catch (Exception e) {
fail(errCreateMsg + e);
String testHost = "atlanta.com";
String host = sa.getHost();
assertTrue("getHost() has returned '" + host +
"' instead of '" + testHost + "'", host.equals(testHost));
int port = sa.getPort();
assertTrue("getPort() has returned '" + port +
"' instead of 5070.", port == 5070);
String val;
String hostNames[] = {
for (int i = 0; i < hostNames.length; i++) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("setHost(" + hostNames[i] +
") has thrown an exception: " + e);
val = sa.getHost();
assertTrue("getHost() has returned '" + val + "' instead of '"
+ hostNames[i] + "'.", val.equals(hostNames[i]));
} // end for
String wrongNames[] = {
for (int i = 0; i < wrongNames.length; i++) {
try {
fail("setHost("+wrongNames+") didn't throw IAE");
} catch (Exception e) {
} // end for
// Testing setPort()/ getPort()...
// setPort() sets the port number of the SIP address.
// Valid range is 0-65535, where 0 means that the port number
// is removed from the address URI.
// getPort() returns the port number of the SIP address.
// If port number is not set, return 5060.
// If the address is wildcard "*" return 0.
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("setPort(5090) has thrown an exception: " + e);
port = sa.getPort();
assertTrue("getPort() has returned '" + port +
"' instead of 5090.", port == 5090);
// Check that setPort(0) removes the port number from the URI.
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("setPort(0) has thrown an exception: " + e);
port = sa.getPort();
assertTrue("getPort() has returned '" + port +
"' instead of 5060.", port == 5060);
// Trying to set an invalid port number...
try {
fail("setPort(70000) didn't throw IAE.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("setPort(70000) has thrown '" + e + "' instead of IAE.");
// Check that the default port number is 5060.
try {
sa = new SipAddress("sip:alice@atlanta.com;transport=tcp");
} catch (Exception e) {
fail(errCreateMsg + e);
port = sa.getPort();
assertTrue("getPort() has returned '" + port +
"' instead of 5060.", port == 5060);
// Check that if SipAddress is '*', getPort() returns 0.
try {
sa = new SipAddress("*");
} catch (Exception e) {
fail(errCreateMsg + e);
port = sa.getPort();
assertTrue("getPort() has returned '" + port +
"' instead of 0.", port == 0);
| void | Test8()Body of the test 8.
Test SipAddress methods: setParameter()/getParameter()/
SipAddress sa = null;
try {
sa = new SipAddress("sip:test.org:5090");
} catch (Exception e) {
fail(errCreateMsg + e);
String val;
String paramList[][] = {
// parameter's name, value to set, value that
// must be returned by getParameter()
{"param1", "value1", "value1"},
{"param1", "value_2", "value_2"},
{"param2", "test%20value", "test%20value"},
{"param3", null, ""}
int paramNum = 3;
// Testing set/getParameter()...
// setParameter() sets the named URI parameter to the specified value.
// If the value is null the parameter is interpreted as a parameter
// without value. Existing parameter will be overwritten, otherwise
// the parameter is added.
for (int i = 0; i < paramList.length; i++) {
try {
sa.setParameter(paramList[i][0], paramList[i][1]);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("setParameter(" + paramList[i][0] + ", " +
paramList[i][1] + ") has thrown an exception: " + e);
val = sa.getParameter(paramList[i][0]);
assertTrue("getParameter() has returned '" + val + "' instead of '"
+ paramList[i][2] + "'.", val.equals(paramList[i][2]));
} // end for
// getParameter() returns empty string for parameters without value
// and null if the parameter is not defined.
val = sa.getParameter("unexisting");
assertTrue("getParameter() has returned '" + val +
"' instead of 'null'.", val == null);
// Testing getParameterNames()...
// It returns a string array of parameter names or null if the address
// does not have any parameters.
String name;
String[] paramNames = sa.getParameterNames();
assertTrue("getParameterNames() has returned " + paramNames.length +
" parameters instead of " + paramNum + ".",
paramNames.length == paramNum);
for (int i = 0; i < paramNames.length; i++) {
name = "param" + (i + 1);
boolean isValid = false;
for (int j = 0; j < paramNames.length; j++) {
if (paramNames[j].equals(name)) {
isValid = true;
// Check that getParameterNames() has returned the correct names.
assertTrue("getParameterNames() has returned '" + name +
"' parameter but it doesn't exist.", isValid);
// Testing removeParameter()...
for (int i = 0; i < paramNames.length; i++) {
name = "param" + (i + 1);
val = sa.getParameter(name);
assertTrue("getParameter() has returned '" + val +
"' instead of 'null'.", val == null);
paramNames = sa.getParameterNames();
int len = (paramNames != null) ? paramNames.length : 0;
assertTrue("getParameterNames() has returned " + len +
" parameter(s) instead of null.", paramNames == null);
| void | Test9()Body of the test 9.
Test SipAddress methods: toString().
SipAddress sa = null;
String testUriReordered =
String[] testUris = {
"Alice <sip:alice@atlanta.com>",
"The Name <sip:alice:secretword@atlanta.com:6000;transport=tcp>",
// toString() returns a fully qualified SIP address,
// with display name, URI and URI parameters.
// If display name is not specified only a SIP URI is returned.
// If the port is not explicitly set (to 5060 or other value)
// it will be omitted from the address URI in returned String.
for (int i = 0; i < testUris.length; i++) {
try {
sa = new SipAddress(testUris[i]);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail(errCreateMsg + e);
String strAddr = sa.toString();
boolean isValid;
if (i == 0) {
// The first test URL has two parameters. Their order
// is not defined in the spec, so they can be reordered.
isValid = strAddr.equals(testUris[i]) ||
} else {
isValid = strAddr.equals(testUris[i]);
assertTrue("toString() has returned '" + strAddr +
"' instead of '" + testUris[i] + "'.", isValid);
// "*" address was tested in Test2().
| public void | runTests()Run the tests
declare("Constructor SipAddress test");
declare("URI parsing test");
declare("setHost()/getHost() & setPort()/getPort()");
declare("setParameter()/getParameter()/removeParameter()/" +