URLClassLoader.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API19932Fri Aug 26 14:57:08 BST


public class URLClassLoader extends SecureClassLoader
This class loader is used to load classes and resources from a search path of URLs referring to both JAR files and directories. Any URL that ends with a '/' is assumed to refer to a directory. Otherwise, the URL is assumed to refer to a JAR file which will be opened as needed.

The AccessControlContext of the thread that created the instance of URLClassLoader will be used when subsequently loading classes and resources.

The classes that are loaded are by default granted permission only to access the URLs specified when the URLClassLoader was created.

David Connelly
1.85, 08/02/04

Fields Summary
private sun.misc.URLClassPath
private AccessControlContext
Constructors Summary
public URLClassLoader(URL[] urls, ClassLoader parent)
Constructs a new URLClassLoader for the given URLs. The URLs will be searched in the order specified for classes and resources after first searching in the specified parent class loader. Any URL that ends with a '/' is assumed to refer to a directory. Otherwise, the URL is assumed to refer to a JAR file which will be downloaded and opened as needed.

If there is a security manager, this method first calls the security manager's checkCreateClassLoader method to ensure creation of a class loader is allowed.

urls the URLs from which to load classes and resources
parent the parent class loader for delegation
SecurityException if a security manager exists and its checkCreateClassLoader method doesn't allow creation of a class loader.

	// this is to make the stack depth consistent with 1.1
	SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
	if (security != null) {
	ucp = new URLClassPath(urls);
	acc = AccessController.getContext();
public URLClassLoader(URL[] urls)
Constructs a new URLClassLoader for the specified URLs using the default delegation parent ClassLoader. The URLs will be searched in the order specified for classes and resources after first searching in the parent class loader. Any URL that ends with a '/' is assumed to refer to a directory. Otherwise, the URL is assumed to refer to a JAR file which will be downloaded and opened as needed.

If there is a security manager, this method first calls the security manager's checkCreateClassLoader method to ensure creation of a class loader is allowed.

urls the URLs from which to load classes and resources
SecurityException if a security manager exists and its checkCreateClassLoader method doesn't allow creation of a class loader.

	// this is to make the stack depth consistent with 1.1
	SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
	if (security != null) {
	ucp = new URLClassPath(urls);
	acc = AccessController.getContext();
public URLClassLoader(URL[] urls, ClassLoader parent, URLStreamHandlerFactory factory)
Constructs a new URLClassLoader for the specified URLs, parent class loader, and URLStreamHandlerFactory. The parent argument will be used as the parent class loader for delegation. The factory argument will be used as the stream handler factory to obtain protocol handlers when creating new URLs.

If there is a security manager, this method first calls the security manager's checkCreateClassLoader method to ensure creation of a class loader is allowed.

urls the URLs from which to load classes and resources
parent the parent class loader for delegation
factory the URLStreamHandlerFactory to use when creating URLs
SecurityException if a security manager exists and its checkCreateClassLoader method doesn't allow creation of a class loader.

	// this is to make the stack depth consistent with 1.1
	SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
	if (security != null) {
	ucp = new URLClassPath(urls, factory);
	acc = AccessController.getContext();
Methods Summary
protected voidaddURL( url)
Appends the specified URL to the list of URLs to search for classes and resources.

url the URL to be added to the search path of URLs

private java.lang.ClassdefineClass(java.lang.String name, sun.misc.Resource res)

	int i = name.lastIndexOf('.");
	URL url = res.getCodeSourceURL();
	if (i != -1) {
	    String pkgname = name.substring(0, i);
	    // Check if package already loaded.
	    Package pkg = getPackage(pkgname);
	    Manifest man = res.getManifest();
	    if (pkg != null) {
		// Package found, so check package sealing.
		if (pkg.isSealed()) {
		    // Verify that code source URL is the same.
		    if (!pkg.isSealed(url)) {
			throw new SecurityException(
			    "sealing violation: package " + pkgname + " is sealed");

		} else {
		    // Make sure we are not attempting to seal the package
		    // at this code source URL.
		    if ((man != null) && isSealed(pkgname, man)) {
			throw new SecurityException(
			    "sealing violation: can't seal package " + pkgname + 
			    ": already loaded");
	    } else {
		if (man != null) {
		    definePackage(pkgname, man, url);
		} else {
                    definePackage(pkgname, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
	// Now read the class bytes and define the class
	java.nio.ByteBuffer bb = res.getByteBuffer();
	if (bb != null) {
	    // Use (direct) ByteBuffer:
	    CodeSigner[] signers = res.getCodeSigners();
	    CodeSource cs = new CodeSource(url, signers);
	    return defineClass(name, bb, cs);
	} else {
	    byte[] b = res.getBytes();
	    // must read certificates AFTER reading bytes.
	    CodeSigner[] signers = res.getCodeSigners();
	    CodeSource cs = new CodeSource(url, signers);
	    return defineClass(name, b, 0, b.length, cs);
protected java.lang.PackagedefinePackage(java.lang.String name, java.util.jar.Manifest man, url)
Defines a new package by name in this ClassLoader. The attributes contained in the specified Manifest will be used to obtain package version and sealing information. For sealed packages, the additional URL specifies the code source URL from which the package was loaded.

name the package name
man the Manifest containing package version and sealing information
url the code source url for the package, or null if none
IllegalArgumentException if the package name duplicates an existing package either in this class loader or one of its ancestors
the newly defined Package object

	String path = name.replace('.", '/").concat("/");
	String specTitle = null, specVersion = null, specVendor = null;
	String implTitle = null, implVersion = null, implVendor = null;
	String sealed = null;
	URL sealBase = null;

	Attributes attr = man.getAttributes(path);
	if (attr != null) {
	    specTitle   = attr.getValue(Name.SPECIFICATION_TITLE);
	    specVersion = attr.getValue(Name.SPECIFICATION_VERSION);
	    specVendor  = attr.getValue(Name.SPECIFICATION_VENDOR);
	    implTitle   = attr.getValue(Name.IMPLEMENTATION_TITLE);
	    implVersion = attr.getValue(Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION);
	    implVendor  = attr.getValue(Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VENDOR);
	    sealed      = attr.getValue(Name.SEALED);
	attr = man.getMainAttributes();
	if (attr != null) {
	    if (specTitle == null) {
		specTitle = attr.getValue(Name.SPECIFICATION_TITLE);
	    if (specVersion == null) {
		specVersion = attr.getValue(Name.SPECIFICATION_VERSION);
	    if (specVendor == null) {
		specVendor = attr.getValue(Name.SPECIFICATION_VENDOR);
	    if (implTitle == null) {
		implTitle = attr.getValue(Name.IMPLEMENTATION_TITLE);
	    if (implVersion == null) {
		implVersion = attr.getValue(Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION);
	    if (implVendor == null) {
		implVendor = attr.getValue(Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VENDOR);
	    if (sealed == null) {
		sealed = attr.getValue(Name.SEALED);
	if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(sealed)) {
	    sealBase = url;
	return definePackage(name, specTitle, specVersion, specVendor,
			     implTitle, implVersion, implVendor, sealBase);
protected java.lang.ClassfindClass(java.lang.String name)
Finds and loads the class with the specified name from the URL search path. Any URLs referring to JAR files are loaded and opened as needed until the class is found.

name the name of the class
the resulting class
ClassNotFoundException if the class could not be found

	try {
	    return (Class)
		AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
		    public Object run() throws ClassNotFoundException {
			String path = name.replace('.", '/").concat(".class");
			Resource res = ucp.getResource(path, false);
			if (res != null) {
			    try {
				return defineClass(name, res);
			    } catch (IOException e) {
				throw new ClassNotFoundException(name, e);
			} else {
			    throw new ClassNotFoundException(name);
		}, acc);
	} catch ( pae) {
	    throw (ClassNotFoundException) pae.getException();
public name)
Finds the resource with the specified name on the URL search path.

name the name of the resource
a URL for the resource, or null if the resource could not be found.

	 * The same restriction to finding classes applies to resources
	URL url = 
	    (URL) AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {
                public Object run() {
                    return ucp.findResource(name, true);
            }, acc);

	return url != null ? ucp.checkURL(url) : null;
public java.util.EnumerationfindResources(java.lang.String name)
Returns an Enumeration of URLs representing all of the resources on the URL search path having the specified name.

name the resource name
IOException if an I/O exception occurs
an Enumeration of URLs

        final Enumeration e = ucp.findResources(name, true);

	return new Enumeration<URL>() {
	    private URL url = null;

	    private boolean next() {
		if (url != null) {
		    return true;
		do {
		    URL u = (URL)
			AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {
			    public Object run() {
				if (!e.hasMoreElements())
                               	    return null;
                            	return e.nextElement();
			}, acc);
		    if (u == null) 
		    url = ucp.checkURL(u);
		} while (url == null);
		return url != null;

	    public URL nextElement() {
		if (!next()) {
		    throw new NoSuchElementException();
		URL u = url;
		url = null;
		return u;

	    public boolean hasMoreElements() {
		return next();
protected codesource)
Returns the permissions for the given codesource object. The implementation of this method first calls super.getPermissions and then adds permissions based on the URL of the codesource.

If the protocol is "file" and the path specifies a file, then permission to read that file is granted. If protocol is "file" and the path is a directory, permission is granted to read all files and (recursively) all files and subdirectories contained in that directory.

If the protocol is not "file", then to connect to and accept connections from the URL's host is granted.

codesource the codesource
the permissions granted to the codesource

	PermissionCollection perms = super.getPermissions(codesource);

	URL url = codesource.getLocation();

	Permission p;
	URLConnection urlConnection;

	try {
	    urlConnection = url.openConnection();
	    p = urlConnection.getPermission();
	} catch ( ioe) {
	    p = null;
	    urlConnection = null;

	if (p instanceof FilePermission) {
	    // if the permission has a separator char on the end,
	    // it means the codebase is a directory, and we need
	    // to add an additional permission to read recursively
	    String path = p.getName();
	    if (path.endsWith(File.separator)) {
		path += "-";
		p = new FilePermission(path, SecurityConstants.FILE_READ_ACTION);
	} else if ((p == null) && (url.getProtocol().equals("file"))) {
	    String path = url.getFile().replace('/", File.separatorChar);
            path = ParseUtil.decode(path);
	    if (path.endsWith(File.separator))
		path += "-";
	    p =  new FilePermission(path, SecurityConstants.FILE_READ_ACTION);
	} else {
	    URL locUrl = url;
	    if (urlConnection instanceof JarURLConnection) {
		locUrl = ((JarURLConnection)urlConnection).getJarFileURL();
	    String host = locUrl.getHost();
	    if (host == null)
		host = "localhost";
	    p = new SocketPermission(host,

	// make sure the person that created this class loader
	// would have this permission

	if (p != null) {
	    final SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
	    if (sm != null) {
		final Permission fp = p;
		AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {
		    public Object run() throws SecurityException {
			return null;
		}, acc);
	return perms;
Returns the search path of URLs for loading classes and resources. This includes the original list of URLs specified to the constructor, along with any URLs subsequently appended by the addURL() method.

the search path of URLs for loading classes and resources.

	return ucp.getURLs();
private booleanisSealed(java.lang.String name, java.util.jar.Manifest man)

	String path = name.replace('.", '/").concat("/");
	Attributes attr = man.getAttributes(path);
	String sealed = null;
	if (attr != null) {
	    sealed = attr.getValue(Name.SEALED);
	if (sealed == null) {
	    if ((attr = man.getMainAttributes()) != null) {
		sealed = attr.getValue(Name.SEALED);
	return "true".equalsIgnoreCase(sealed);
public static[] urls, java.lang.ClassLoader parent)
Creates a new instance of URLClassLoader for the specified URLs and parent class loader. If a security manager is installed, the loadClass method of the URLClassLoader returned by this method will invoke the SecurityManager.checkPackageAccess method before loading the class.

urls the URLs to search for classes and resources
parent the parent class loader for delegation
the resulting class loader

	// Save the caller's context
	AccessControlContext acc = AccessController.getContext();
	// Need a privileged block to create the class loader
	URLClassLoader ucl =
	    (URLClassLoader) AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {
		public Object run() {
		    return new FactoryURLClassLoader(urls, parent);
	// Now set the context on the loader using the one we saved,
	// not the one inside the privileged block...
	ucl.acc = acc;
	return ucl;
public static[] urls)
Creates a new instance of URLClassLoader for the specified URLs and default parent class loader. If a security manager is installed, the loadClass method of the URLClassLoader returned by this method will invoke the SecurityManager.checkPackageAccess before loading the class.

urls the URLs to search for classes and resources
the resulting class loader

	// Save the caller's context
	AccessControlContext acc = AccessController.getContext();
	// Need a privileged block to create the class loader
	URLClassLoader ucl = (URLClassLoader)
	    AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {
		public Object run() {
		    return new FactoryURLClassLoader(urls);

	// Now set the context on the loader using the one we saved,
	// not the one inside the privileged block...
	ucl.acc = acc;
	return ucl;